3/22/18 timer queue HANDLE m_hTimerQueue; HANDLE m_hTimer; static VOID CALLBACK TimerCallback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN bTimerFired); m_hTimerQueue = CreateTimerQueue(); CreateTimerQueueTimer(&m_hTimer, m_hTimerQueue, TimerCallback, this, 0, 50, 0); VOID CALLBACK CPolymeterDlgTestDlg::TimerCallback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN bTimerFired) { CWnd *pWnd = reinterpret_cast(lpParameter); pWnd->PostMessage(WM_TIMER, 100); } Seems to interfere with MIDI stream thread, causing unacceptable delays queueing output. 4/5/18 short duration related glitching and dropouts "duration 1 bug organ offset -1 is worse" Seems to be OK on SD-20 with latency of 20 or 16 but not 10ms; what are the corresponding callback lengths? Looks the issue is that 10ms at 24 PPQ gets you a callback length of 1 tick, which mmsystem doesn't like latency >= 16ms gets you at least 2 ticks with duration = -9 and PPQ = 24, dropouts and glitches are still occurring even at latency = 35 ms (3 ticks), on both Win GS and SD-20 sequencer dump doesn't seem to show anything suspicious need a hypothesis! sure acts like some type of fencepost error, or issue with event sorting 4/9/18 attempted piano masking for testdoc2b edirol; still too busy? In more recent versions, you'll need this: int nEvtStart = iPairQuant; if (iTrack == 12 || iTrack == 14 || iTrack == 17) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (iTrack == 12 && a >= (4 * 8 - 1) && a < (4 * 12 - 2)) goto yack; if (iTrack == 14 && a >= (4 * 9 - 1) && a < (4 * 11)) goto yack; if (iTrack == 17 && a >= (4 * 9 - 1) && a < (4 * 11)) goto yack; } ... m_arrNoteOff.InsertSorted(evt); } yack:;//@@@ NOTE position! } iEvt++; the mask on the C# disappoints... even resuming at 4 * 10 feels weak in places... perhaps it's too sparse to mask effectively! 4/10 WAY BETTER mask the middle F# instead (and maybe octave up the C# and the high F# every now and then) if (iTrack == 12 || iTrack == 13 || iTrack == 14) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (iTrack == 12 && a >= (4 * 8 - 1) && a < (4 * 12 - 2)) goto yack; if (iTrack == 13 && a >= (4 * 0) && a < (4 * 4 - 2)) goto yack; if (iTrack == 14 && a >= (4 * 9 - 1) && a < (4 * 11)) goto yack; } 4/11 switch low piano note between F#2 and D2 is nice; also octave up G# int n = trk.m_nNote; if (iTrack == 12) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 8 - 1) && a < (4 * 12 - 2)) goto yack; if (a >= (4 * 6) && a < (4 * 8 - 1)) n -= 4; } else if (iTrack == 13) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 0) && a < (4 * 4 - 2)) goto yack; } else if (iTrack == 14) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 9 - 1) && a < (4 * 11)) goto yack; } else if (iTrack == 16) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 10 - 2) && a < (4 * 10 - 1)) n += 12; } ***NOTE*** The shortest piano loop's duration (30) causes overlapped notes which glitch on the GS synth but not the Edirol. This problem should go away when you implement legato tracks; the piano durations won't be needed anymore and will be zero. Works OK with tied notes! Transpose down a step, "testdoc2b test ties F- fixed agogo.plm" Also add a mask to change Ab to Bb when the low note drops from F to Db. int n = trk.m_nNote; if (iTrack == 12) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 8 - 1) && a < (4 * 12 - 2)) goto yack; if (a >= (4 * 6) && a < (4 * 8 - 1)) n -= 4; } else if (iTrack == 13) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 0) && a < (4 * 4 - 2)) goto yack; } else if (iTrack == 14) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 9 - 1) && a < (4 * 11)) goto yack; } else if (iTrack == 15) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 6) && a < (4 * 10 - 1)) n += 2; } else if (iTrack == 16) { int a = (nEvtStart * 2) % (4 * 12); if (a >= (4 * 9) && a < (4 * 10 - 1)) n += 12; } 4/9/18 super nasty undo CString bug _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF | _CRTDBG_CHECK_CRT_DF);//@@@ DEBUG 32-bit version doesn't seem to have this bug; alignment related? Good guess! The CRefObj struct's 32-bit reference count was causing confusion over the string's address. CRefObj claimed to have a size of 20 bytes, with m_Str at offset 12, but the CStringT constructor wrote the 8-byte string pointer at offset 16, munging memory and causing m_Str (at offset 12) to contain a bogus address consisting of four bytes of trash in the low DWORD and the low half of the string address in the high DWORD. Why this is only being discovered now is unclear. Do similar reference counted objects in other x64 apps also suffer from this bug, but we're somehow getting away with it? Better check PotterDraw at least. The bug was not always reliably repeatable. class CRefString : public CRefObj { public: CString m_str; }; previous x64 layout: offset size var 0 8 vtable pointer 8 4 ref count 12 8 CString pointer total size: 20 new x64 layout: offset size var 0 8 vtable pointer 8 8 ref count 16 8 CString pointer total size: 24 x32 layout: offset size var 0 4 vtable pointer 4 4 ref count 8 4 CString pointer total size: 12 HAH. It's the #pragma pack(push, 1) at the top of UndoState.h. This explains why there's no issue in PotterDraw. The failure only occurs when the string undo class is defined within CUndoState. The pragma is a legacy from when the undo code and ID were 16-bit. Removing it fixes the bug. Moral: avoid using non-default packing. 4/11/18 thread-safe trigger class; don't need it but it could come in handy class CTrigger { public: CTrigger(); void Reset(); void Set(); bool Get(); protected: int m_nWrites; // number of writes int m_nReads; // number of reads }; inline CTrigger::CTrigger() { Reset(); } inline void CTrigger::Reset() { m_nWrites = 0; m_nReads = 0; } inline void CTrigger::Set() { m_nWrites++; } inline bool CTrigger::Get() { if (m_nWrites == m_nReads) return false; m_nReads = m_nWrites; return true; } 4/11/18 test sequencer position conversion methods for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { LONGLONG nPos = rand() - RAND_MAX / 2; LONGLONG nTick, nBeat, nPos2; m_Seq.PositionToBeat(nPos, nBeat, nTick); m_Seq.BeatToPosition(nBeat, nTick, nPos2); if (nPos2 != nPos) { printf("%lld != %lld \n", nPos2, nPos); printf("%lld:%03lld\n", nTick, nBeat); } } 4/12/18 improved sequencer track event loop also fixes positive offset & swing bug The old event loop handled positive offset with positive swing incorrectly, swinging even beats instead of odd ones. The bug went undected for a while because positive offset is rare, but it's obvious when sequencer dumps are compared. It helps to use a big latency (e.g. one second) because this increases the number of events per callback. The new method fixes this bug, and also handles negative song position. This was a total bear! NOTE that prior to version 33c, the sequencer dump had a SEVERE bug which caused it to output the entire MIDI output buffer every time, regardless of how many events the buffer actually contained, resulting in enormous sequencer dump files consisting of mostly garbage. Bug in the debug code, boo! 4/14/18 naming confusion Stop confusing beats with steps! Beats are QUARTER NOTES. It's a STEP SEQUENCER, not a beat sequencer. 4/15/18 can't open a MIDI output device for live playback while it's open for streaming, duh! 4/17/18 keeping output device open all the time The main justification is that MIDI thru currently only works during playback, which is unexpected and annoying. A secondary justification is it might significantly reduce the lag between pressing play and playback starting. The output callback would move from the sequencer to the app. Instead of passing the sequencer's "this" to midiStreamOpen, the callback would get the sequencer pointer some other way, presumably a sequencer pointer in the app. The app would also need a dummy CSequencer containing no tracks, which the sequencer pointer would point as a last resort if no documents exist. Everything would stay the same in CSequencer except the MIDI device handle would move to the app, and the sequencer would no longer open or close the device, though it would still start and stop it. benchmarks (Release version, running standalone, not from VS2012 IDE) all time in milliseconds device device open other open device close other close MS GS WT Synth 130 to 150 0.15 to 0.2 20 to 50 1.5 to 2 Edirol SD-20 0.2 to 3 6 22 22 Drastic differences! For the Edirol, stopping takes 10x longer than starting, the opposite of the MS Synth. This means there would be no gain in terms of playback startup lag. Also, stopping the device takes just as long as closing it. Bizarre. This is why we benchmark things. This result considerably weakens the secondary justification. Now the argument comes down to how inconvenient it actually is that MIDI thru doesn't work all the time. But keep in mind that we would still need to restart the device on play/stop, which means there would still be a glitch in the MIDI thru coverage. However device state (such as patches, volumes, etc.) probably won't be lost, though this theory should definitely be tested before proceeding. 4/20/18 popup edit controls and editing command accelerators (Ctrl+X etc.) Currently, using an editing key (such as Ctrl+X) in a popup edit control (e.g. in the channels bar) unexpectedly operates on the track array. This is a bug but it must be tolerated for now. The view handlers (and update UI handlers) for the editing commands (cut, copy, paste, etc.) need to call the corresponding CFocusEdit members, but that's currently not possible because CTrackDlg displays edit controls all the time. If CFocusEdit handling were added now, the track editing accelerators wouldn't work when the focus was on a track edit control (nearly always). However when the CTrackDlg row dialog scheme gets replaced with a grid control, it will become possible to call CFocusEdit and the problem will go away. This accelerator routing confusion is another reason (besides slow performance) why row dialogs suck and grid controls are always preferable to them. 4/21/18 installer GUIDs ProductName: Polymeter (x86) ProductCode: {0C9FC2D8-0E07-4DEA-A384-A9BF1E267258} UpgradeCode: {5B628FFB-0D67-4F8C-AC44-626C4AE61209} ProductName: Polymeter ProductCode: {B18FD079-013F-41D1-95D8-FEE34A4BEC8A} UpgradeCode: {4A526D06-C4C2-4208-B716-C687C92A7A71} 4/24/18 test for time to repeat method Note that this is impractically slow for large sets of big numbers, even in Release void TestTimeToRepeat() { srand(GetTickCount()); // seed random int nPasses = 1000; int nTimeDiv = 120; int nSels = 3; for (int iPass = 0; iPass < nPasses; iPass++) { CArrayEx arrDuration; arrDuration.Add(nTimeDiv); // avoids fractions when LCM result is converted from ticks back to beats for (int iSel = 0; iSel < nSels; iSel++) { ULONGLONG nDuration = (rand() & 0x1ff) + 1; if (arrDuration.BinarySearch(nDuration) < 0) // eliminate duplicates to avoid needless LCM arrDuration.InsertSorted(nDuration); // ascending sort may improve LCM performance } int nDurs = arrDuration.GetSize(); ULONGLONG nLCM = arrDuration[0]; printf("%d: %llu", iPass, arrDuration[0]); for (int iDur = 1; iDur < nDurs; iDur++) { // for each track duration printf(", %llu", arrDuration[iDur]); nLCM = CNumberTheory::LeastCommonMultiple(nLCM, arrDuration[iDur]); } printf(" = %llu\n", nLCM); ULONGLONG nCnt = 1; while (1) { int iDur; for (iDur = 0; iDur < nDurs; iDur++) { // for each track duration if (nCnt % arrDuration[iDur]) // if count isn't evenly divisible by duration break; // eliminate this count } if (iDur >= nDurs) // if count is evenly divisible by all durations break; // we're done nCnt++; } if (nCnt != nLCM) { printf("FAIL! %llu\n", nCnt); break; } } } 4/25/18 MIDI note in CTrackView.cpp: #include "Note.h" case COL_Note: { CNote note(pDoc->m_Seq.GetNote(iTrack)); _tcscpy_s(item.pszText, item.cchTextMax, note.MidiName()); } break; #define TRACKDEF_EXCLUDE_NOTE // exclude note #include "TrackDef.h" // generate column definitions case COL_Note: pEdit->SetRange(0, 127); pEdit->SetNoteEntry(true); break; 4/27/18 reordering grid control columns Setting LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP works, but if column order is changed from default, tabbing is out of order. 4/30/18 MFC CArray array resizing algorithm Instead of wading through the code every time, here it is: if (nGrowBy == 0) { // heuristically determine growth when nGrowBy == 0 // (this avoids heap fragmentation in many situations) nGrowBy = m_nSize / 8; nGrowBy = (nGrowBy < 4) ? 4 : ((nGrowBy > 1024) ? 1024 : nGrowBy); } In other words, grow by an eighth of current size (12.5%), but never less than four or more than 1K elements. 5/1/18 convert binary notes to default velocities in CPolymeterDoc::ReadProperties: CPersist::GetBinary(sTrkID, RK_TRACK_EVENT, trk.m_arrEvent.GetData(), &nUsed); if (m_nFileVersion == 0) {//@@@ int nEvents = trk.m_arrEvent.GetSize(); for (int iEvt = 0; iEvt < nEvents; iEvt++) { if (trk.m_arrEvent[iEvt] == 1) trk.m_arrEvent[iEvt] = DEFAULT_VELOCITY; } } 5/1/18 gradient fill looks awesome but it's around 20x to 50x slower than FillSolidRect (no surprise) struct TRICOLOR {//@@@ COLOR16 r; COLOR16 g; COLOR16 b; }; TRICOLOR arrTriColor[_countof(clrStep)]; for (int i = 0; i < _countof(clrStep); i++) { arrTriColor[i].r = COLOR16(round(GetRValue(clrStep[i]) / 255.0 * 0xffff)); arrTriColor[i].g = COLOR16(round(GetGValue(clrStep[i]) / 255.0 * 0xffff)); arrTriColor[i].b = COLOR16(round(GetBValue(clrStep[i]) / 255.0 * 0xffff)); } static GRADIENT_RECT rGrad = {0, 1};//@@@ CBenchmark b;//@@@ #if 0 const TRICOLOR& clr1 = arrTriColor[iStepColor]; const TRICOLOR& clr2 = arrTriColor[iCurPosColor]; TRIVERTEX tv[2] = { {rStep.left, rStep.top, clr1.r, clr1.g, clr1.b}, {rStep.right, rStep.bottom, clr2.r, clr2.g, clr2.b}, }; pDC->GradientFill(tv, 2, &rGrad, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H); #else rStep.right = x1 + nStepWidth / 2; pDC->FillSolidRect(rStep, clrStep[iStepColor]); rStep.left = rStep.right; rStep.right = x2; pDC->FillSolidRect(rStep, clrStep[iCurPosColor]); #endif printf("%f\n", b.Elapsed()); Tried doing gradient fill to off-screen bitmap and then blitting it into place but that's actually SLOWER! Wonder if triangle fill would be faster? NOPE, pair of triangles is SLOWER esp. for large steps. HOWEVER benchmarking shows that using gradient fill only slows OnDraw by around 3x. Why? Why isn't it 20x or 50x? Hypothesis: something else in OnDraw is taking more time than you'd expect. file: heavy graphics.plm The FIRST step takes 2x to 4x longer to draw than the others. WTF? That's because of delayed painting and accumulation of the invalid rectangle. If you move the current position from the first step to the last step, ALL the steps in between are repainted. Only two steps actually needed to be painted. There's no easy solution to this. USHORT MakeColor16(BYTE nColor)//@@@ { return static_cast(round(static_cast(nColor) / BYTE_MAX * SHRT_MAX)); } static GRADIENT_RECT rGrad = {0, 1};//@@@ COLORREF clr1 = m_arrStepColor[iStepColor]; COLORREF clr2 = m_arrStepColor[iCurPosColor]; TRIVERTEX tv[2] = { {rStep.left, rStep.top, MakeColor16(GetRValue(clr1)), MakeColor16(GetGValue(clr1)), MakeColor16(GetBValue(clr1))}, {rStep.right, rStep.bottom, MakeColor16(GetRValue(clr2)), MakeColor16(GetGValue(clr2)), MakeColor16(GetBValue(clr2))}, }; pDC->GradientFill(tv, 2, &rGrad, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H); 5/2/18 tied swing collision simple demo track: tempo = 60, length = 3, quant = 60, offset = 0, swing = 10, all 3 steps set and 1st step tied set m_nCBLen = 4000 in UpdateCallbackLength to make problem easier to see in sequencer dump file sacred ground: if (nDurSteps & 1) { // if odd duration if (bIsOdd) // if odd step nDuration -= nSwing; // subtract swing from duration else // even step nDuration += nSwing; // add swing to duration } 5/14/18 tooltips suck in PreTranslateMessage m_ToolTip.RelayEvent(pMsg);//@@@ in OnSize m_ToolTip.DelTool(this, 1);//@@@ m_ToolTip.AddTool(this, LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK, CRect(0, 0, cx, cy), 1); but there are too many crap cases void CVelocityView::UpdateToolTip(CPoint point) { CRect rc; GetClientRect(rc); int nVal = round((1 - static_cast(point.y) / rc.Height()) * MIDI_NOTE_MAX); if (nVal != m_nToolTipVal) { CString s; s.Format(_T("%d"), nVal); m_ToolTip.UpdateTipText(s, this, 1); // m_ToolTip.Update(); m_nToolTipVal = nVal; } } 5/15/18 next/prev pane mystery Default handling works but only when track view has focus; why doesn't it work for step parent view and its children? The commands are definitely being dispatched, per the following test in CChildFrm::OnCmdMsg: case ID_NEXT_PANE: if (nCode == CN_COMMAND) printf("OnCmdMsg next pane\n");//@@@ break; case ID_PREV_PANE: if (nCode == CN_COMMAND) printf("OnCmdMsg prev pane\n");//@@@ break; 5/17/18 serious bug in CMidiOut::GetDeviceNames MMRESULT mr = midiOutGetDevCaps(iDev, &caps, sizeof(MIDIINCAPS)); <-- WRONG! MMRESULT mr = midiOutGetDevCaps(iDev, &caps, sizeof(MIDIOUTCAPS)); <-- CORRECT! sizeof(MIDIINCAPS) = 76 sizeof(MIDIOUTCAPS) = 84 So you were passing a struct eight bytes too small. This might explain Ben's issue, VirtualMIDISynth showing blank device names. Amazing it didn't get discovered sooner. 5/17/18 sine wave velocity function double x = round((iStep + 0.5) * fStepWidth) - x1; // compute x at center of bar double fPhase = x / nDeltaX; y = y1 + (sin(fPhase * M_PI * 2) + 1) * nDeltaY / 2; Input gesture determines amplitude, frequency, and direction (phase is either 0 or 0.5). Easily adapted for other waveforms. 5/19/18 how to record Windows GS Synth In Control Panel / Sound: In Playback tab, select "CABLE Input" and Set Default. In Recording tab, select "CABLE Output" and Set Default; then click Properties, and in Listen tab, check "Listen to this device", and if you're using the USB dongle, set "Playback through this device" to "USB audio codec". In WaveShop, in Options / Audio, record from "Cable Output". 5/22/18 track unique identifier (UID) Seems to work and passes undo test. dump: int nTracks = GetTrackCount(); for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) printf("%d:%d ", iTrack, m_Seq.GetID(iTrack)); printf("\n"); 5/23/18 dub test #if 1 //@@@ CTrack& trk = GetAt(0); trk.m_arrDub.SetSize(4); CDub dub; dub.m_nTime = 0; dub.m_bMute = 0; trk.m_arrDub[0] = dub; dub.m_nTime = 240; dub.m_bMute = 1; trk.m_arrDub[1] = dub; dub.m_nTime = 480; dub.m_bMute = 0; trk.m_arrDub[2] = dub; dub.m_nTime = 960; dub.m_bMute = 1; trk.m_arrDub[3] = dub; trk.m_iDub = 0;//@@@ depends on start pos! m_bIsSongPlayback = true;//@@@ test ONLY #endif//@@@ 5/25/18 song position hint; mind keeps changing on this class CSongPosHint : public CObject { public: CSongPosHint(LONGLONG nPos) : m_nPos(nPos) {} LONGLONG m_nPos; // song position in absolute ticks }; CSongPosHint hint(nPos); UpdateAllViews(NULL, HINT_SONG_POS, &hint); const CPolymeterDoc::CSongPosHint *pPosHint = static_cast(pHint); 5/31/18 critical path OnTimer benchmarks sequencer's GetPosition only: 4us UpdateAllViews, with recipients disabled: 27us, with spikes to 120us or so add status bar updates: 600us to 1ms only one status bar update: 580us step view song pos update enabled, but no status bar update: 150 to 300us (full screen, Ala Aye) so status bar takes more time than step view! song view song pos update enabled, but no status bar update: 650us with a spike to 2ms when view scrolls Conclusions: Status bar overhead is excessive, and it's probably due to strdup and free in CMFCStatusBar::SetPaneText. You could override it, and just copy directly to _GetPanePtr(nIndex)->lpszText is the buffer is big enough. This only helps if most of the overhead is the malloc/free and not the window update. It also only helps if the position and time strings typically stay the same size in characters during playback (and they do). Song view is MUCH slower than step view, probably because moving the song position cursor is so inefficient (it erases the old cursor by repainting all the cells underneath it). 6/1/18 CTrack::FindDub unit test CTrack trk; CTrack::CDub a(0, 1); trk.m_arrDub.Add(a); CTrack::CDub b(5, 0); trk.m_arrDub.Add(b); CTrack::CDub c(10, 1); trk.m_arrDub.Add(c); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("%d %d\n", i, trk.FindDub(i)); } 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 2 6/4/18 GM patch names already added to MidiCtrlDef.h const LPCTSTR CChannelsBar::m_arrGMPatchName[MIDI_NOTES + 1] = { // one extra for none _T(""), #define MIDI_PATCH_DEF(name) _T(name), #include "MidiCtrlrDef.h" }; case COL_GMPatch: { int nPatch = pChan->GetProperty(CChannel::PROP_Patch) + 1; ASSERT(nPatch >= 0 && nPatch <= MIDI_NOTES); _tcscpy_s(item.pszText, item.cchTextMax, m_arrGMPatchName[nPatch]); } break; Watch out for update trouble! Editing patch number must update drop list and vice versa. PITA! 6/10/18 23,000 lines of code and counting! (Cloc1.76) 6/15/18 pack and unpack bool array to bit array: unit test CByteArrayEx src, dst, src2; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { int nBits = (rand() & 0xfff) + 1; src.SetSize(nBits); for (int j = 0; j < nBits; j++) { src[j] = rand() & 1; } CPreset::PackBools(src, dst); CPreset::UnpackBools(dst, nBits, src2); if (src != src2) printf("bad!\n"); } 6/19/18 full screen EnableMDITabs(false); // this has to be undone on exit EnableFullScreenMode(0); EnableFullScreenMainMenu(FALSE); ShowFullScreen(); also must hide popup exit dialog 6/21/18 keep view type consistent across all documents? not sure if (0) { // propagate view type to other documents CAllDocIter iter; // iterate all documents CPolymeterDoc *pDoc; while ((pDoc = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CPolymeterDoc, iter.GetNextDoc())) != NULL) { POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); if (pos != NULL) { CView *pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos); CChildFrame *pFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CChildFrame, pView->GetParentFrame()); if (pFrame != NULL && pFrame != this) { // if child frame and not us pFrame->SetViewType(nViewType); // propagate view type } } } } 6/22/18 bar graph showing position of each "part" in live view It's fun to watch but more distracting than helpful. Note that grouped parts aren't handled properly; should be computing the time to repeat for all the part's members (computationally expensive, would have to be done beforehand, not per song position). case CPolymeterDoc::HINT_SONG_POS: { CPolymeterDoc::CSongPosHint *pSongPosHint = static_cast(pHint); CClientDC dc(this); int nItems = m_arrPart.GetSize(); int cy = 32; for (int iItem = 0; iItem < nItems; iItem++) { int iPart = m_arrPart[iItem]; int nLength; if (iPart & PART_GROUP_MASK) { const CTrackGroup& part = pDoc->m_arrPart[iPart & ~PART_GROUP_MASK]; int iTrack = part.m_arrTrackIdx[0]; nLength = pDoc->m_Seq.GetLength(iTrack) * pDoc->m_Seq.GetQuant(iTrack); } else { nLength = pDoc->m_Seq.GetLength(iPart) * pDoc->m_Seq.GetQuant(iPart); } int nPos = static_cast(pSongPosHint->m_nSongPos); nPos = nPos % nLength; nPos = round(double(nPos) / nLength * LIST_WIDTH); int x1 = (LIST_WIDTH + LIST_GUTTER) * LISTS; int y1 = iItem * cy + 35; dc.FillSolidRect(x1, y1, nPos, cy, RGB(255, 0, 255)); dc.FillSolidRect(x1 + nPos, y1, LIST_WIDTH - nPos, cy, RGB(0, 255, 255)); } } break; It's just too much dynamic and mostly irrelevant information. Probably a simple beat counter with adjustable meter will give much better results. [Not true! Fix groups and see if it helps?]. 7/2/18 modulation cut/paste bug Flunks undo test & it's easy to see why. To replicate: 1) open modulation move test doc (two tracks, 2nd modulated by 1st) 2) select all 3) copy 4) paste 5) undo 6) redo and sure enough the redone paste loses its modulations. Hopefully solution is: clipboard stores modulations as UIDs rather than track indices. 7/23/18 CDiatonic::ParseMidiNoteName doesn't handle Cb correctly in key of Gb for (int iKey = 0; iKey < 12; iKey++) { for (int iNote = 0; iNote < 128; iNote++) { CString s(CNote(iNote).MidiName(iKey)); CNote n(0); n.ParseMidi(s); if (n != iNote) // if round trip error _tprintf(_T("%d %d %s\n"), iKey, iNote, s); } } above test fails for Cb in key of Gb (parsed Cb is an octave too low); all other keys/notes are fine 9/5/18 Windows GS Synth's channel volume behavior For a single sustained organ note (Drawbar Organ, E4, velocity 64), doubling its volume in the channel bar increases the output by 12 dB, as measured using WaveShop's meter. This holds over a wide range of volumes. For example 50 -> 100, 30 -> 60, 25 -> 50, 64 -> 127, and so on. This means that the volume control is linear, not log (log velocity changes give linear change in dB). Hence adding a constant to all the channel volumes is INCORRECT unless they all have the same initial values. Instead you should SCALE the channel volumes by a PERCENTAGE. Tests also show that the same principle applies to VELOCITY! dB scale 12 2 (2**1) 9 1.6818 (2**0.75) 6 1.4142 (2**0.5) 3 1.1892 (2**0.25) 1.5 1.0905 (2**0.125) 2 1.1225 (2**0.1666) So for example if a track has a velocity of 64 and you want it 3dB quieter, 64 / 1.1892 = 54. Also note panning uses 3dB compensation, i.e. if centered signal is -12dB on both channels, hard left will be -9dB. This means for hard left or right you may need to add an extra 3dB to get same perceived loudness (see 6dB pan law). actual relationship is: y = 20 * LOG10(x / 127) where x is the MIDI velocity and y is the voltage amplitude in decibels. Note this is voltage not power (20 not 10) hence each doubling of x adds 6 to y. 9/18/18 song MIDI export is broken Part of the problem is that dubs must be reset prior to processing each track. Adding the following to ExportImpl helps, but doesn't solve entire problem: int nPadTime = 0; // after this line if (m_bIsSongMode) ChaseDubs(m_nStartPos, true); Fixed by processing tracks within chunk loop and using same chunk size as when running live, in order to exactly match live output. 10/17/18 For velocity offset to give smooth change in dB, must use exponential waveform For example if velocity should quadruple from 16 to 64, use ramp with Curviness of 4. 11/9/18 do any existing documents have modulated modulations? According to the test code below, no, they don't, provided recursive modulation is limited only to source tracks having a track type of Modulator. This is likely a reasonable limitation anyway. CWaitCursor wc; // can take a while CFileFind ff; // LPCTSTR szPath = _T("C:\\Chris\\MyProjects\\Polymeter\\docs"); LPCTSTR szPath = _T("C:\\Chris\\MyProjects\\Polymeter\\docs\\test"); BOOL bWorking = ff.FindFile(CString(szPath) + _T("\\*.*")); int nDocs = 0; int nHits = 0; while (bWorking) { bWorking = ff.FindNextFile(); CString sExt(PathFindExtension(ff.GetFileName())); if (!sExt.CompareNoCase(_T(".plm"))) { CPolymeterDoc doc; doc.ReadProperties(ff.GetFilePath()); nDocs++; int nModMods = 0; int nTracks = doc.GetTrackCount(); for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) { const CTrack& trk = doc.m_Seq.GetTrack(iTrack); int nMods = trk.m_arrModulator.GetSize(); for (int iMod = 0; iMod < nMods; iMod++) { const CModulation& mod = trk.m_arrModulator[iMod]; if (mod.m_iSource >= 0) { // if valid modulation source const CTrack& trkMod = doc.m_Seq.GetTrack(mod.m_iSource); // if modulation source has track type of modulator and is also modulated if (trkMod.m_iType == TT_MODULATOR && trkMod.m_arrModulator.GetSize()) nModMods++; } } } if (nModMods) { _tprintf(_T("%d, %s\n"), nModMods, ff.GetFileName()); nHits++; } } } printf("%d docs, %d hits\n", nDocs, nHits); 11/10/18 goto next/previous dub FindDub could be probably use a binary search (though it's unclear whether duplicate times would have be accounted for) but it's doubtful any significant performance gain would result. ChaseDubs averages about 5 microseconds with a typical song, so not much room for improvement, considering that it calls FindDub for every track in the song. test code for CArrayEx_BinarySearchAbove: int data[] = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40}; CIntArrayEx arr; arr.SetSize(_countof(data)); for (int i = 0; i < _countof(data); i++) arr[i] = data[i]; while (1) { int nIn; scanf_s("%d", &nIn); W64INT iIns = arr.BinarySearchAbove(nIn); printf("pos=%d\n", iIns); if (iIns < 0) iIns = arr.GetSize(); arr.InsertAt(iIns, nIn); for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetSize(); i++) printf("%d ", arr[i]); printf("\n"); } 11/14/18 recursion overflow Infinite recusion overflows after roughly 9,180 calls (in Debug mode). 11/22/18 autoscroll in velocity view; too confusing but in case you change your mind in ctor: m_nScrollDelta = 0; m_nScrollTimer = 0; in EndDrag: KillTimer(m_nScrollTimer); m_nScrollTimer = 0; in OnMouseMove: m_ptPrev = point; // update cached cursor position CRect rClient; GetClientRect(rClient); CSize szClient(rClient.Size()); if (point.x < 0) m_nScrollDelta = point.x; else if (point.x > szClient.cx) m_nScrollDelta = point.x - szClient.cx; else m_nScrollDelta = 0; // if auto-scroll needed and scroll timer not set if (m_nScrollDelta && !m_nScrollTimer) m_nScrollTimer = SetTimer(SCROLL_TIMER_ID, SCROLL_DELAY, NULL); void CVelocityView::OnTimer(W64UINT nIDEvent) { if (nIDEvent == SCROLL_TIMER_ID) { // if scroll timer if (m_nScrollDelta) { // if auto-scrolling CPoint ptScroll(m_pStepView->GetScrollPosition()); int nPrevScrollX = ptScroll.x; ptScroll.x += m_nScrollDelta; CPoint ptMaxScroll(m_pStepView->GetMaxScrollPos()); ptScroll.x = CLAMP(ptScroll.x, 0, ptMaxScroll.x); int nScrollDelta = ptScroll.x - nPrevScrollX; m_pStepView->ScrollToPosition(ptScroll); m_pStepView->m_pParent->OnStepScroll(CPoint(m_nScrollDelta, 0)); CPoint ptCursor; if (GetCursorPos(&ptCursor)) { UINT nFlags = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & GKS_DOWN) // if control key down nFlags |= MK_CONTROL; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & GKS_DOWN) // if shift key down nFlags |= MK_SHIFT; m_ptPrev.x -= nScrollDelta; m_ptAnchor.x -= nScrollDelta; ScreenToClient(&ptCursor); OnMouseMove(nFlags, ptCursor); } } } else CView::OnTimer(nIDEvent); } 11/27/18 modulation graph via GraphViz; neato looks the best but complex patches are still a rat's nest CStdioFile fout(_T("C:\\temp\\PolymeterModGraph.dot"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite); fout.WriteString(_T("digraph G {\n")); CSize szLogPix(72, 72); double fDPI = max(szLogPix.cx, szLogPix.cy); CSize sz(1920, 1080); double fWidth = sz.cx / fDPI; double fHeight = sz.cy / fDPI; CString sGraph; // sGraph.Format(_T("graph[rankdir=TB,size=\"%f,%f\",ratio=fill,dpi=%f];\n"), fWidth, fHeight, fDPI), // sGraph.Format(_T("graph[ratio=fill,size=\"17.77,10\",dpi=100];\n")); sGraph.Format(_T("graph[ratio=1.77];\n")); sGraph = _T("overlap=false;\nsplines=true;\n"); // sGraph = _T("overlap=false;\n"); fout.WriteString(sGraph); int nTracks = GetTrackCount(); CMap map; CStringArrayEx arrName; arrName.SetSize(nTracks); for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) { // for each track const CTrack& trk = m_Seq.GetTrack(iTrack); CString sName(trk.m_sName); if (sName.IsEmpty()) sName.Format(_T("%d"), iTrack + 1); int nRefs = 1; if (map.Lookup(sName, nRefs)) { nRefs++; CString sNum; sNum.Format(_T("%d"), nRefs); arrName[iTrack] = sName + sNum; } else { arrName[iTrack] = sName; } map.SetAt(sName, nRefs); } LPCTSTR sModTypeColor[] = { _T("black"), _T("red"), _T("green"), _T("blue"), }; for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) { // for each track const CTrack& trk = m_Seq.GetTrack(iTrack); int nMods = trk.m_arrModulator.GetSize(); for (int iMod = 0; iMod < nMods; iMod++) { const CModulation& mod = trk.m_arrModulator[iMod]; if (mod.m_iSource >= 0) { CString sLine; sLine.Format(_T("\"%s\"->\"%s\"[color=%s]\n"), arrName[mod.m_iSource], arrName[iTrack], sModTypeColor[mod.m_iType]); fout.WriteString(sLine); } } } fout.WriteString(_T("}\n")); 12/2/18 test code for recording MIDI input that found round error bugs in ImportMidiFile #if 0 static const MIDI_EVENT testevt[8] = { // test data {0, 0x404090}, {200, 0x4090}, {240, 0x404190}, // this is generating a WRONG RESULT {500, 0x4190}, {500, 0x404290}, {750, 0x4290}, {750, 0x404390}, {1000, 0x4390}, }; theApp.m_arrMidiInEvent.SetSize(_countof(testevt)); for (int i = 0; i < _countof(testevt); i++) theApp.m_arrMidiInEvent[i] = testevt[i]; #endif in Track.cpp, the bug was integer division where floating point division was intended; fixed by casting int to double in these three lines: int nStart = round(double(info.nStartTime) / nInQuant); int nEnd = round(double(nTime) / nInQuant); int nMaxSteps = round(double(nMaxTime) / nInQuant); // compute maximum track length 12/4/18 Algo Rag 12/5/18 Interago 2nd A is at 290:000, ends at 579 12/7/18 showing negative time in song view int nOffset = trk.m_nOffset + m_nTimeShift; int nCellTime = round(iFirstCell * fTicksPerCell) + m_nTimeShift; nCellTime = round(iCell * fTicksPerCell) + m_nTimeShift; return round(x * GetTicksPerCellImpl() / m_nCellWidth) + m_nTimeShift; return round((nSongPos - m_nTimeShift) / GetTicksPerCellImpl() * m_nCellWidth); But this only fixes the display! For editing to work, the time calculations in the document's dub functions have to change too. Generally they're in this form: int nStartTime = round(rSelection.left * fTicksPerCell) + m_nTimeShift; But the problem is, m_nTimeShift isn't a member of the doc and probably shouldn't be because multiple song views could (in theory) have different shifts. It would have to be passed in, as ticks per cell already is. What a gnarly mess! 12/7/18 subtle difference between song MIDI export between Release and Debug Ala Aye rec A B A B fine tune spread.plm difference appears at 0x2C26 right after this string: Organ B Hi Debug has nine bytes, Release has only five 12/10/18 note windowing: a more efficient implementation (than CNote's) nNote = ((nNote - nWindowBase) % OCTAVE) + nWindowBase; if (nNote < 0) nNote += OCTAVE; argument for windowing: window base is 52 varying it separately for each voice will be awesome OOPS above implementation is WRONG, but generates awesome results for guitar stuff. correct (but relatively boring) implementation adds base AFTER correcting for wraparound: (guitar stuff sounds good if base varies from E3 to G3 to A3 to B3 and back or similar; C4 is good too) nNote = ((nNote - nWindowBase) % OCTAVE); if (nNote < 0) nNote += OCTAVE; nNote += nWindowBase; alternate DropBox, new WAV files: Algo Rag https://www.dropbox.com/s/kdehpmolbv2oei0/Algo%20Rag%20panned%20TRIM%20NORM.wav?dl=0 Interago https://www.dropbox.com/s/m18s3jt7zs4dc0p/interago2%20TRIM%20NORM.wav?dl=0 Ilopo Ferese https://www.dropbox.com/s/ihlkzam68iiofl3/Ilopo%20Ferese%20NORM.wav?dl=0 piano range https://www.dropbox.com/s/v2pjowkmbpzbbcd/piano%20range.wav?dl=0 12/12/18 position modulation and change ringing For the change 2,4,1,3 (AKA 1,3,0,2 in zero origin) the correct position offsets are 2,0,3,1 (in high to low order). Why? The format typically used to describe change ringing tells you, for each position in the sequence, which bell should ring. But to do position modulation, we need to know the opposite: for each bell, which position it should have in the sequence! One can be translated to the other via an array lookup: for (iPos = 0; iPos < Bells; iPos++) { // for each bell int iBell = arrBell[iPos]; // arrBell contains a bell index for each position arrPos[iBell] = iPos; // arrPos will contain a position index for each bell } a[1] = 0 a[3] = 1 a[0] = 2 a[2] = 3 a = 2,0,3,1 12/21/18 combinations of additive modulations Assume each modulator contains two or more unique values, one of which is zero, the others ranging from [1..6]. (0 a) (0 b) 4 outcomes (2**2): 0, a, b, a + b (0 a) (0 b) (0 c) 8 outcomes (2**3): 0, a, b, c, a + b, a + c, b + c, a + b + c (0 a) (0 b c) 6 outcomes: 0, a, b, c, a + b, a + c (0 a b) (0 c d) 9 outcomes (3**2): 0, a, b, c, d, a + c, b + c, a + d, b + d (0 a) (0 b c) (0 d e) 18 outcomes: 0, a, b, c, d, e, b + d, b + e, c + d, c + e, a + b, a + c, a + d, a + e, a + b + d, a + b + e, a + c + d, a + c + e (0 a b) (0 c d) (0 e f) 27 outcomes (3**3): 0, a, b, c, d, e, f a + c, a + d, b + c, b + d, a + e, a + f, b + e, b + f c + e, c + f, d + e, d + f, a + c + e, a + c + f, a + d + e, a + d + f, b + c + e, b + c + f, b + d + e, b + d + f, The first four cases above should be sufficient for generating scales. 1/2/19 restarting application bool CMyApp::RestartApp() { if (SaveAllModified()) // save any unsaved documents return false; // save failed or user canceled CloseAllDocuments(TRUE); // end session TCHAR szAppPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, szAppPath, MAX_PATH); STARTUPINFO si = {0}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; GetStartupInfo(&si); if (!CreateProcess(NULL, szAppPath, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Can't create process.")); // report the error return false; } m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); // close the app return true; } 1/6/19 output validation for changes since mastering Compared sequencer dumps between version and version no differences. Test document was "Manmade\Ala Aye rec A B A B fine tune spread.plm" 1/12/19 export test void ExportTest() { static const LPCTSTR arrFilename[] = { _T("Ala Aye rec A B A B fine tune spread"), _T("Asiri rec1e lead B dub spread lead string"), _T("Bones rec fine tune cvt for PM 0.0.15 Mike"), _T("Buy Me ending Mike double finger"), _T("Buy Now double bass finger Mike"), _T("Dek Sep Bluso jam breaks Mike closed and pedal hat +10"), _T("Fazo Kanto B mix kick +15 Mike 3dB less ride"), _T("Iyika rec A B take1 scale up volumes spread"), _T("Stencil lower bass spread strings mike"), _T("Vizyon rec02 edit etc scale up volumes Mike"), }; LPCTSTR pszDocFolder = _T("C:\\Chris\\MyProjects\\Polymeter\\docs\\Manmade\\"); LPCTSTR pszOutFolder = _T("C:\\Chris\\MyProjects\\Polymeter\\experimental\\export\\"); for (int iFile = 0; iFile < _countof(arrFilename); iFile++) { CString sFilename(arrFilename[iFile]); CString sDocPath(pszDocFolder + sFilename + _T(".plm")); CString sOutPath(pszOutFolder + sFilename + _T(".mid")); CPolymeterDoc *pDoc = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CPolymeterDoc, theApp.OpenDocumentFile(sDocPath, FALSE)); if (pDoc == NULL) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Can't open file.")); return; } int nDur = pDoc->m_Seq.GetSongDurationSeconds(); pDoc->UpdateChannelEvents(); // queue channel events to be output at start of playback if (!pDoc->m_Seq.Export(sOutPath, nDur, true, pDoc->m_nStartPos)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Export failed.")); return; } pDoc->OnCloseDocument(); } } at end of InitInstance: ExportTest(); The version used at ManMade Mastering was Note that versions before didn't support negative dub times, and this breaks export comparison for documents that have a negative start time, including Asiri and Ikiya. The export not resetting cached parameters bug (fixed in could also cause compare failure, though it doesn't seem to matter. 1/13/19 showing SVG graph via HTML view Fully functional CHtmlView that displays an SVG file adds 21KB to the app. (5113 vs 5092) Note that wheel zoom is broken for SVG only: both wheel up and wheel down zoom in, so there's no way to zoom out. 1/19/19 Unicode not working Adding this to CIniFile::Open fixes the track names in the document: if (OpenFlags & CFile::modeWrite) { BYTE bom[2] = {0xFF, 0xFE}; fp.Write(bom, 2); } BUT this doesn't address track names in exported MIDI files (not doable as MIDI doesn't support Unicode) or in exported CSV files, or in graphs if that gets implemented. It also doubles the size of the document, which is dumb considering that only track names, preset names, and part names actually need to be Unicode. One possible solution would be to store these names in an encoded ASCII format such as Base64. 1/25/19 IWebBrowser2 wheel zoom troubles Ctrl+wheel only zooms in, never out on Dell M4800 Win7 IE 10 on Aspire E15, Win8 IE 11, in/out is normal but zoom is painfully slow, steps are too small seems to be no setting for zoom step size in IE also IE 10 gets confused after zoom is set via ExecWB and makes page too small by 0.2 possible related to ZoomFactor registry key HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Zoom/ZoomFactor it's 100000 on M4800 but 157000 on Aspire E15 1/30/19 Graphviz and IE: graph too small when system text size above 100% Graphviz expects you to tell it the size of the graph in inches. Now of course the window size is in pixels. So I was dividing the window size by the system DPI (in floating point) to get the graph size. This works ONLY if the system text size is 100%. Why? Because Graphviz has its own internal DPI and it defaults to 96. 96 just happens to be the DPI you get on a Windows machine when text scaling is 100% (for historical reasons). So, you might think you could just pass the system DPI to Graphviz, and indeed Graphviz has a DPI parameter. BUT it's apparently broken for SVG (and has been for years). What seems to work is using 96 when computing the graph size, regardless of the system size. This works because IE is scaling up the entire graph anyway to compensate for the system text size. The only down side I can see to this is that the font size is sometimes bigger or smaller than you might expect. But I think this is minor compared to having the entire graph be the wrong size. 2/6/19 Oily Rock notes Mostly got done during an all-nighter 2/4 but also all day 2/5 Could use just a bit more excitement in the high end and percussion in places Don't overdo it though, the minimalism is part of what makes it so spooky Low end is super fat, but possibly a bit floppy Stereolab style vocal is the bomb Vocals are nearly perfect but maybe try adjusting offset of "They'll spit on the ground" wrong note in female vocal at start of 2nd chorus; D over A? why isn't note mod working? wrong offset? fixed much adjusting of vox offsets later, they sound funky and sometimes fit the bass line add more drums: rimshot, tom, cymbal (and don't forget to pan them) maybe some reverb on the cymbal too, or even on the snare / rimshot, try it nightmarish hassle to open MIDI file in Reason, so stupid! No easy way to map tracks to existing devices only way seems to be to copy the MIDI data from one track to another by hand, very error-prone, it sucks 2/6/19 overlapping notes Overlapping notes means two or more overlapping instances of the same MIDI note on the same MIDI channel. This situation often causes problems with synths. The typical behavior is, when one the overlapped notes ends, it cuts off the other instances, even though they still have more duration to go. Some synths (e.g.Yamaha) do the right thing, i.e. they keep a reference count for each note on each channel, and only cut off the note when the count reaches zero. But many synths (including Reason) don't do this so it's not possible to count on it. But I have this case a LOT. Many techniques I use including position modulation create this case constantly. So I propose to handle it in Polymeter. There are two approaches and I might support them both. One is, when a note ends and would otherwise cut off another instance of the note, don't send Note Off, instead defer it until the other instance ends, and when it does, send BOTH Note Offs at the same time. Obviously this requires reference counting and is very likely what my Yamaha does internally. The second solution is, when a note is about to start and would overlap another instance of the same note, send a Note Off for the first instance before sending the Note On for the new one. This effectively prevents overlap before it happens. This method very likely won't sound the same as the first one, because the Note Off will trigger the release stage of the sound's envelope. But in some cases it may be preferable. 2/6/19 Importing MIDI file into Reason SNAFU To create a new empty automation lane for a track, select the track and then in the sequencer pane, near the upper left corner, look on for a little drop list with an icon that resembles a polyline, with markers on the vertices, just right of a little white plus sign in a gray circle; the tooltip says Track Parameter Automation. Select the desired parameter and an automation lane is created. You need to do this before trying to drag automation data from imported tracks to device tracks, otherwise you get the dreaded alien automation warning. 2/8/19 more on overlapping notes The immediate problem is overlapping notes, because the unwanted rests make position modulation much less useful. I think the proposal is clear: two modes, "poly" and "mono". Poly defers note offs for notes that overlap until the reference count (for the given note and channel) transitions to zero, at which point a SINGLE note off is sent. Mono prevents overlap from occurring, by sending a note off whenever the reference would otherwise transition from one to two. Using "poly"' with a synth that already does reference counting will likely cause notes to be "stuck" on and increasing loss of polyphony, but the solution is, don't use this feature with such synths. To implement the first method requires a significant change. For reference counts to be meaningful, note offs must be processed BEFORE note ons, which is the opposite of how it currently works. The only down side of this is that the note off processing must be moved inside the critical section, becayse note on and note off processing must use the same current time. As a result the callback holds the critical section longer, but only by a few microseconds. This change was tested on the Manmade files via ExportTest and generated identical files to 0.0.19. 2/9/19 Oily Rock arrangement notes Starting point is "oily rock more drums" which is pretty good Shortened choruses to 2/3 of their previous length (64 measures instead of 96) Tried adjusting some vocal timing in the 1st verse: Galaxies spin: -110 to -140 Ignoring our prayers: -105 to -155 Waves and particles: -50 to -60 But decided against it for now, too rushed changed kick turn length from 5 to 3, makes simpler and more traditional variations shorted chorus is definitely more snappy tried putting room reverb on drums: sounds great on snare, maybe on hats too 2/14/19 overlapping notes: this is probably pretty expensive but it works if (nEvents) { // if any events to output if (m_bPreventNoteOverlap) { FixNoteOverlaps(); nEvents = m_arrEvent.GetSize(); } CEvent evt(m_nCBLen, MEVT_NOP << 24); void CSequencer::FixNoteOverlaps() { int nEvents = m_arrEvent.GetSize(); int iEvent = 0; while (iEvent < nEvents) { // for each event DWORD dwEvent = m_arrEvent[iEvent].m_dwEvent; if (MIDI_STAT(dwEvent) == NOTE_ON) { int iChan = MIDI_CHAN(dwEvent); int iNote = MIDI_P1(dwEvent); if (MIDI_P2(dwEvent)) { if (m_arrNoteRef[iChan][iNote]) { if (iEvent && m_arrEvent[iEvent - 1] == m_arrEvent[iEvent]) { m_arrEvent.RemoveAt(iEvent); nEvents--; } else { CEvent evt(m_arrEvent[iEvent]); evt.m_dwEvent &= ~0xff0000; m_arrEvent.InsertAt(iEvent, evt); iEvent++; nEvents++; } } m_arrNoteRef[iChan][iNote]++; } else { if (m_arrNoteRef[iChan][iNote] > 0) { m_arrNoteRef[iChan][iNote]--; if (m_arrNoteRef[iChan][iNote]) { m_arrEvent.RemoveAt(iEvent); nEvents--; } } } } iEvent++; } } 2/20/19 note overlap flunking test app guitar overlap.plm first problem is note 66 turned on at 575 and again at 1020 without being shut off 2/25/19 note overlap less but still flunking range test Reason first problem is zero-duration note, note 65 velocity 88 and then 0 during same callback time 15603 n=6 0 3a90 0 3f90 0 3f90 0 584190 <-- note 65 vel 88 0 623890 0 624190 <-- note 65 vel 98 problem is overoptimization: must iterate all events with same time can't stop on finding an event with zero velocity, because we're potentially inserting such events as we iterate; now passes all tests fine for up to one hour of events Enabling note overlap prevention doesn't seem to significantly increase callback times (for Ala Aye) (maximum time can vary considerably, typical range for Ala Aye is 9.5% to 13%) 12.6%, 0.3% 12.0%, 0.3% 2/25/19 fast move for CArrayEx Fast* methods (FastInsertAt, FastRemoveAt) probably a bad idea because memmove is so heavily optimized with SSE and other assembler tricks __forceinline static void FastMove(CArrayEx_TYPE *pDst, const CArrayEx_TYPE *pSrc, size_t nCount) { // if destination below source, or above but non-overlapping if (pDst <= pSrc || pDst >= pSrc + nCount) { // copy from lower addresses to higher addresses while (nCount--) { *pDst++ = *pSrc++; } } else { // destination above source and overlapping // copy from higher addresses to lower addresses pDst = pDst + nCount - 1; pSrc = pSrc + nCount - 1; while (nCount--) { *pDst-- = *pSrc--; } } } 2/28/19 Reason MIDI import doesn't change tempo This will be a major potential dumb error in the future. This explains why Oily Rock seemed slow, and also why the imported version's vocal start modulation didn't seem to match the live version. Changing from 126 to 120 BPM will do that. WATCH OUT FOR THIS!!! 3/1/19 song playback doesn't always match live output when modulator tracks have big quants "song big quant bug.plm" demos the issue. Synopsis: During song playback, a track's mute state can only change on a step boundary, because the sequencer only evaluates track states on step boundaries. If a track has a large quant, the step boundaries are relatively few and far between. So during song playback, when a track's mute state can change due to prerecorded dubbing is limited. In other words, the bigger a track's quant, the less dub timing granularity that track has. During live playback, granularity isn't an issue because the user directly updates the track mute flags and hence track mute state changes are completely asynchronous with respect to the sequencer callback thread. Dub timing granularity affects all track types, not only modulators, and all modulation types. Large track offsets make the problem more obvious but the root cause is coarse quants. The easiest solution is to avoid using big quants, especially for modulator tracks, and especially with large offsets. Such tracks can be converted to sixteenth notes easily and this will make the problem go away by increasing the dub timing granularity. The deeper issue is fundamental to the sequencer design. It might be possible to solve the problem by changing how dubs are recorded. Arguably when a user unmutes a modulator track with a large quant, they intend for that track to have immediate effect, regardless of whether they're near the track's step boundary. So instead of recording the current time, the program could record the time of the track's nearest step boundary at or before the current time. But this could easily have unintended side effects. It also wouldn't make sense for non-modulator tracks. Basically there just isn't any satisfactory solution, because song view playback and live view use the track mutes differently. 3/28/19 Kahelo A section string hit is too long; try trimming 4 beats from its start (down to 11 steps of duration); more space [done] in B section, make string hit one step longer? [done] erroneous unmute of low guitar part at 22:090 but does NOT affect exported file (tested!) guitar / piano mix seems dubious high hat seems excessively biting possible issues with clipping organ key click may be cluttering mix Norah 3/29 on C section: bring shaker in halfway through first pass of C section also C shaker part is lame, use original shaker part instead (look at 5 hat too) [done] 4/20/19 tristate ("Ona Lile") Attacks are a bit too sharp sometimes. Lowering velocity loop to 5, -5, -15 seems to help. Lower fader 3 dB to avoid clipping. Biased about 3 dB to right, not sure why or what to do about it 5/9/19 velocity pane origin discrepency 64 is NOT the exact middle of the pane, because the upper rail is 127. int oy = szClient.cy - round(double(MIDI_NOTES / 2) / MIDI_NOTE_MAX * szClient.cy); pDC->FillSolidRect(rClip.left, oy, szClient.cx, 1, clrBeatLine); 5/15/19 Manmade Mastering with Mike interago2.wav (12/8/18) Interago rec2.plm kasita mondo rec take2.wav (1/2/19) kasita mondo rec take2.plm 5/25/19 Ilopo Farese glitch Experimentation shows it's definitely caused by insufficient polyphony. The NN-XT sampler's default polyphony is only 16 voices. That's cutting it fine considering all the legato overlapping notes. Increasing it to 30 makes the problem go away. Made it 64 out of an abundance of caution. 6/7/19 Reason velocity woes Reason doesn't seem to have any velocity curves that approximate the behavior of Windows GS synth. GS synth generally is linear in decibels, for example with C4 and the piano sound: 100 -18.5 50 -30.5 25 -42.5 i.e. each doubling of velocity adds 12 dB of amplitude. Atunwi uses a limited set of velocities: 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. Approximate dB values for these: vel abs delta rel 100 -18.5 0 0 90 -20.2 -1.7 -1.7 80 -22.3 -2.1 -3.8 70 -24.7 -2.4 -6.2 60 -27.3 -2.6 -8.8 based on the observed values for the NN-19 sampler using a test sine wave (velocity sensitivity = 64, output volume = 127): rel abs vel v.offs 0 -8.9 100 0 -1.7 -10.6 94 -6 -3.8 -12.7 86 -12 -6.2 -15.1 78 -22 -8.8 -17.7 70 -30 So subsituting the above velocities should help match the GS synth behavior. actual using NN-19, C4 abs velo offs -17.7 100 0 -19.4 92 -8 -21.5 84 -16 -23.9 75 -25 -26.5 65 -35 actual using NN-19, C5 abs velo offs -20.3 100 0 -22.0 93 -7 -24.1 85 -15 -26.5 79 -21 -29.1 70 -30 Still sounds too dynamic with velocity amp = +64, +55 is a bit better but still not right. Try picking a piano sound and then hand tuning the five velocities until it sounds reasonable. Get the lowest one right and roughly evenly distribute the others. NOTE: at end of B section, cut bass one note early so it ends on Db. (rec1b2) 6/9/19 Apologize aah overlaps start of verse a bit: if necessary, try cutting sampler's amp release from 60 to 55 Singularity WaveNet-C with speed = 1.2 seems to work pretty well for hardest lines; others need to be slower wobbilator bass rubstep quaver anodyne bubstep up talky Changing Climate original untrimmed sample has a 25.04ms delay at the start 25 ms is exactly 7 ticks at 140 BMP (PPQ 120) 25 / (60 / 140 / 120) = 7 coincidence? you be the judge 6/25/19 new hip hop track (Exit Game?) low Kong level looping Hhp 70 Soufland at velocity 100 Kong output level: 100: -14.77 127: -8.54 result is a boost of 6.23 dB, still low but it helps 6/30/19 Changing Climate samples Kevin thinks there are too many at the start. He's probably right, 17 is one too many and that first one is spurious. 7/4/19 break hip hop 2 (Lodidi) | D-9 F-maj7 | Bb-9 Db-maj7 | F#-9 A-maj7 | F-9 Ab-maj7 | | Bb-9 Db-maj7 | F#-9 A-maj7 | D-9 F-maj7 | Db-9 E-maj7 | | F#-9 A-maj7 | D-9 F-maj7 | Bb-9 Db-maj7 | A-9 C-maj7 | The B section snare seems a hair too loud, and sounds slightly phased. 8/25/19 Kahelo add open hat length 74 turnaround? Kong Oh_LongHatBSQ volume 95 or so move extra hat to ch 4, load Open Hat in ch 9, and enable exclusive 8/9 for gating 9/24/19 more hip hop combos 31, 33, 22 10/20/19 interesting SetPerm params: 3 3 3 3, delta 2 (Atunwi) 4 4 4, delta 3 (Atunwi break) 3 4 3 2, delta 2 (Ero Ayo) 5 4 3, delta 2 (Ero Ayo B) 3 3 3, delta 2 (Planet Broke) 10/25/19 Irubo Radical Piano velocity vs Total RMS vel L R 100 -15.30 -13.61 99 -15.51 -13.82 98 -15.89 -14.22 97 -16.15 -14.46 96 -16.51 -14.77 95 -16.75 -15.10 94 -17.12 -15.39 93 -17.11 -15.40 92 -17.41 -15.72 91 -18.12 -16.37 90 -18.30 -16.63 10/30/19 waltz return to A at around 410, why? Ero Ayo 5:32 Mo Bulu 4:51 Irubo 4:15 Waltz 4:21 11/20/19 switching from track view to song view sometimes leaves one cell upainted Using "two triads ... rec1" doc as a test, the unpainted cell's location varies, but it's usually cell [30,20]. It's intermittent, and apparently not related to drawing the song position marker. The window style doesn't seem to affect it either. It occurs in both Debug and Release. Adding even very sparse printf lines to OnDraw makes it go away. Adding a Sleep(1) after the FillSolidRect also makes it go away. This bug is very hard to explain and seems possibly timing-dependent. The oddest thing is that the bug never affects more than one cell, and it's usually the same cell, though not always. Drawing all cells as solid also hides the bug. Perhaps we're overwhelming the GDI, or whatever component of Windows is emulating GDI? Maybe the drawing of occupied cells (which currently takes five calls to FillSolidRect) is just too inefficient and breaks some assumption in GDI. Occupied cells can alternatively be drawn by just overwriting the cell background. This appears to solve the sporadic unpainted cells, possibly because it gets the GDI cost of an occupied cell down to two FillSolidRect calls, which is certainly better than five. It risks flicker, but I don't see any. Maybe the flicker is too fast to see, or maybe the two fills get coalesced somehow. Let's try it. 11/28/19 I'm unable to reproduce the one cell unpainted bug described above. 11/28/19 Watergate chords G-7 Bb7 G7 Fo7 Eo7 Bb-7b5 C#-7b5 C#-7 E-7b5 E+7 E-7 E7 G-7b5 Bb-7 G+7 C#7 Eb Bbsus7 G+7 F-7b5 E-7b5 E+7 E-7 E7 EoM7 Bb-7b5 E-maj7 Emaj7 G-7 Bb7 G7 Fo7 12/5/19 PhaseBar: Direct2D vs GDI Direct2D is consistently 10x faster, antialiasing and all, surprise surprise (not really). Less than 100 us on average, vs. more than a millisecond for GDI. To draw vertical line: D2D1_POINT_2F ptZeroDeg = {ptOrigin.x, float(ptOrigin.y - fOrbitWidth * nOrbits)}; pRenderTarget->DrawLine(ptOrigin, ptZeroDeg, &brOrbit); But sadly it doesn't improve perception of convergence all that much. Changing planet's color when it's near zero degrees just made it more confusing. for a slightly cleaner appearance: float fZeroY1 = float(ptOrigin.y - fOrbitWidth * 0.5); float fZeroY2 = float(ptOrigin.y - fOrbitWidth * (nOrbits - 0.5)); pRenderTarget->DrawLine(CD2DPointF(ptOrigin.x, fZeroY1), CD2DPointF(ptOrigin.x, fZeroY2), &brOrbitNormal); 1/2/20 track view row colors ON_NOTIFY(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, IDC_TRACK_GRID, OnCustomDraw) void CTrackView::OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* pLVCD = reinterpret_cast(pNMHDR); switch(pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: // could be conditional (only if any tracks need custom color) *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; break; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: { int iItem = static_cast(pLVCD->nmcd.dwItemSpec); CPolymeterDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT(pDoc != NULL); int clrCustom = pDoc->m_Seq.GetColor(iItem); if (clrCustom >= 0) pLVCD->clrTextBk = clrCustom; } *pResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT; break; default: *pResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT; } } Performance impact seems negligible but it flickers a bit, presumably due to the background being erased in the default color. There's probably no way to solve that, other than double-buffering the grid control, which creates other issues. The item notifications are a significant amount of message traffic, and it would preferable to avoid this traffic unless it's really necessary (the user shouldn't have to pay for unused features). The initial custom draw notification is always sent, but the item notifications could be requested only if any of the items to be painted have custom colors. Iterating all the tracks would work but it seems excessive. In order to know what range of tracks should be checked for custom coloring, the following lines are needed: int iPageTop = m_grid.GetTopIndex(); int nPageItems = m_grid.GetCountPerPage(); These lines take about 20us, except once in a long while they take between 500us and 1ms for no obvious reason. But probably the biggest objection to the coloring idea is that it makes the UI look inconsistent. Why aren't the steps colored too? Maybe coloring just the non-empty steps is better? 1/27/20 convergences input: [2 3 5 7 11] convergences: 26 6 [2 3] 10 [2 5] 14 [2 7] 15 [3 5] 21 [3 7] 22 [2 11] 30 [2 3 5] 33 [3 11] 35 [5 7] 42 [2 3 7] 55 [5 11] 66 [2 3 11] 70 [2 5 7] 77 [7 11] 105 [3 5 7] 110 [2 5 11] 154 [2 7 11] 165 [3 5 11] 210 [2 3 5 7] 231 [3 7 11] 330 [2 3 5 11] 385 [5 7 11] 462 [2 3 7 11] 770 [2 5 7 11] 1155 [3 5 7 11] 2310 [2 3 5 7 11] 2/18/20 song CSV export omits tempo map In "two triads combine 2222 rec2b" (AKA "Ibaramu") the reason there's an spurious empty track at the end of the export is because the song's tempo track uses channel 10, which is otherwise only used by modulators. GetChannelUsage excludes modulator tracks, but not tempo tracks. That's a minor bug, but the more serious bug is that the export omits the tempo map altogether. The export uses CMidiFile::ReadTracks which currently doesn't support reading the tempo map, though it should. 2/19/20 binary objects limited to 2K bytes GetBinary uses CWinApp::GetProfileString, which calls GetPrivateProfileString when writing to an INI file, with a buffer size of 4K characters. Each byte of a binary object occupies two characters in the corresponding INI file string, hence we're limited to 2K bytes, minus one. This limits tracks to 2047 steps and 255 dubs. Disaster strikes! Overloading CWinApp::GetProfileString allows us to increase the buffer size, but only up to 64K, due to limitations within GetPrivateProfileString, which we don't have source code for. Hence binary objects are at best limited to 32K bytes. WriteBinary seems to be unlimited, because WritePrivateProfileString can write strings longer than 64K characters to a profile, though it's slow. It's only *reading* the strings that's the problem. With a 64K buffer, tracks are limited to 32767 steps (verified) and 4095 dubs. This is a big improvement over 2047 steps and 255 dubs, but still unacceptable, especially since the limit isn't enforced anywhere and exceeding it results in silent truncations. But at least it should be issued as a patch. A survey of alternatives to GetPrivateProfileString suggests that the only workable approach in terms of performance is to rewrite it from scratch, using a caching strategy to avoid reading the file over and over. This is apparently what Wine did, but their code is way too messy to use directly. Probably the thing to do is override GetProfileInt and GetProfileBinary also, and handle the entire mess with a CIniFileReader class. It might make sense to handle writing too, since much of the code would be shared and doing so might improve performance for writing very long strings. 2/24/20 new CIniFile that handles I/O Works fine, no length limitations, and huge performance improvement: reading is 20x faster, writing is 34x faster Slight performance gain (< 1ms) from pre-allocating 100 sections. The performance sucks for large strings! But it's fixable by overloading CStdioFile::ReadString to increase the buffer size exponentially. // the following line works because CString::GetBuffer increases the // buffer size exponentially; see PrepareWrite2 in atlsimpstr.h int nBufAvail = rString.GetAllocLength() - nLen; // performance gain lpszResult = _fgetts(lpsz, nBufAvail + 1, m_pStream); 2/25/20 short out to stream handle Amazingly, despite the need for a cast, it works. This changes a lot! "This parameter can also be the handle of a MIDI stream cast to HMIDIOUT." "This function might not return until the message has been sent to the output device. You can send short messages while streams are playing on the same device (although you cannot use a running status in this case)." in CSequencer::OutputLiveEvent(DWORD dwEvent) return MIDI_SUCCEEDED(midiOutShortMsg(HMIDIOUT(m_hStrm), dwEvent)); The entire MIDI thru and recording implementation needs to be rethought. The message seems to be output immediately and is completely unaffected by the sequencer callback latency. But it's not so obvious how to play back the recording. The times are relative to when the input device was opened, which isn't synchronized to the stream callback. Also the input times must be converted to ticks, but how would that work if the tempo changes during recording, changing the duration of a tick? Maybe don't support that case? 2/26/20 recording MIDI input: timestamps aren't useful There doesn't seem to be any reliable way to synchronize MIDI input timestamps with the sequencer timing. If so, this means the strategy of recording MIDI event timestamps (in milliseconds since the input device was opened) and converting them to ticks later is unworkable. But that strategy would be required if we output live input events directly to the stream handle instead of queing them to the callback. Instead, the input recording strategy would have to be built around the current method of outputting the live input events: queuing them to the sequencer's callback thread and inserting them into the output stream. The disadvantage of this method is that the live events are delayed by a variable amount up to the callback latency (jitter), and even if they weren't, timing accuracy is relatively poor at PPQ 120. This is because at tempo 120 e.g. it's 4.16 ms per tick, which means converting milliseconds to ticks wastes a lot of precision. The weirdest thing is that if I record the input, while tapping along to a beat at tempo 120, the input events are all separated by around 487 ms +/- 1. They should be separated by 500 ms! This could happen if the sequencer isn't actually producing 120 BPM, but I checked its output in WaveShop and it's precise to within 0.1 ms. So something is really wrong here. Oddly, the error 500 - 487 = 13 ms corresponds to about three ticks. No idea why! 2/27/20 Reason tests show time stamps are actually fine Key is to use Reason for all such tests, because it has only 1ms of latency. Using GS Synth is dumb because it has tons of latency which corrupts the tests. Test setup requires two loopMIDI ports and two instances of Polymeter. Polymeter_2 -> loopMIDI_2 -> Polymeter_1 -> loopMIDI_1 -> Reason Both instances of Polymeter have only a simple 1 beat loop. You start instance 2 playing, and then try to start recording in instance 1 such that the two loops synchronize perfectly. When they do synchronize, slight phasing is audible. Then you stop recording and check the timestamps, and they should be very close to 3,30,123,153 etc. And they are! (offset of 3 is because of sequencer's initial buffer) So it looks like the new scheme will actually work. 2/27/20 closing more safely These two changes will help prevent crashes regardless of which MIDI input strategy prevails! in sequencer: HMIDISTRM hStrm = m_hStrm; m_hStrm = NULL; // so IsOpen fails in callback CHECK(midiStreamClose(hStrm)); // close stream in mainframe: void CMainFrame::OnDestroy() { theApp.OpenMidiInputDevice(false); CMDIFrameWndEx::OnDestroy(); } 3/27/20 mapping property edit undo title If you specify which property was edited, be sure to delete these two resource strings: IDS_EDIT_MAPPING_PROPERTY IDS_EDIT_MULTI_MAPPING_PROPERTY and replace them with defines to zero, because they will be replaced by cases in CPolymeterDoc::GetUndoTitle. Also learning multiple mappings at once requires a second undo code: UCODE_LEARN_MULTI_MAPPING with different handling, presumably using CUndoMultiIntegerProp. Both of the learn edit methods should move into the document. void MappingLearn(int iMapping, DWORD nInMidiMsg); void MappingLearn(const CIntArrayEx& arrSelection, DWORD nInMidiMsg); 4/2/20 new way Tempo started at 110 but I like 107 better; it's more swinging and less overwhelming. Position -5:000 makes a song start, and there's a possible ending around 4:17 of 5:02. And a reentry point around 3:05. It's mostly C harmonic minor; the turnaround drops B to Bb, D to Db, C to Cb and back to the top, which is key of Eb (D-7b5), key of Ab, key of Ab melodic minor (G altered or Db7#4). A break could be interesting, with different changes. Try going to the IV (F harmonic minor) but not every time or for same length. Maybe first jump to a break around 1:12? 4/3/20 Unreleased tracks Solo piano, done: Ero Ayo 120 5:31 Happy Thoughts, Joy of Thinking, Device of Joy Mo Bulu 125 4:51 I'm Blue Irubo 123 4:15 Ritual Ninu Meta 90 4:21 In Three Ibaramu 140 5:29 Harmonious Yipo 107 4:44 Rolls, Twist Fun Ife 100 5:01 For Love Roro 120 5:00 Gently (around 39:10) filenames (double-check this! [checked]) Ero ABC2 10/20/19 4:13 pm Mo Bulu 10/21/19 7:24 pm Irubo 3 cresc 10/25/19 5:58 pm Ninu Meta B2 run 11/7/19 6:35 pm Ibaramu 11/21/19 4:09 am Yipo 4/8/20 8:00 pm Fun Ife2 4/28/20 2:01 am Roro 5/17/20 6:13 pm (DO NOT USE Roro bass boost) (CORRECTION Roro Reason file is Roro shorter ritards 8/6/20) NOTE that the Mo Bulu Reason file is 120 BPM, not 125 BPM. This was unintentional, alas. Misc: Stella By Starlight 3:34 Full band, but needs porting to Reason: Watergate 2:44 Tritone 4:43 Alternation 6:10 (around 25:20) LCM 3/17/20: live set 004 rec1c merge B3 no intro pad Boogie Woogie 2/1/20: range modulation merged rec1 Boogie Woogie 2/17/20: range modulation merged rec1 ac bass Watergate 11/30/19: watergate1 pos 2c rec1 Full band, done: Kahelo 120 5:59 Lodidi 130 6:14 Charlie's Big Break 130 5:10 Interago 125 5:11 (mastered) Kasita Mondo 130 6:00 (mastered) More Than Four 120 4:46 Shelter In Bass 120 4:23 Moonchego 123 8:20 Pleasant Mistake 125 5:35 LCM (drums only) 123 5:53 Heard a Moon 120 6:08 (was Boogie Woogie) LCM 123 5:34 files: Kahelo fast intro mix 9/14/19 1:48 pm Lodidi 2b mix 7/9/19 6:56 am Charlie's Big Break mix 6/30/19 11:39 pm more than four mix 4/11/20 2:31 am Shelter in Bass mix 4/16/20 6:59 pm Moonchego 04 mix 5/7/20 9:44 pm Pleasant Mistake vox less chorus 5/29/20 3:24 am LCM Kika 5/23/20 11:59 am Heard a Moon 5/29/20 9:32 pm 4/4/20 OSX For Time To Repeat command, GetNumberFormatEx is the problem, see test app. 4/4/20 Scale and chord modulation Chord modulation works fine, and permits Bergonzi's "numbers" system like ChordEase. But there's a subtle issue with indexing. Consider just scale and index. If the index is outside the scale, it currently wraps around. But this limits the scale to one octave! Arguably it would be more useful if indexing out of range octaved the scale note up or down as needed. Why should scales be limited to an octave, unless you explicitly request that behavior by setting Range Type to octave? You can work around it by adding more scale modulators so that the scale covers multiple octaves, but that might not be intuitive. It also uses a lot of tracks. The same issue applies to the Chord indexing; why should chords be limited to an octave? Changing this is complicated and could affect preexisting songs, so it's probably better to just use multi-octave scales and chords in cases where the difference matters. See the file "chord modulation test.plm" for a demonstration of multi-octave scales and chords and why they're needed. Most of time I'm using Range modulation in which case it's a non-issue. 4/8/20 docking bars to tabbed panes: visible but inactive Re the issue with not being able to dock Piano and MIDI bars to a tabbed pane: I looked into that some more. It's a non-trivial issue with pros and cons that need consideration. But the short form is this: Currently, keeping many of the bars in tabbed panes may make the UI sluggish. This is especially true of the Step Values bar! When a bar is docked to a tabbed pane, Windows considers it "visible" even if it's not the active tab, in which case it's not actually visible to the user. In my current implementation, such "visible but inactive" bars receive document updates (affecting performance), though they don't get "painted". It seems reasonable that hidden bars shouldn't consume any CPU cycles. When a bar gets "shown" my code assumes it's "dirty" (meaning it wasn't being updated while it was "hidden"), and updates it. But there's a catch to that work-saving strategy: bars that show real-time events (e.g. the Piano and MIDI event bars) will miss events that occur while they're hidden. This is why when you show the Piano bar, it doesn't display notes that were already in progress by the time you showed the bar; it missed those events. It's also why I had to disable tabbed docking for Piano and MIDI event bars. Those bars have big impact, because they oblige the sequencer to send a "monitoring" copy of the entire output MIDI sequence to the main thread. If those bars were allowed to tab-dock (or auto-hide), they would drag performance even though they might not be visible to the user. This seemed wrong to me, so I disallowed it. It's a messy situation with competing design goals. On the one hand, it's nice if bars don't consume resources while they're "hidden". On the other hand, it's annoying that when you show the Piano or MIDI event bars, events that occurred while they were hidden are missing. 4/8/20 Yipo It's in 33. The feel is 17 + 16, typically 5 + 4 * 7. 4/9/20 Sound design: what Reason drum sounds did I like back in the day? When It Rains: Bd_Xtc1 (pitch 27, tone 39) Clp_Xtc6 (pitch -10, tone 23) Sd3_Kru (pitch 26) Tom2_Dubfire (pitch 59) Hh3_Vintage (pitch 12) Ride2_Xtc6 (pitch 26 or -17) Sh_Xfile1 (pitch 22) Oh_FatBoy (pitch 2) Tmb_Chemical (pitch 4) This Is Cheese: Bd_Xtc1 (pitch 27, tone 11) Clp_Abstract (pitch -10, tone 23) Sd2_HardKnox Sd2_Sexy (pitch 18) Tom_Xtc1 (pitch 49) CYM3 1JAZZ (pitch -22) Sh_Xfile1 (pitch -16) Hh_Xfile2 Oh2_Xfile2 Clp_Xtc7 (pitch 6) Sh_Jeepkeys (pitch 4, tone 22) Bongo_Hardknox (pitch -20 or -36) Bd2_One2 (pitch -7 or -30) Save the Planet: Bd_Xtc1 (pitch 27, tone 39) Clp_RawDirt (pitch 14, tone 23) Sd_Numbers (pitch 20) Sd2_Sexy (pitch 8) Hh3_Vintage (pitch 12) Crash_Xtc Cb_Brassic Sh_XFile1 (pitch 16) Oh_FatBoy (pitch 10) Hh2_Sexy 4/10/20 More Than Four Europa master volume is 12.1 dB Try replacing "Played with eleven" with "Combined with eleven". It would make the meaning clearer and might sound better too. The vocal has a lot of big transients. Adding 2.5x compression helped a lot, but it probably needs de-essing too. The kick is solid but not sure if there's enough bass. Maybe try boosting the lows on the synth line. 4/11/20 Sequencer Callback taking too long It happend quite a few times while working on "More Than Four." Callback times as long as nearly 20ms were observed. Today I'm not seeing it. I looped the track's peak section, and after ten I see callback times of 31% max and 0.1% average. It's unclear what if anything the trouble was. Could the laptop have been thermally throttling the CPU? The fan was on pretty high. I did have Firefox running in the background without realizing it, and that's a big CPU-burner, so maybe that's all it was. Just to be sure, I benchmarked the scale re-sort after voices are dropped, to make sure the sort isn't taking too long. Over 500 samples it used 1 microsecond maximum. Not much hope of optimizing that! I did find a few spots where the "fast" versions of CArrayEx methods could be subsituted. Here's the benchmark code. It really ought to be easier to do this. static STATS stat = {0, 0, DBL_MAX}; CBenchmark b2;///@@@ { if (bDropped) // if any voices were dropped m_arrScale.Sort(); // re-sort scale tones } double t = b2.Elapsed();///@@@ stat.nCallbacks++; stat.fCBTimeSum += t; if (t < stat.fCBTimeMin) stat.fCBTimeMin = t; if (t > stat.fCBTimeMax) stat.fCBTimeMax = t; if (stat.nCallbacks == 500) printf("min=%f max=%f avg=%f\n", stat.fCBTimeMin, stat.fCBTimeMax, stat.fCBTimeSum / stat.nCallbacks); 4/16/20 process chord before transposing and applying range The previous code did the transpose and range window loop BEFORE the chord processing, but this is dumb. Why waste time transposing notes that won't be used? Only notes that get picked by the chord should be processed further. This this potentially saves quite a bit of work, e.g. with a hepatonic scale and tetrachords (the usual case) nearly half the scale tones were transposed and range windowed needlessly. It's an easy fix, and testing shows no impact on the output data. 4/16/20 Sequencer Callback taking too long: profile results AddTrackEvents is consuming 99.9% of the CPU time, no surprise there. But what IS a surprise is that the new scale / chord code doesn't seem to be the problem; it's consuming less than 1% of the time. So what's taking so long in AddTrackEvents? Using the main section of "Shelter in Bass" as a test file. Let's try SumModulations next. Sure looks like SumModulations related to the problem. RecurseModulations is also seems to be part of the problem. Interesting! In a typical run, the callback max time was 16.5ms, and the RecurseModulations max time was 6.7ms, or about 40% of the total max time. Next let's try profiling around AddTrackEvents's calls to RecurseModulations and SumModulations. Weird! In this case callback max time is 6.9ms but the profiled calls are only 75 microseconds. Something isn't adding up here. Could it be a thread issue? Could the callback be getting preempted? Better check the callback thread's priority. Nope, the callback thread priority is running at priority 2 (Highest), as expected. Aha! Examining the threads window reveals that the callback thread has competition, from an unidentified worker thread in winmm.dll running at Time Critical priority. So obviously if that thread blocks for any significant length of time, the sequencer callback will take too long. This suggests a test. Let's try disabling the output, i.e. do all the usual work but send an empty buffer to the MIDI stream handle. If the Time Critical thread is consuming CPU time in proportion to the density of the output MIDI stream, this test should eliminate that thread as a source of preemption or blocking. We still need to output the NOP to get callbacks. Just to be sure the optimizer doesn't outwit the test somehow, we'll output the real buffer to the app's queue for the Piano bar, then set the buffer to contain only NOP and output it to the MIDI stream. OK. Sure looks like the Time Critical thread is the culprit! After five minutes, callback max time is 2.6ms, and profile around AddTrackEvents (but inside critical section) is 2.1ms. Let's wait and see if the callback ever takes too long. So, after 15 minutes, the numbers are 3.9ms (callback) and 3.3ms (AddTrackEvents), and the "callback took too long" error hasn't occurred. If these numbers are to be believed, the only solution is to increase the latency. For very dense sequences, the mysterious Time Critical winmm thread is taking long enough to disrupt callback scheduling. If the profile were to include entering the critical section, would the callback and AddTrackEvents benchmarks match even more closely? Answer: Yes, now they're consistently within a few microseconds of each other. So AddTrackEvents is most of the app's work, but we already knew that. Contention for the track critical section can't be the issue, because the only other contenders are the editing functions in CSeqTrackArray, and no editing occurs during this test. Could it have something to do with the output capture and its associated double buffering strategy? We could try hiding the Piano bar. Doubtful but it's an easy test. Answer: No. Could it be related to loopMIDI or Reason? Not that it would matter since they're both indispensible. It's probably not preemption or blocking, because we're running on a quad-core CPU and the multimedia thread doesn't share any critical sections with our callback. It's more likely that the start of our callback is somehow delayed, perhaps because the multimedia driver is overworked by excessive sequence density. 4/16/20 RecurseModulations optimization Since we've established it does a lot of the work, further optimizing this method might be helpful. calling GetStepIndex before the recursion is wasteful because the recursion result might do a continue, in which the iModStep returned by GetStepIndex isn't used. Seems like we could just move nPosMod2 outside the recursion scope, init it zero, and then the GetStepIndex can move after the recursion. Same idea in SumModulations. Better check the output of this change carefully! [seems ok] 4/17/20 mix notes Shelter In Bass: string part is a bit too loud according to Kim and I tend to agree, maybe -2 dB? Or EQ it differently? This is a question for Mike. But it's masking the piano and percussion too much. 4/18/20 more on callback taking too long: memory usage? Investigate whether the callback thread is allocating memory. It shouldn't be. Once all the various dynamic arrays are big enough they should stay put provided the sequence density doesn't increase. int MyAllocHook(int nAllocType, void *pvData, size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, long lRequest, const unsigned char * szFileName, int nLine) { // need this to call printf else infinite loop since printf allocates if ( nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK ) return( TRUE ); if (GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()) == THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) { // only sequencer callback thread printf("%lld %s %d\n", nSize, szFileName, nLine); } return true; } // in InitInstance _CrtSetAllocHook(MyAllocHook); Result of this test is negative: the sequencer callback thread doesn't do any unexpected memory allocations. To write to console without using printf, can do some variant of this: static COORD coord; DWORD out; TCHAR buf[16]; _i64tot_s(nSize, buf, _countof(buf), 10); // for 64-bit vals WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), buf, _tcslen(buf), coord, &out); coord.Y++; // need to handle scrolling or at least wrap around! 4/18/20 epic time wasting in AddTrackEvents 1. Muted tracks process all of their modulators, pointlessly. 2. Modulator tracks process all their modulators, pointlessly. 3. When a mute modulator returns true, processing continues, pointlessly. No wonder the sequencer callback is taking so long! All of these are easily fixable with a slight refactoring. One unexpected result of the enhancements: if a track has many modulators, and some of them are mute modulators, performance will likely be improved if the mute modulators come first in the modulator list. This is because when a mute modulator mutes the track, the "goto next_step" aborts any further processing for the current step, including the (possibly recursive) evaluation of other modulators. That's potentially a significant savings. It could be a reason to sort modulators by modulation type instead of by source track. 4/18/20 high-frequency memory reallocation OnUpdateEditUndo and OnUpdateEditRedo reallocate memory whenever the mouse moves, due to loading the undo or redo prefix from a string resource and then appending the edit-specific title to it. This work can be avoided by overloading CUndoManager::OnUpdateTitles and doing the prefixing there instead. But that's not all: CToolCmdUI::SetText also creates a CString, in order to remove the trailing label, and CToolCmdUI is a private class buried in afxtoolbar.cpp. And it's renamed to CMFCToolBarCmdUI via #define, nice. Then there's all the stuff that gets updated during play: CClientDC in CStepView::UpdateSongPosition: how to avoid this? Can be avoided by using GetDC and ReleaseDC instead of CClientDC, but it makes a mess of the drawing code; HDC must be passed around. CClientDC appears to allocate a large buffer, on the order of 14K. CClientDC in in CSongView::UpdateSongPos: how to avoid this? GetDC/ReleaseDC isn't enough because UpdateWindow is called and that sends a paint message to CView::OnPaint which instantiates a CPaintDC. Still it might save time to construct only one DC wrapper instead of two. Also CClientDC is constructed long before it's used, not that it matters. Updating the song position and time also reallocates memory, due to CString. The Format statement alone is between 5 and 10 microseconds. The sequencer methods could write to fixed-size buffers instead, but this makes a mess of various things and will attract bugs. And then there's the mysterious message loop that occurs when the mouse hovers over a list control, or over a property sheet item that isn't abbreviated. It allocates at high frequency, no doubt due to calling FromHandle. It's somehow related to tool tips. There's also some connection to a mysterious timer message with event ID 3. That's not an official AFX timer ID, and according to the message hooks it appears to be posted rather than sent, making the source impossible to determine. But it's probably sent by a tool tip control, possibly one associated with the list control. There are dozens of unidentified tool tip controls associated with the app, but having no parent window. This timer ID 3 issue or whatever it is also occurs in a stock 2012 app if you hover the mouse over one of the tree controls. The tree controls also have item tooltips. Another sign it's tooltip related. 4/21/20 Offset modulation MODTYPEDEF(Offset) case MT_Offset: arrMod[iModType] += nStepVal; // offset is unsigned break; // declare evt much later! REMOVE these two lines: if (nDurSteps) { // if at start of note CMidiEvent evt; evt.m_nTime = nEvtTime; // need this instead: nNote = CLAMP(nNote, 0, MIDI_NOTE_MAX); CMidiEvent evt; evt.m_nTime = nEvtTime + arrMod[MT_Offset]; evt.m_dwEvent = MakeMidiMsg(NOTE_ON, trk.m_nChannel, nNote, nVel); if (evt.m_nTime < m_nCBLen) // if note starts during this callback m_arrEvent.FastInsertSorted(evt); // add note to sorted array for output else { // note starts during a subsequent callback evt.m_nTime += nCBStart; // convert to absolute time m_arrNoteOff.FastInsertSorted(evt); // schedule delayed note } int nDuration = nDurSteps * nQuant + trk.m_nDuration + arrMod[MT_Duration]; // add duration offset if (nDurSteps & 1) { // if odd duration if (bIsOdd) // if odd step nDuration -= nSwing; // subtract swing from duration else // even step nDuration += nSwing; // add swing to duration } nDuration = max(nDuration, 1); // keep duration above zero evt.m_nTime = nAbsEvtTime + arrMod[MT_Offset] + nDuration; // absolute time evt.m_dwEvent &= ~0xff0000; // zero note's velocity m_arrNoteOff.FastInsertSorted(evt); // add pending note off to array } 5/6/20 Moonchego Watch out for parameters getting reset by mapping, especially in Reason. The inital synth levels should be: drums: 100 pad: 0.0 dB lead: 93 bass: 100 vox: 100 5/17/20 converting tetrachords from a flat list to a four-row table via Excel assuming the list of note values is in column A, set cell B1 to this: =INDEX($A:$A,(COLUMN(B1) - 2) * 4 + MOD(ROW(B1) - 1, 4) + 1,1) and then copy/paste as needed To convert cells from note numbers to MIDI note names, use this: =CONCATENATE(CHOOSE(MOD(A1, 12)+1,"C","Db","D","Eb","E","F","Gb","G","Ab","A","Bb","B"),QUOTIENT(A1,12)-1) 5/21/20 Roro vs. Roro bass boost In Roro bass boost, the bottom note has the same velocity as the upper three notes, instead of -10. Kim complained about wanting the lower notes to be a bit louder, but I don't hear it that way. I like the softness of the original. The bass boost version feels too heavy-handed on the low notes. The title means "gently" so it should be gentle. But perhaps this choice should be revisited during mastering. 5/21/20 LCM mix Claps weren't correctly assigned to individual mixer channel in the exported wav file; could affect pan / level. Pad seems overly loud and attack seems too slow? 6/9/20 override MIDI input channel Option indices are zero origin, so must reserve zero for none. if (theApp.m_Options.m_Midi_nInputChannel > 0) dwEvent = (dwEvent & ~0xf) | (theApp.m_Options.m_Midi_nInputChannel - 1) Overriding dwEvent post-mapping seems easy at first. But it introduces inconsistencies, because dwParam1 is also used: 1. The MIDI input bar will show the original channel. Maybe OK? 2. Recorded MIDI input will have the original channel. Confusing. The latter is hard to fix because changing the channel for an input message that was mapped will break the mapping when the recording is played back. Overriding the channel pre-mapping always breaks the mappings, not only during playback of a recording, and breaks learn mode too, so it's a mess either way. 6/11/20 go to convergence This method has questionable utility and is no substitute for a phase map. It can lock up the program if nConvSize is big and the song uses a lot of different prime lengths. This could be demonstrated with "Ala Aye". If the phase bar is hidden, the orbit array must be explicitly updated first. void CPhaseBar::GotoNextConvergence(int nConvSize, bool bReverse) const { CPolymeterDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetMainFrame()->GetActiveMDIDoc(); if (pDoc != NULL) { int nSelected = 0; int nOrbits = m_arrOrbit.GetSize(); for (int iOrbit = 0; iOrbit < nOrbits; iOrbit++) { if (m_arrOrbit[iOrbit].m_bSelected) nSelected++; } int nPos = static_cast(m_nSongPos); int nDelta = bReverse ? -1 : 1; if (nSelected) nConvSize = min(nConvSize, nSelected); else nConvSize = min(nConvSize, nOrbits); while (1) { nPos += nDelta; int nHits = 0; for (int iOrbit = 0; iOrbit < nOrbits; iOrbit++) { const COrbit& orbit = m_arrOrbit[iOrbit]; if (!nSelected || orbit.m_bSelected) { if (!(nPos % orbit.m_nPeriod)) { nHits++; if (nHits >= nConvSize) { pDoc->SetPosition(nPos); pDoc->UpdateAllViews(NULL, CPolymeterDoc::HINT_CENTER_SONG_POS); return; } } } } } } } 6/13/20 negative input to modulo function, handled correctly int m = 5; for (int i = 10; i >= -10; i--) { int x; if (i >= 0) x = i - i % m; else x = i - (i + 1) % m - m + 1; printf("%d\t%d\n", i, x); } 10 10 9 5 8 5 7 5 6 5 5 5 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 -1 -5 -2 -5 -3 -5 -4 -5 -5 -5 -6 -10 -7 -10 -8 -10 -9 -10 -10 -10 6/16/20 Passion for Numbers ( <34#s ) Front cover: double fMidX = szCanvas.cx / 2 - 30; for (int iCol = 0; iCol <= nCols + 1; iCol++) { CSize szBitmap(3780, 3685); Back cover: double fWidth = arrLen[iRow] * (fXScale * 0.969); CSize szBitmap(3839, 2693); Text: CHRIS KORDA PASSION FOR NUMBERS A1. Ero Ayo A2. Mo Bulu A3. Irubo A4. Ninu Meta B1. Ibaramu B2. Yipo B3. Fun Ife B4. Roro Big text is 48 pt Helvetica Black Label: 1087 x 1087 (safe area) then expand to 1229 to reach edge of bleed 6/20/20 Modulation bar selection issues Delete / Cut: removing selection is no problem, just add Deselect call: pDoc->UpdateAllViews(NULL, CPolymeterDoc::HINT_MODULATION); m_grid.Deselect(); Paste / Insert: easy if Show Differences is OFF, but harder if it's on // this ONLY works if Show Differences is OFF int nPrevMods = m_arrModulator.GetSize(); pDoc->UpdateAllViews(NULL, CPolymeterDoc::HINT_MODULATION); if (iSelItem < 0) // if no selection iSelItem = nPrevMods; // appended if (iSelItem >= 0) m_grid.SelectRange(iSelItem, nMods); else m_grid.Deselect(); What to do if Show Differences is on? Search m_arrModulator for the first pasted element? Restoring selection after undo is not currently possible because the track selection might be different when the undo occurs. This is yet another reason why track selection should be an insignificant edit that's saved systematically instead of in an adhoc way. Also the Show Differences flag would need to be saved and restored because like track selection it also affects which modulators are shown. 6/23/20 MFC Customize subsystem is incompatible with renumbering resource IDs The easy experiment: 1. Add some commands to the standard toolbar. Create some new keyboard shortcuts too. Now exit the app and edit the project as follows. 2. Create a new menu command called ID_APP_ALPHA (guaranteed to be the first command) and renumber the resource IDs. This shifts every app-defined command ID up by one. 3. Rerun the app. The custom toolbar commands still have the same names, but they no longer trigger the intended commands. They may also move around on the toolbar. The keyboard shortcuts are also shifted. All of this is predictable because the Customize system stores command IDs. So that's an epic fail. When the app is next upgraded, if the upgrade adds new commands (or removes or renames existing commands), any customizations the user made will likely be partially or completely scrambled. That sounds like a good reason not to allow it, but maybe it could be OK to allow it and put a warning in the manual? The only other solution I can think of is to strictly adhere to this procedure: 1. Avoid renaming or deleting existing commands, or if it's unavoidable, retain the command's original ID by preserving the corresponding hint resource string (though the string can be empty or just contain a single space, or "X" or whatever). 2. New commands must have a special prefix that provides versioning and forces newly added commands to the end of the renumbered command ID range. For example, the prefix ID_a??_ could work. The first upgrade would use this prefix: ID_a00_A_NEW_COMMAND ID_a00_NEW_COMMAND_IN_THE_SAME_RELEASE The next upgrade would use an incremented prefix: ID_a01_A_NEW_COMMAND_IN_A_SUBSEQUENT_RELEASE This works so long as command names don't start with a lowercase letter. Since the version number can use not only 0-9 but also A-Z and a-z, the prefix allows around 100,000 upgrades (26 * 62 * 62) which seems adequate for a production app. If you exceed 3,844 upgrades (after ID_azz_) you roll over to ID_b00_ and so on. This scheme doesn't require any changes to the venerable resource renumbering app. Another issue: menus and especially context menus often have groups of options (with checkboxes or radio buttons) that depend on having a contiguous range of command IDs. Adding a command to such a group also potentially shifts the app's command IDs. To maintain the above procedure in such cases will be significant work: the entire group has to be copied to a new range of command IDs, leaving the old range reserved. This will result in a lot of "dead wood" i.e. legacy command hint resource strings. In practice there seem to be relatively few such cases (search for "ON_COMMAND_RANGE"). One way to check for compatibility is to file compare the old and new Resource.h. If you see any changes other than appends, it's incompatible. Clearly this approach would be unworkable during development, but once the app is in production it might be reasonable if Customize is important enough to warrant it. 7/5/20 Multiple windows of a document There are two related issues: if document has multiple windows, changing view type affects first window instead of active one if document has multiple windows with different view types, properties may be inconsistent between windows The first issue might not be solvable with the current architecture. It's unclear. The second issue isn't too bad with song view and track view. Here the only obvious symptom is that the Track/Length command doesn't work (it's disabled). But with live view and track view, there are more problens. Muting/unmuting tracks in live view doesn't update track view (but the reverse works). Same for selecting a preset or soloing in live view. 7/10/20 Menu key stops working after switching documents via Ctrl+Tab To replicate it: 1. run app 2. create a 2nd document 3. select the 1st document via left-clicking its tab 4. select the 2nd document via Ctrl+Tab 5. Press Alt+F4 to exit the app; nothing happens 7/20/20 Undo test with changing view type if (!Random(10)) { POSITION pos = m_pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); CView *pView = m_pDoc->GetNextView(pos); CChildFrame *pFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CChildFrame, pView->GetParentFrame()); pFrame->SetViewType(Random(2)); // track or song view only } Note that including Live view will cause checksum errors, because Live view potentially changes track mutes without creating an undoable event, in order to keep parts and presets consistent. 7/22/20 Showing dockable bars menu The work is done by this apparently public method: CDockingManager::BuildPanesMenu(CMenu& menu, BOOL bToolbarsOnly) 8/1/20 mysterious MIDI error 65 #define MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING (MIDIERR_BASE + 1) /* still something playing */ It occurs when stopping the sequencer. It almost never happens under Windows, but it appears to happen every time on a Mac with Wine Bottler. The error's definition is "Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the device, or wait until the data is finished playing." That should tell us something. The problem is we don't know which MIDI streams function is causing it. We stop the stream, unprepare the buffers, and finally close the device. Hypothesis: we're attempting to unprepare a buffer before the driver has finished with it. Does midiStreamStop return before the buffers are returned, or wait? The Windows documentation is a bit vague on this point. "When you call this function, any pending system-exclusive or stream output buffers are returned to the callback mechanism and the MHDR_DONE bit is set in the dwFlags member of the MIDIHDR structure." Notice it doesn't say exactly WHEN the output buffers are returned. It that's the issue, you'd think making the callback time much longer would provoke the error, but I tried that and it didn't make any difference. If this really is the issue, it's an easy fix. In the MIDI callback's MOM_DONE case, if the stopping flag is set, increment a count of done buffers. In the Play function, after stopping the stream, wait for this count to reach the number of buffers, while sleeping periodically. Or more properly, in the callback, when the done buffer count reaches the desired number, set an event, and in the Play function, wait on the event with a timeout. [Note: the number of buffers in use at any given time is too uncertain for this plan to be safe.] If the unprepare is doing it, another possible solution would be to loop on unprepare as long as it returns MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, with a Sleep to avoid burning CPU. This is more or less shooting the messenger. MMRESULT CSequencer::UnprepareHeader(int iBuffer) { int nTries = 100; // number of tries int nRetryPause = 10; // retry pause in milliseconds MMRESULT nResult = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; for (int iTry = 0; iTry < nTries; iTry++) { // for each try nResult = midiOutUnprepareHeader( reinterpret_cast(m_hStrm), &m_arrMsgHdr[iBuffer], sizeof(MIDIHDR)); if (MIDI_SUCCEEDED(nResult) || nResult != MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING) // if success or fatal error break; // exit loop Sleep(nRetryPause); // buffer still playing; pause and try again } return nResult; } Without a Mac to test against, there's no way to reproduce the issue, so no way to prove the above solution would help. I would tend to think it's a Mac / Wine MIDI implementation issue except I have very rarely seen it under Windows. It's possible it's driver-dependent. The easiest test is to just put a Sleep(1000) after midiStreamStop and see if that fixes the problem in MacOS. I give it even odds. Another hypothesis is that calling midiStreamOut from within the callback is actually a terrible idea, even though it seems to work. MSDN discourages any calls to MIDI functions, but examples in the wild vary. Some examples only set an event in the callback, others call midiStreamOut as we do. The event is a royal pain in the ass because it means creating a whole other worker thread and incurring all the overhead and complexity associated with that. 8/7/20 show step selection in velocity view int iStepSelRight; int iStepSelLeft = 0; // avoids uninitialized variable warning for (int iSel = 0; iSel < nSels; iSel++) { // for each selected track ... if (iTrack < rStepSel.bottom && iTrack >= rStepSel.top) { // if track within step selection iStepSelLeft = rStepSel.left; iStepSelRight = rStepSel.right; } else iStepSelRight = 0; // left doesn't matter if right is zero for (int iStep = iFirstStep; iStep <= iLastStep; iStep++) { // for each step ... COLORREF clrBar; if (iStep < iStepSelRight && iStep >= iStepSelLeft) // if step within step selection clrBar = clrBarSelected; else clrBar = clrBarNormal; pDC->FillSolidRect(rBar, clrBar); It works, but it makes the step view responsible for invalidating the velocity view. Depending on how that's done it adds significant overhead especially when dragging the step selection. It's easy to just invalidate the entire velocity view in all cases, but it's inefficient. 8/12/20 subtitles Easiest for YouTube is .sbv format: hh:mm:ss.000,hh:mm:ss.000 blah blah hh:mm:ss.000,hh:mm:ss.000 more blah blah [and so on] Export the song from Polymeter, using Tools/Export/Song Isolate the vocals note on events and load them into Excel Excel funtion to convert MIDI MBT to time in days: =(a1/120*(60/T)+0.1)/86400 where T is tempo (assuming 120 PPQ) and 0.1 is time offset in seconds for Overshoot subtitles were too early, +1/10 of a second was about right 86400 is seconds in a day Format the times with this Custom format: [h]:mm:ss.000 Now the hard part: getting the on/off times in pairs, and matching them with the lyrics. Couldn't figure out how to do it with Excel, by hand is a PITA. 8/12/20 Apologize chorus lyrics order confusion: The audio goes like this: Apologize For the dying seas Apologize For the clear-cut trees Apologize For needless birth Apologize To what’s left of earth Apologize For overpopulation Apologize For mass migration Apologize To the United Nations Apologize To future generations 9/5/20 Note Number input mapping type It might be helpful to have a note mapping that gets the data byte from the note number rather than the velocity. To be useful it should also ignore note off messages. This would permit a keyboard to be used for Preset changes, for example. However by default it would utilize the entire range of MIDI notes on the given channel, which would be very wasteful in most cases. This could be addressed by re-purposing the Range Start / End parameters to be the range of notes included in the mapping, but that's a confusing kludge. This still doesn't solve the problem of how to use a keyboard for toggling binary switches, for example Mute states. Here the problem is who owns the toggle state. For Mute states specifically the Mute state itself could be be its own toggle state, and this is advantageous because it will remain consistent with the UI. But for a general solution that won't work. The same applies to Part mute states. The toggle problem exists because many common controllers don't support reprogramming what their keys or buttons send, or make it very difficult. Another approach to these problems is instead of trying to make a general solution, create a custom implementation of Part and Preset mappings for ranges of MIDI notes. This would be more work to develop, because it would need custom UI, file storage, etc. but would allow the most specificity. Still another approach would be to add a new Switching attribute to the mapping parameters, consisting of Normal or Toggle. In Toggle mode, the target parameter would toggle between 0 and 127. This would solve control of Parts via MIDI keyboard, and would also be useful in other cases for example toggling the steps in a track. 9/9/20 Gray Code Try using gray code in SetPerm for generating permutational harmony. It might generate smoother transitions. uint BinaryToGray(uint num) { return num ^ (num >> 1); } 9/23/20 ordering of tracks within a preset A preset's track indices aren't necessarily in ascending order. This is easily demonstrated by making a preset and then reordering its tracks. In order to interdisperse presets with tracks in track order, it's essential to know the minimum track index for each preset, and this will need to be determined by iterating. The only other way around it would be to keep presets always sorted but this would be much more costly and there's no need. Arguably the array class should include methods to find the minimum or maximum element. Also, CPart::GetTrackRefs should return the number of tracks that belong to parts. This would make it possible to preallocate the part array CLiveView::Update(), instead of using Add. 10/18/20 GraphViz 2.44.1 not working Tried with both 32-bit and 64-bit installers. In both cases dot.exe fails with this error: There is no layout engine support for "dot" Perhaps "dot -c" needs to be run (with installer's privileges) to register the plugins? Their installer should take care of this but it doesn't. Also 2.44 often bungles the graph size, causing the graph to be too small or clipped. Version 2.38 doesn't have either of these problems. 10/25/20 converting BalaGray output to note track In Excel, use this formula: =IF(A1=B1,164,36) 11/13/20 started new piano piece The A section uses using new balanced gray code change ringing for arpeggiation. The changes are 4-bell pattern 26, which is a rotation of [6,12,6]A. The B section (started 11/15) similarly uses 4-bell gray [9,6,9] for arpeggiation. It also uses the balanced gray code sequence [2222] for alterating the tetrachord, though the sequence is rotated five steps right, starting with [0010] instead of [0000]. The scale is an octatonic (0235678a) which is potentially quite dissonant, due to having three semitones in a row; its prime form is 8-22 (0123568a), IV 465562. The unaltered tetrachord is [0246] which yields [0,3,6,8] which is a diminished triad plus a b6. The result is surprisingly consonant despite the three semitones, because the alteration scheme avoids sounding more than two semitones at once and also keeps them from abutting each other. (0235678a) [0246] C 0010 [0256] (0378) Abmaj7 0011 [0257] (037a) C-7 0111 [0357] (057a) C7sus4 0101 [0347] (056a) Gbmaj7#4 0001 [0247] (036a) C-7b5 0000 [0246] (0368) Ab7 1000 [1246] (2368) Ab7#4 1100 [1346] (2568) Ab13#4 0100 [0346] (0568) Ab13 0110 [0356] (0578) F-9 1110 [1356] (2578) F-6 1111 [1357] (257a) G-7 1101 [1347] (256a) Gbmaj7#5 1001 [1247] (246a) Eb-maj7 1011 [1257] (247a) Ebmaj7 1010 [1256] (2478) Abmaj7#4 This was a lucky accident. The intention was to use the symmetric diminished scale (0235689b), but the last three notes were mistakenly entered sharp by a semitone. The diminished scale would have been much more dissonant. Making and recognizing "pleasant mistakes" is a crucial aspect of the artistic process. This example also suggests that even scary-looking pitch class sets with lots of semitones can produce relatively consonant tonalities if they're handled carefully. 11/17/20 consistency test for CStepValuesBar ScanStep and FormatStep methods static const int arrFormat[] = { // array of formats to test STF_SIGNED, STF_NOTES | STF_OCTAVES, STF_TIES, STF_HEX, }; int nPrevStepFormat = m_nStepFormat; // save format member int nPerms = 1 << _countof(arrFormat); // all permutations of test formats for (int iPerm = 0; iPerm < nPerms; iPerm++) { // for each permutation m_nStepFormat = 0; for (int iFormat = 0; iFormat < _countof(arrFormat); iFormat++) { // for each format if (iPerm & (1 << iFormat)) // if current permutation includes this format m_nStepFormat |= arrFormat[iFormat]; // add format to mask } int nVals; if (m_nStepFormat & STF_TIES) nVals = 256; else nVals = 128; int iVal; for (iVal = 0; iVal < nVals; iVal++) { TCHAR sz[10]; FormatStep(sz, _countof(sz), iVal); int nStep; ScanStep(sz, nStep); if (nStep != iVal) { printf("ERROR: %d != %d\n", iVal, nStep); break; } } printf("0x%02x: %s\n", m_nStepFormat, iVal >= nVals ? "pass" : "FAIL"); } m_nStepFormat = nPrevStepFormat; // restore format member 11/17/20 nasty focus issue in CGridControl The symptom that started the inquiry: Pressing and releasing the Alt key and then left-clicking a grid control item crashes or throws an Improper Argument exception. It was fixed in CGridControl::OnLButtonDown by calling SetFocus before calling EditSubitem. But there's more. It turns out SetFocus can fail, for example if the window that's losing focus resets focus. One scenario: You're editing tempo in the master properties, and you enter an invalid tempo, and then click a grid control item. The MFC property grid's kill focus handler is called and tries to validate the property using DDV. The property fails validation in this case, so _AfxFailMinMaxReal displays a modal error dialog and calls CDataExchange::Fail() which sets the focus to the offending control. Thus when SetFocus returns, the grid control doesn't actually have focus. Most likely the modal dialog has focus. If the grid control proceeds to create a popup edit control, that control will immediately receive a kill focus message after it tries and fails to wrest focus from the modal dialog. The popup edit's kill focus handler will delete the edit control right out from under the rest of its creation code and we're primed for a crash. This can happen because modal dialogs create a message subloop, allowing messages to be processed, but also prevent other windows from receiving focus. The solution is to verify that SetFocus actually worked, and if didn't, don't create the popup edit control. The easiest way to do that is by checking that the result of ::GetDlgCtrlID() equals m_hWnd. 11/18/20 more work on auto-hide and attach For the history, see the entry from 4/8/20. It's time for a drastically new approach to visibility in CMyDockablePane. Instead of determining visibility via the base class Visible() method, we'll instead use the WS_VISIBLE style, i.e. the unadorned window visibility. This means CMyDockablePane::OnShowChanged will now be called: 1. When a tabbed pane becomes active or inactive. 2. When an auto-hide pane becomes active or inactive. Hence we can finally enable tabbing and auto-hide for the Piano and MIDI Input/Output panes. Note however that these panes will NOT receive MIDI data while inactive. In terms of output capture, making a tabbed or auto-hide pane active is the same as showing the pane from the main menu. Any previous history is lost. In general performance should improve, because the app will no longer wastefully send document updates to invisible panes. This is particularly beneficial for the Step Values pane, which can use considerable CPU time. On the other hand, switching between tabbed panes may take longer than before in some cases, because pane's update is now deferred until the pane is shown. Again this is good overall, especially with tabbed panes, because only the visible pane that needs updating is actually updated, as opposed to before, when panes were frequently updated even though they were invisible. This change also fixes the Phase pane not animating when it's in auto-hide mode. 11/22/20 looping playback in OutputMidiBuffer, inside the critical section but before the tempo event processing: if (m_bIsLooping && m_nCBTime + m_nCBLen >= m_nLoopTo) { SetPosition(m_nLoopFrom); } It's that easy. The hard part is the UI. The loop enable can be a Transport command and a toolbar button. Ctrl+Alt+L is available. The loop range could be members of the Properties bar. It would be nice if there were a visual way of setting the range. You could get the range from the step selection in Track view, or the cell selection in Song view. This has the advantage of being inherently quantized. For example if looping is off and the loop command is given when a rectangular selection exists, in that case you could set the loop range from the width of the rectangular selection. The only problem with this idea is that in Track view, a multi-track rectangular selection doesn't necessarily have a uniform width in terms of time, for example if the tracks have different Quants. It's a degenerate case. You could exclude it, or take the range from the first track. It would also be nice if the ruler indicated the loop range while looping, for example using a colored rectangle. Extra credit if you can modify the range by dragging either end. It's important to indicate the range somehow because the rectangular selection is emphemeral. The loop enable and range should be saved in the document. Note that the caller must ensure that m_nLoopFrom < m_nLoopTo, otherwise playback will get stuck due to setting m_nLoopFrom on every callback. 11/29/20 resource ID usage in MFC UI customization methods All of these keys are contained in "Workspace". "Keyboard-0/Accelerators" contains a binary table of accelerator structs. The struct has a similar layout to the ACCEL struct except the command ID is a WORD instead of a DWORD, making the size six bytes instead of eight. struct REG_ACCEL { WORD flags; WORD key; WORD cmd; }; "MFCToolBar-59392/Buttons" contains the current toolbar buttons. "MFCToolBar-593980/Buttons" contains the default menu items. "MFCToolBar-5939871/Buttons" contains the document menu items. In each case the "OriginalItems" subkey contains a backup. These button lists are binary CArchives from serialization. 11/30/20 impact of command ID renumbering on UI customization It's pretty clear that if existing command IDs change or shift, any UI customizations will be badly scrambled. There doesn't seem to be any practical way to correct this, so we're left with only two options. 1) reset customizations every time app starts (the current solution), or 2) name new commands in such a way that renumbering the command IDs never causes existing IDs to change or shift. Command ID ranges are especially problematic because they require a contiguous range of values, hence should a command need to be added to the range, the range must expand, unavoidably shifting up any command IDs above the range. The question is, how many such cases currently exist? This is answered by searching the source files for "D_RANGE(" and the answer is that most of the cases use reserved ID ranges based on ID_APP_DYNAMIC_SUBMENU_BASE and aren't impacted by Resource.h. Graph Scope, Graph Layout, Filter Channel, Filter Message, Output Channel, Piano Size, and Convergence Size are in that category. That leaves two cases, both in the Step Values bar: Layout Columns (Steps vs. Tracks), and Delimiter (Comma vs. Tab). These two cases could fairly easily be modified to use ID_APP_DYNAMIC_SUBMENU_BASE, after which all the remaining command IDs in Resource.h would be independent of range. Thus there would be no remaining obstacle to adding new command IDs with a prefix such as "ID_z00" in order to ensure that they sort to the end of the command ID list; see 6/23/20. These two cases are effectively booleans masquerading as multiple choice, so they could also effectively be ignored. Enabling persistence of customization is simple, just remove (or make conditional) these statements in MainFrm.cpp: // ck: disable UI customization for now, it's too confusing during development #if _MFC_VER < 0xb00 m_wndMenuBar.RestoreOriginalstate(); m_wndToolBar.RestoreOriginalstate(); #else // MS fixed typo m_wndMenuBar.RestoreOriginalState(); m_wndToolBar.RestoreOriginalState(); #endif theApp.GetKeyboardManager()->ResetAll(); theApp.GetContextMenuManager()->ResetState(); This was tested, including the addition of several new commands, with their names prefixed by ID_z00_ prefix, and behavior seems as expected except that adding new commands to the main menu appears to remove any main menu customizations. 12/1/20 spurious dubs The problem is caused by CTrackBase::CDubArray::RemoveDuplicates() skipping the last dub in the dub array, per this comment: "exclude last dub from pruning because it indicates song length." This behavior can cause a blizzard of confusing spurious dubs, due to each track potentially having a different last dub time. One solution is to handle the last dub as a special case, and if it's a duplicate, delete the earlier dub (its predecessor) instead of the later one (the last one in this case). This will remove the duplicate while preserving the song length. // after pruning loop! int iLastDub = GetSize() - 1; // reload array size as it may have changed above if (iLastDub > 0 && GetAt(iLastDub - 1).m_bMute == GetAt(iLastDub).m_bMute) // if last dub is a duplicate RemoveAt(iLastDub - 1); // remove earlier duplicate, preserving song length Nope, this is a bad idea because it causes erroneous dub lengths. So only remaining solution is to fix the code that searches for the next/previous dub so that it ignores these degenerate cases. 1/20/21 device change notification should retry missing MIDI device and close message box if successful This cheap trick seems to work, but it feels risky for such a minor case. } else { // message box already displayed // assume missing devices message box has sufficiently unique caption HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, CMidiDevices::GetErrorDlgCaption()); if (hWnd) { // if missing devices message box found INPUT inp = {0}; // init struct to zero inp.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; // send return key to message box inp.ki.wVk = VK_RETURN; // assume default button is Retry SendInput(1, &inp, sizeof(inp)); // retry missing device } } 6/7/21 installing Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 7 SP 1 (without automatic updates) vc_community.exe tries to install the same package five times and then fails with "Unable to download installation files. Check your internet connection and try again." The issue is stale certificates. Two need to be obtained from the Microsoft PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) page, and properly installed in trusted root. The URL is: https://www.microsoft.com/pkiops/docs/repository.htm And the two certificates needed are: Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010 Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011 Download the .crt files, and for each, right click and install using Wizard, but do NOT take the default, select "Place all certificates in the following store" and then press the Browse button and select: Trusted Root Certification Authorities. If you install them anywhere else it won't work. When you install VS2019, you need to include the Windows 10 SDK and MFC. 6/7/21 compilation errors and warnings in Visual Studio 2019 optional: set warning level to 3, or suppress these warnings: 4838;4840;4456;4457;4477;4302;4311;4312 These are new warnings: 4838 conversion from 'type_1' to 'type_2' requires a narrowing conversion 4840 non-portable use of class 'type' as an argument to a variadic function 4456 declaration of 'identifier' hides previous local declaration 4457 declaration of 'identifier' hides function parameter 4477 function' : format string 'string' requires an argument of type 'type', but variadic argument number has type 'type' These warnings were off prior to VS2015: 4302 'conversion' : truncation from 'type 1' to 'type 2' 4311 'variable' : pointer truncation from 'type' to 'type' 4312 'operation' : conversion from 'type1' to 'type2' of greater size whitespace between concatenated string literals is now mandatory! requires three fixes in Options.cpp: {_T(#group)_T("_")_T(#name), IDS_OPT_NAME_##group##_##name, IDS_OPT_DESC_##group##_##name, \ S.B. {_T(#group) _T("_") _T(#name), IDS_OPT_NAME_##group##_##name, IDS_OPT_DESC_##group##_##name, \ and similar for these: RdReg(_T("Options\\") _T(#group), _T(#name), m_##group##_##name); WrReg(_T("Options\\") _T(#group), _T(#name), m_##group##_##name); 7/21/21 Allow conversion of a dockable pane to an MDI child in CMainFrame ctor: m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild = true; It's a bad idea because the bar isn't restored properly next time you run the app. It can lead to the app reporting the bar as visible when it's not in fact visible. 7/21/21 Customizing tabbed pane's context menu A group of tabbed panes doesn't call CMyDockablePane::OnBeforeShowPaneMenu, as an individual pane does. That's because the group is a CTabbedPane that's created dynamically by CreateTabbedPane. To fix this, derive a class from CTabbedPane and ensure that every dockable pane calls SetTabbedPaneRTC with the derived class. It's not all that useful, but here's how do it. class CMyTabbedPane : public CTabbedPane { DECLARE_SERIAL(CMyTabbedPane) protected: enum { ID_TOGGLE_MAXIMIZE = -1110 // don't conflict with IDs in CPane::OnShowControlBarMenu }; virtual BOOL OnBeforeShowPaneMenu(CMenu& menu); virtual BOOL OnAfterShowPaneMenu(int nMenuResult); }; IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CMyTabbedPane, CTabbedPane, 1) BOOL CMyTabbedPane::OnBeforeShowPaneMenu(CMenu& menu) { CPaneFrameWnd* pParent = GetParentMiniFrame(); if (pParent != NULL) { // if parent mini-frame is valid (implies floating) int nItemStrId; if (pParent->IsZoomed()) // if parent window is maximized nItemStrId = IDS_SC_RESTORE; else // parent window isn't maximized nItemStrId = IDS_SC_MAXIMIZE; menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, static_cast(ID_TOGGLE_MAXIMIZE), LDS(nItemStrId)); } return CTabbedPane::OnBeforeShowPaneMenu(menu); } BOOL CMyTabbedPane::OnAfterShowPaneMenu(int nMenuResult) { if (nMenuResult == ID_TOGGLE_MAXIMIZE) { // if toggling maximize CPaneFrameWnd* pParent = GetParentMiniFrame(); if (pParent != NULL) { // if parent mini-frame is valid (implies floating) int nShowCmd; if (pParent->IsZoomed()) // if parent window is maximized nShowCmd = SW_RESTORE; else // parent window isn't maximized nShowCmd = SW_MAXIMIZE; pParent->ShowWindow(nShowCmd); // maximize or restore parent window } } return CTabbedPane::OnAfterShowPaneMenu(nMenuResult); } int CMyDockablePane::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CDockablePane::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; SetTabbedPaneRTC(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyTabbedPane)); // so CreateTabbedPane uses derived class return 0; } 11/3/21 delaying UI to improve sync with audio Tested using the Windows GS Synth, at 120 BPM and 120 TPQN, updating view at 50 Hz: nPos - 50 ticks seems to work the best. That's +208ms. It's difficult to evaluate the sync in track view, but slightly easier in song view. There's a lot of jitter, possibly as much as +/- 10 ticks. Using Reason, the sync difference is imperceptible. 11/5/21 duplicate view painting on app startup The stock InitInstance does ShowWindow first and then updateWindow, and this unsurprisingly causes a second paint message. But is it really necessary? Reversing the order seems to work fine, and definitely gets rid of the duplicate paint. There could be a reason why it's necessary to do ShowWindow first, but if so it's hard to detect. pMainFrame->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); pMainFrame->UpdateWindow(); This fix does NOT solve the issue of duplicate view painting after a new or open document command. For opening an existing document, the duplicate paint only occurs for Track View. This is revealing. There's something special about Track View. But what? Could it be that these are different symptoms of the same problem? Or is there just additional handling for the primary view? Whatever it is, it's aggravated when the main window isn't maximized. Delaying the showing of CTrackView's grid control also helps a lot (in OnCreate, create the grid control without WS_VISIBLE and post yourself a message, and then the handler does ShowWindow for the grid control). But it doesn't change the fact that both new and open document are somehow causing CTrackView::OnDraw to be called twice. 11/8/21 more on startup flicker The duplicate view update during startup is solved by moving the mainframe show/update code (see above) to CMainFrame::OnDelayedCreate. WM_DELAYED_CREATE is posted rather than sent (by CMainFrame::OnCreate) and therefore isn't handled until after the message queue settles down. The ultimate cause is probably late resizing of the view due to RecalcLayout or similar methods. Using PostMessage to defer a message until after the window size stabilizes is a common fix for such situations. 11/8/21 deleting main frame in InitInstance is an error The following cleanup code in the stock InitInstance is erroneous and causes the app to crash if LoadFrame fails, due to deleting a pointer that was already deleted in CFrameWnd::PostNcDestroy. if (!pMainFrame || !pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME)) { // delete pMainFrame;//@@@ ERROR! frame self-destructs in CFrameWnd::PostNcDestroy() return FALSE; } 11/14/21 Phase bar's image sequence export doesn't support tempo change This is a complex issue, because the planet angles can no longer be simply computed from the frame time; instead we must compensate the angles for a series of small stepwise tempo changes. But even if we solved this, it's not certain that our solution would match Reason's methodology precisely enough to avoid audio/video sync problems. 11/15/21 phase video sync Ero Ayo (for example): The first note is at -72:60, which occurs at -0:00:36.250 or 750ms before position 1:00. The original export starts at exactly 750ms, whereas the mastered version starts at 131ms, for a difference of 619ms. At 60 FPS, each frame is 16.666ms, and 619 / 16.666 = 37.14, so for correct sync we should skip the first 37 frames of the image sequence. The start position is -73:00, and 1:000 occurs at exactly 0:37:00 (time). In the finished video, full convergence occurs at 37 seconds. Success! Fun Ife: master version starts at 106.209ms video must start at -6 frames (start pos = -1:000, skip 66 frames) Ibaramu: master version starts at 116.265ms Reason version starts at 428.397ms; 312ms offset, video must skip 19 frames Atunwi: master starts at 202.665ms; initial full convergence at frame 2430 or 40.5 seconds Irubo: master starts at 132.672ms; original Reason file starts at 0. Change start pos to 0:000 (gaining .666 seconds or 40 frames at 60 FPS), export, and skip the first 32 frames (133 / 16.6 = 8, 40 - 8 = 32) Ninu Meta: master starts at 098.752ms; video starts at 1:000, start at 0:000 instead (-666.666ms); skip 567.914ms or 34 frames Roro: master starts at 109.346ms; video starts at 1:000, start at 0:000 instead (-500ms); skip 390ms or 23 frames Yipo: master starts at 120.921ms, Reason starts at 168.704ms; difference of 47.783ms, skip 3 frames Mo Bulu: Note that Polymeter file is 125 BPM but master is 120 BPM! master starts at 96.521ms, video starts at 1:000, start at 0:000 instead (-500ms); skip 403.479ms or 24 frames NOTE: phase videos are made with Convergence Size set to 4. ffmpeg -framerate 60 -i [PATH]\img%%05d.png -i [PATH].wav -c:v libx265 -movflags +faststart -vf format=yuv420p -preset veryslow -crf 23 -acodec alac -shortest [PATH].mp4 (for greater compatibility replace -acodec alac with -b:a 320k) 11/16/21 elliptical orbits Benchmarked pretty carefully and it's definitely not slower, despite additional calculations for aspect ratio. If anything it's about 6 micros faster. That's due to not recreating the solid brushes for every draw. Ero Ayo ABC2: 16 us, 35 us, 26 us #define BENCH_PHASE_BAR_DRAW 1 #if BENCH_PHASE_BAR_DRAW static int m_nSamps;//@@@ static double m_fSampMin = 1e10, m_fSampMax, m_fSampSum; #endif LRESULT CPhaseBar::OnDrawD2D(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { #if BENCH_PHASE_BAR_DRAW CBenchmark b;//@@@ #endif ... #if BENCH_PHASE_BAR_DRAW double t = b.Elapsed();//@@@ m_nSamps++; if (t < m_fSampMin) m_fSampMin = t; if (t > m_fSampMax) m_fSampMax = t; m_fSampSum += t; if (m_nSamps >= 100) { printf("%f %f %f\n", m_fSampMin, m_fSampMax, m_fSampSum / m_nSamps); m_nSamps = 0; m_fSampMin = 1e10; m_fSampMax = 0; m_fSampSum = 0; } #endif return 0; } 11/16/21 mnemonics in docking windows submenu #include "MainFrm.h"//@@@ void CMyDockablePane::GetPaneName(CString& strName) const { int iBar = m_nID - ID_APP_DOCKING_BAR_START - 1; static const int arr[] = { 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, 5, // the horror! }; CDockablePane::GetPaneName(strName); _tprintf(_T("%s %d %c\n"), strName, iBar, strName[arr[iBar]]); strName.Insert(arr[iBar], '&'); } This is a brutal solution. The hard-coded mnemonics indices are ugly. It also entagles CMyDockablePane with CMainFrame, possibly solvable by sending messages to main frame to retrieve the mnemonic indices. But the more serious issue is that according to MS, GetPaneName is used by floating bars; the MFC sources indicates otherwise (only usage is in BuildPaneMenu) but do we want to risk it? Is there a reliable way of detecting that we're in BuildPaneMenu? 11/19/21 phase bar's failure to support tempo change First step is determining whether the song has tempo changes. bool bHasTempoChange = pDoc->m_Seq.GetTracks().FindType(CTrack::TT_TEMPO)) >= 0; This only considers the presence of tempo tracks, regardless of whether they're muted. If tempo changes exist, the next step is retrieving the tempo map, via pDoc->ExportMidi. 11/23/21 phase bar tempo change support works PLM file: phase diagram tempo map 3 Export MIDI file, length 1:40 Import into Reason, export audio Export phase video, frame rate 30 Create MP4 as follows: c:\apps\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i "C:\Temp\Phase graph\data\img%%05d.png" -i "C:\Chris\MyProjects\Polymeter\docs\debug\phase diagram tempo map 3.wav" -c:v libx265 -movflags +faststart -vf format=yuv420p -preset veryslow -crf 23 -b:a 320k -shortest "phase diagram tempo map 3.mp4" The resulting video is correct. The final crash cymbal occurs at 1:32:834 (92.834 s) according to Reason, and the phase diagram is fully aligned in frame 2785. 92.834 / 30 = 2785.02 11/24/21 startup benchmarks Using Release version, after Reset Layout. Times are in milliseconds. Caching reduces the times by about 15 ms; to avoid the caching variance, rebuild the app before benchmarking. Total time (nearly half a second) is measured by adding a CBenchmark member to CPolymeterApp class, and then printing the elapsed time at the end of CMainFrame::OnDelayedCreate. Total: 450 CMainFrame::OnCreate: 220 CPolymeterApp::InitInstance: 280 removing EnableD2DSupport gets total down to 390; moving EnableD2DSupport to OnShowChanged will save 60, or 13%. InitInstance up to creating doc template: 3 creating main frame: 270 rest of InitInstance: 20 390 - 270 = 120 unaccounted for; most likely this is from painting windows in CMainFrame::OnDelayedCreate: ShowWindow and UpdateWindow: 50 MidiInit: 15 CheckForUpdates: 0 CMDIFrameWndEx::LoadFrame: 195 Most of the easily observable overhead is LoadFrame; not much to do about that. 11/27/21 updated benchmarks Startup code prior to InitInstance: 0 (40 us) Startup code was measured by copying AfxWinMain into the project, and adding as its first line: QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&tWinMain); and then as first line of InitInstance, adding: QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&t); and then subtracting and dividing by performance counter frequency: __int64 fPCFreq; QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&fPCFreq); printf("%f\n", double(t - tWinMain) / fPCFreq); From start of InitInstance to start of OnDelayedCreate: 300 .. 330 From start of InitInstance to end of InitInstance: 300 .. 330 Win32Console::Create: 90 <- this can cause confusion! CWinAppEx::InitInstance: 0 InitInstance from after Win32Console::Create to end: 230 Creating main frame: 190 CMDIFrameWndEx::LoadFrame: 190 Looks like startup overhead is roughly proportional to the number of docking panes, so consider carefully before adding more docking panes; they're expensive. 12/8/21 test next/prev convergence finding (pass!) #include "RandList.h" void CPhaseBar::TestConvergenceFinding() { int nPasses = 10000; srand(GetTickCount()); // random seed for (int iPass = 0; iPass < nPasses; iPass++) { int nMaxMods = 40; int nMods = CRandList::Rand(nMaxMods) + 1; CRandList list(nMods); CLongLongArray arrMod; arrMod.SetSize(nMods); for (int iMod = 0; iMod < nMods; iMod++) { arrMod[iMod] = list.GetNext() + 2; } LONGLONG nStartPos = rand(); if (rand() & 1) nStartPos = -nStartPos; LONGLONG a, b; int nConvSize = nMods / 2 + 1; a = FindNextConvergence(arrMod, nStartPos, nConvSize); b = FindNextConvergenceSlow(arrMod, nStartPos, nConvSize, false); if (a != b) { printf("FindNextConvergence FAIL\n"); ASSERT(0); } a = FindPrevConvergence(arrMod, nStartPos, nConvSize); b = FindNextConvergenceSlow(arrMod, nStartPos, nConvSize, true); if (a != b) { printf("FindPrevConvergence FAIL\n"); ASSERT(0); } } } 12/30/21 archive project: lists of polymeter files used on albums Akoko Ajeji C:\Chris\MyProjects\Polymeter\docs\Manmade Ala Aye rec A B A B fine tune spread.plm Asiri rec1e lead B dub spread lead string.plm Bones rec fine tune cvt for PM 0.0.15 Mike.plm Buy Me ending Mike double finger.plm Buy Now double bass finger Mike.plm Dek Sep Bluso jam breaks Mike closed and pedal hat +10.plm Fazo Kanto B mix kick +15 Mike 3dB less ride.plm Iyika rec A B take1 scale up volumes spread.plm Stencil lower bass spread strings mike.plm Vizyon rec02 edit etc scale up volumes Mike.plm Polymeter C:\Chris\MyProjects\Polymeter\docs\test Algo Rag Reason.plm Atunwi rec1b ajust velo for Reason Rad Piano.plm dark dim (Oju Inu) B rest.plm Ilopo Ferese rec1 edit2.plm Itumo shorter.plm ominira head.plm ominira rec1.plm Omioto.plm Sipeli rec1.plm tristate (Ona Lile) rec1 edit.plm Apologize to the Future: Apologize full verse2 cycle skip static.plm changing climate rec4c no open hat.plm exit game panning.plm oily rock shorter chorus.plm Overshoot 1e mix.plm singularity 3 AAB.plm Passion For Numbers: C:\Chris\MyProjects\Polymeter\docs\test Ero Ayo ABC2.plm fun ife 03 still more.plm Irubo cresc.plm Mo Bulu 2 rec1.plm Ninu Meta (334 343 433) rec1e B2 run.plm Roro shorter ritard.plm two triads combine 2222 rec2b.plm Yipo 04 merge B.plm More Than Four: Broke strings.plm Charlie's Big Break mix2c.plm Heard a Moon more space.plm Interago pos mod.plm Kahelo fast intro.plm kasita mondo rec take2.plm LCM drums.plm Lodidi 2b mix.plm Moonchego 06 area 51.plm more than four 02b rec 1b.plm Pleasant Mistake rec5 chorus less.plm Shelter in Bass 005d vamp rec1 edit.plm Ticking 2021b rec1b2c.plm virtue signal rec C break edit.plm 1/1/22 Proposal to suppress second note off for zero-velocity notes For note tracks, if the velocity is zero, skip queuing a note off. The reasoning: a note off was already queued at the start of the note, so queuing a second note off at the end of the note is superfluous and unexpected, and also potentially interferes with using note off tracks to implement exclusion groups (choking). All album tracks were checked for impact, using an automated script that exported MIDI files with and without the fix and compared them. A few files differed: Asiri Stencil Overshoot The above cases were investigated. In every case, the MIDI file with the fix differs from the original in the technical sense of flunking a binary compare, but no audible change occurs, because for all zero-velocity notes, the note being released a second time is already off. To further verify this, both the fixed and original MIDI files were imported into Reason and then re-exported as MIDI, and the Reason-exported MIDI files were found to be identical. 1/21/22 tempo modulation makes UI slip out of sync with playback This bug has been around for months, and it's been blamed on the Windows MIDI API, but the fact that manually changing the tempo, even continuously, doesn't also cause the bug is extremely suspicious. How do the two cases differ? It suggests a logic error. DWORD dwTempo; MMTIME time; if (pPlayingDoc->m_Seq.GetPosition(time, TIME_MS) && pPlayingDoc->m_Seq.GetCurrentTempo(dwTempo)) printf("%d %d %d %g\n", nPos, time.u.ms, pPlayingDoc->m_Seq.ConvertMillisecondsToPosition(time.u.ms), CMidiFile::MICROS_PER_MINUTE / double(dwTempo)); Hypothesis: the MIDI API doesn't compensate the position for tempo changes. Querying the position in milliseconds and then converting it to ticks causes even worse splippage, but that's because you can't convert milliseconds to ticks without compensating for tempo changes. FALSE! Experiment: Try building a tempo map, and then use it to correct the tick position returned by the MIDI API. If that stays in sync, we can conclude that the MIDI API doesn't compensate position for tempo changes. If that doesn't stay in sync, then the question remains open. MOOT! But even if compensating does fix the sync, a practical solution would take more work. The sequencer would have to model the actual tempo, and keep the model up to date. This is probably possible, but challenging. One big problem with the above hypothesis is it doesn't explain why the UI doesn't appear to lose sync when tempo is changed manually during playback, via the tempo edit box up/down buttons, or even rapidly and continuously via tempo MIDI mapping. This is really puzzling. What are the differences between the two code paths? SetTempo adds only a single tempo change message at the start of the output event buffer. But emulating this behavior in the tempo modulation case doesn't help. SetTempo also changes the callback length, and this is suspicious, because callback length is used in GetPosition. But removing callback length from the GetPosition calculation also doesn't help. And, if the bug was caused by callback length, you'd think it would drift out of sync as tempo speeded up, but then catch up again as it returned to baseline. It looks like some kind of order dependency. Something is different about adding a tempo event at the start of OutputMidiBuffer, and adding one after AddEvents, and all that other stuff. A lot happens between those two points, and any of it could be causing the bug. Experiment: Try not setting callback length in SetTempo, and see if the bug appears for mapped tempo change. NO! Experiment: Try moving the signaled tempo change code to the end of OutputMidiBuffer, and see if the bug appears. YES! Moving the set tempo check to the same place where we output events to the MIDI buffer causes the bug to appear. Continuously moving the tempo knob makes the UI slip, and the splippage worsens over time. Is it the track critical section? No, entering the critical section before checking for set tempo doesn't help. Found it! Tempo events weren't being added to the event count, which was being maintained separately from the event array size, in nEvents. Adding tempo events caused that same number of events to be skipped at the end of the event buffer, including the final NOP event that pads the MIDI buffer out to the callback length. The absence of the padding NOP caused the position slippage. It looked like the UI was slipping behind, but it was actually the output sequence that was slipping ahead, due to missing chunks of time. Moral of the story: don't do double bookkeeping. FIXED! In short, tempo modulation was causing incorrect playback. The export was not affected. 1/22/22 showing current tempo in status bar // in ctor m_dwCachedTempo = 0; // in OnTempo DWORD dwTempo; if (pPlayingDoc->m_Seq.GetCurrentTempo(dwTempo)) { // if valid current tempo if (dwTempo != m_dwCachedTempo) { // if tempo actually changed m_dwCachedTempo = dwTempo; m_sTempo.Format(_T("%.3f"), CMidiFile::MICROS_PER_MINUTE / double(dwTempo)); m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(SBP_TEMPO, m_sTempo); } } This code adds at least 250 microseconds in the case where the status pane actually changes. Because OnTimer is in the critical path, 250 microseconds is long enough to be scary. Assuming the default refresh rate of 20 Hz, if the tempo is changing on every OnTimer call, it's potentially adding 5ms per second, or half a percent. Almost all of that 250 microseconds comes from SetPaneText. SetPaneText frees and reallocates its lpszText buffer every time the text changes, regardless of whether the existing buffer is big enough for the new string. That's dumb, but fixing it doesn't help much, because nearly all the cost of SetPaneText is InvalidatePaneContent, and the cost of that method is all InvalidateRect and UpdateWindow. UpdateWindow is by far the biggest offender, hence performance can be significantly improved by calling UpdateWindow only once for all three dynamic status panes, instead of calling it three times, from within SetPaneText. This requires a customized implementation of SetPaneText. By doing the UpdateWindow only once per OnTimer call instead of three times, we can save enough time to offset the increased overhead from showing current tempo. Even better, that overhead is only incurred when the tempo actually changes, otherwise there's no cost. 2/16/22 modulation errors The following snippet checks for errors and outputs them to the console. CTrack::CModulationErrorArray arrError; if (!doc.m_Seq.GetTracks().ValidateModulations(arrError)) { for (int iError = 0; iError < arrError.GetSize(); iError++) { const CTrack::CModulationError& err = arrError[iError]; _tprintf(_T("%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\n"), err.m_iTarget + 1, err.m_iSource + 1, CTrack::GetModulationTypeInternalName(err.m_iType), err.m_nError); } } 2/19/22 Unicode in track names After much research and experimentation, the conclusion: Unicode in track names is a bad idea, primarily because the MIDI file format only supports 8-bit characters in track names, and 7-bit characters are preferable for maximum compatibility. "[Text in MIDI files should be] printable ASCII characters for maximum interchange. However, other character codes using the high-order bit may be used for interchange of files between different programs on the same computer which supports an extended character set." (Schulich School of Music, McGill University, StandardMIDIfileformat.html) Other factors include limitations of the INI and CSV file formats and the APIs employed to read and them. It's possible to open a text file in Unicode and then attach it to the CStdioFile instance using this code: BOOL CIniFile::CFastStdioFile::Open(LPCTSTR pszFilePath, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException *pException) { static const LPCTSTR szMode[] = { _T("rt,ccs=UNICODE"), // can be UTF-8 instead _T("wt,ccs=UNICODE"), }; bool bIsWrite = (nOpenFlags & modeWrite) != 0; FILE *fStream; errno_t nErr =_tfopen_s(&fStream, pszFilePath, szMode[bIsWrite]); if (nErr != 0) return false; CommonBaseInit(fStream, NULL); m_bCloseOnDelete = true; return true; } This seems to work for reading and writing, but it uses UTF-16 LE, which makes the files twice as large. It does seem to support the entire Unicode range, judging from tests with Chinese lorem ipsum characters. It appears that the file size issue could be solved by using ccs=UTF-8 instead, but it would still break backwards compatibility, because older versions of the application would read the UTF-8 BOM as part of the first string, causing the file format check to fail. One workaround would be to only create UTF-8 if it's necessary, which means Write would have to check the track names (and song info!) for non-ASCII characters, and if none are found, use ANSI instead of UTF-8. Adding the following test code to OnNewDocument results in a PLM file with its first 14 track names set to the entire 8-bit character range: for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { TCHAR szName[17]; for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { szName[j] = static_cast((i + 2) * 16 + j); } szName[16] = 0; m_Seq.SetName(i, szName); } 2/21/22 CLOC (Count Lines of Code) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C++ 97 3273 2727 32418 C/C++ Header 141 2494 3279 12929 Windows Resource File 1 135 61 1753 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 239 5902 6067 47100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PolymeterCL is only 9447 LOC (5367 code + 4080 header) 2/27/22 D-7 D-6 E-7b5 A7b9 D-7 D-6 F#-7b5 B7b9 E-7 E-6 A-7b5 D7b9 D-7b5 G7b9 C-7 D7b9 2. D-7b5 G7b9 G-7b C7b9 F-7 F-7 C-7b5 F7b9 Bb-7 Bb-6 F-7b5 Bb7b9 Eb-7 Eb-6 C#-7b5 F#7b9 F#-7b5 B#7b9 B-7b5 E7b9 4/11/22 MIDI Visualizer Ibaramu: relative to original file, snippet starts at: 0:01:27.545684 -35:00 is the MIDI offset; -240:0 is start of file; difference of 205:00 beats 87.85714285714286 seconds at 140 BPM; start at 5271 frames first three notes better be: F C Bb add 60 frames (1 second) of pre-roll (probably a setting in MIDI visualizer) 5271 + 60 + 1 = 5332 frames is exactly right 6/15/22 Ring in the Odd shorter version current duration is 12 cycles cycle length is 61:30 (245 1/16th note steps) total length is 2940 steps (735 beats) starts slowing after 10 cycles at 613:60 cut duration in half to 6 cycles: remove from 246:0 to 613:60 minor bob and range mod need adjusting offset both -44100 ticks (61.25 * 6 * 120) total length is 1470 steps (367.5 beats) Seems too short now! cut duration by a third to 8 cycles: remove from 368:60 to 613:60 minor bob and range mod need adjusting offset both -29400 ticks (61.25 * 4 * 120) total length is 1960 steps (490 beats) differences between intro and main section: intro main Fader 0 +3.01 VelRH 33% 0% VelRL 33% 100% Ambie 34% 25% SResL +0.5 0 6/18/22 show selection in status bar; works fine but questionably useful m_szCachedSelection = CSize(0, 0); // in ctor m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(SBP_SELECTION, _T(""), FALSE); // don't update; avoids flicker ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_INDICATOR_SELECTION, OnUpdateIndicatorSelection) void CMainFrame::OnUpdateIndicatorSelection(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CSize szSel; if (m_pActiveChildFrame != NULL) { // if active child frame exists // if focus window is child of song parent if (m_pActiveChildFrame->IsSongView()) { // if showing song view CRect rSel; m_pActiveChildFrame->m_pSongParent->m_pSongView->GetSelection(rSel); // should return const reference instead! szSel = rSel.Size(); } else { // not showing song view szSel = m_pActiveChildFrame->m_pStepParent->m_pStepView->GetStepSelection().Size(); } } else { // no active document szSel = CSize(0, 0); } if (szSel != m_szCachedSelection) { // if selection size changed m_szCachedSelection = szSel; if (szSel.cx) { // if selection isn't empty CString s; if (szSel.cx == INT_MAX) // song view reserves this value for select all s = _T("*"); else s.Format(_T("%d x %d"), szSel.cx, szSel.cy); pCmdUI->SetText(s); } else { pCmdUI->SetText(_T("")); } } pCmdUI->Enable(true); } 7/17/22 Center song position CPolymeterDocument::SetPosition currently calls UpdateAllViews a second time to implement centering, which is inefficient. Centering is a parameter, and parameters should normally be implemented via the pHint argument. If the bCenterSongPos argument is true, pass this to UpdateAllViews, otherwise pass NULL. In CSongView::OnUpdate, after updating the song position, if pHint is non-NULL, call CenterCurrentPosition. HINT_SONG_POS // song position change; pHint is non-NULL if centering song position 7/17/22 Exclude muted tracks from graph Filtering is the easy part: // if excluding muted tracks and modulation's source or target is muted if (!m_bShowMuted && (pDoc->m_Seq.GetMute(mod.m_iSource) || pDoc->m_Seq.GetMute(mod.m_iTarget))) continue; // skip this modulation Cases must be added to OnUpdate. Solo, Track Prop / Mute, and Multi Track Prop / Mute all must start a deferred update if m_bShowMuted is false. Other cases? Ideally these cases should also rebuild the mute cache to avoid needless graph updates (see below). Updating the graph automatically during song playback requires adding a song position case to OnUpdate, as follows. This code takes about 1 microsecond in a typical case. case CPolymeterDoc::HINT_SONG_POS: if (!m_bShowMuted) { // if excluding muted tracks CPolymeterDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetMainFrame()->GetActiveMDIDoc(); if (pDoc != NULL) { int nTracks = pDoc->GetTrackCount(); if (nTracks != m_arrMute.GetSize()) { // if track count differs from cache size RebuildMuteCache(); // cache is stale, so rebuild it } else { // track count matches; assume cache is valid bool bMuteChanged = false; for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) { // for each track bool bIsMuted = pDoc->m_Seq.GetMute(iTrack); if (bIsMuted != m_arrMute[iTrack]) { // if track mute differs from cache m_arrMute[iTrack] = bIsMuted; // update cache bMuteChanged = true; // set change flag } } if (bMuteChanged) // if one or more track mutes changed state StartDeferredUpdate(); } } } break; } void CGraphBar::RebuildMuteCache() { CPolymeterDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetMainFrame()->GetActiveMDIDoc(); if (pDoc != NULL) { int nTracks = pDoc->GetTrackCount(); m_arrMute.FastSetSize(nTracks); for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) { // for each track m_arrMute[iTrack] = pDoc->m_Seq.GetMute(iTrack); // cache mute state } } else { m_arrMute.RemoveAll(); } } 7/19/22 Adding docking bar context menu command IDs to Customize dialog struct DOCK_BAR_MENU { int nMenuID; // context menu's ID LPCTSTR pszMenuName; // context menu's name CMyDockablePane CMainFrame::*pPane; // pointer to dockable pane member }; const CMainFrame::DOCK_BAR_MENU CMainFrame::m_arrDockBarMenu[] = { {IDR_GRAPH_CTX, _T("Graph"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndGraphBar)}, {IDR_MODULATION_CTX, _T("Modulation"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndModulationsBar)}, {IDR_MAPPING_CTX, _T("Mapping"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndMappingBar)}, {IDR_PIANO_CTX, _T("Piano"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndPianoBar)}, {IDR_PARTS_CTX, _T("Parts"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndPartsBar)}, {IDR_PRESETS_CTX, _T("Presets"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndPresetsBar)}, {IDR_PHASE_CTX, _T("Phase"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndPhaseBar)}, {IDR_STEP_VALUES_CTX, _T("StepValues"), reinterpret_cast(&CMainFrame::m_wndStepValuesBar)}, }; void CMainFrame::AddDockBarMenuCommands(CMFCToolBarsCustomizeDialog *pDlgCust, int nMenuID, LPCTSTR pszTitle) { CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu(nMenuID); CMenu *pSubMenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0); int nItems = pSubMenu->GetMenuItemCount(); for (int iItem = nItems - 1; iItem >= 0; iItem--) { int nID = pSubMenu->GetMenuItemID(iItem); if (nID >= ID_FILE_NEW || nID == ID_EDIT_INSERT || nID == ID_EDIT_DELETE || nID == ID_EDIT_RENAME) { pSubMenu->DeleteMenu(iItem, MF_BYPOSITION); nItems--; } } pDlgCust->AddMenuCommands(&menu, FALSE, pszTitle); } in CMainFrame::OnViewCustomize: for (int iBarMenu = 0; iBarMenu < _countof(m_arrDockBarMenu); iBarMenu++) { AddDockBarMenuCommands(pDlgCust, m_arrDockBarMenu[iBarMenu].nMenuID, m_arrDockBarMenu[iBarMenu].pszMenuName); } This could also be done in CPolymeterApp::PreLoadState. The advantage is that the context menus would show up in the Context page of the Customize dialog as expected, but the disadvantage is more work at startup time instead of doing it on Customize. Also menu items added via GetContextMenuManager()->AddMenu can't be assigned keyboard accelerators, which kind of defeats the purpose of this whole exercise. The above code works fine. The remaining problem is adding the docking windows to the command routing. That presumably must be done by overriding CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg. Iterating the frame's child windows wouldn't work reliably due to docking complexities. Iterating the docking manager's pane list would work, but it's inefficient. Note that CN_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI must also be handled so that commands are checked or disabled. BOOL CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) { if (CMDIFrameWndEx::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return true; if ((nCode == CN_COMMAND || nCode == CN_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI) && nID < ID_FILE_NEW) { // if custom command for (int iPane = 0; iPane < _countof(m_arrDockBarMenu); iPane++) { // for each pane CMyDockablePane *pPane = &(this->*m_arrDockBarMenu[iPane].pPane); // pointer to member syntax // if pane is visible, give it a try if (pPane->FastIsVisible() && pPane->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return true; } } return false; } 7/20/22 OnCmdMsg benchmarks Average pass uses one or two microseconds. Occasionally spikes as high as 200 micros. Usage as percentage of available CPU time is normally a tiny fraction of a percent, and only spikes during continuous mouse movement, in which case it reaches 5% - 10%. 7/26/22 IWebBrowser2 event sink It's easier than it looks. There's no need to implement DWebBrowserEvents2. But it doesn't solve the problem, because receiving NavigateComplete2 apparently doesn't guarantee that the browser's window has been painted. This implementation is copied from viewhtml.cpp. In .h: DECLARE_EVENTSINK_MAP() virtual void NavigateComplete2(LPDISPATCH /* pDisp */, VARIANT* URL); In .cpp: #include // needed for browser event IDs BEGIN_EVENTSINK_MAP(CGraphBar, CMyDockablePane) ON_EVENT(CGraphBar, AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, DISPID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2, NavigateComplete2, VTS_DISPATCH VTS_PVARIANT) END_EVENTSINK_MAP() void CGraphBar::NavigateComplete2(LPDISPATCH pDisp, VARIANT* URL) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDisp); ASSERT(V_VT(URL) == VT_BSTR); CString str(V_BSTR(URL)); _tprintf(_T("%s"), str); // print URL to console } 9/5/22 modulation bar's label tooltip shows stale data if track selection changes The problem is general. When updating a virtual list control, calling SetItemCountEx isn't enough; you must also call DeleteAllItems first, otherwise the label tooltip is potentially stale. DeleteAllItems adds a few extra milliseconds, needlessly except for the tooltip issue. This is apparently a known bug, for example see: http://computer-programming-forum.com/82-mfc/7e5e14a6aaf75079.htm "My virtual list control, with style LVS_EX_INFOTIP in large icon mode has a problem. It seems that the control caches the tooltip text for an item and doesn't requery that text until the cursor floats over a new item. That is, if the cursor hovers over item 0 and the control gets the tooltip text from me, then I delete the item from the list and add several new items and hover over item 0 again, I get the old tooltip text. If I then hover over item 1 and back to 0 I get the correct text because the control resends the LVN_GETINFOTIP for item 0." 12/5/22 video that shows only phase diagram and piano This is a customization of the "Polymeter vid cap" sub-project. In CMainFrame::ExportVideo: Force exporting MIDI flag true, because we will show piano bar: bool bIsExportingMidi = true;//@@@m_wndPianoBar.IsVisible() || m_wndMidiOutputBar.IsVisible(); And after full screen initiated and screen recorder created: //@@@ CSize szScr(1920, 1080); int nPianoHeight = szScr.cy / 10; CWnd *pPianoParent = m_wndPianoBar.GetParent(); CWnd *pPhaseParent = m_wndPhaseBar.GetParent(); m_wndPianoBar.ShowPane(true, 0, 0); m_wndPhaseBar.ShowPane(true, 0, 0); m_wndPhaseBar.FloatPane(CRect(0, 0, 100, 200)); m_wndPianoBar.FloatPane(CRect(0, 0, 100, 100)); m_wndPhaseBar.SetParent(GetDesktopWindow()); m_wndPhaseBar.ModifyStyle(WS_CHILD, WS_POPUP); m_wndPhaseBar.SetWindowPos(&CWnd::wndTopMost, 0, 0, szScr.cx, szScr.cy - nPianoHeight, SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); m_wndPianoBar.SetParent(GetDesktopWindow()); m_wndPianoBar.ModifyStyle(WS_CHILD, WS_POPUP); m_wndPianoBar.SetWindowPos(&CWnd::wndTopMost, 0, szScr.cy - nPianoHeight, szScr.cx, nPianoHeight, SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); And at end, try to clean up: //@@@ m_wndPianoBar.ModifyStyle(WS_POPUP, WS_CHILD); m_wndPianoBar.SetParent(pPianoParent); m_wndPhaseBar.ModifyStyle(WS_POPUP, WS_CHILD); m_wndPhaseBar.SetParent(pPhaseParent); Also in PhaseBar.cpp, disable upper limit on planet size: m_nMaxPlanetWidth = INT_MAX;//@@@MAX_PLANET_WIDTH; None of this is even close to foolproof but it gets the job done. 12/13/22 quant as fraction Something like this partially works: NumEdit.h: DF_FRACTION = 0x04, CNumEdit::StrToVal: int nNumerator, nDenominator; if ((m_nFormat & DF_FRACTION) // if fractions are enabled && _stscanf_s(Str, _T("%d/%d"), &nNumerator, &nDenominator) == 2 // and both values scanned && nDenominator != 0) // and denominator is non-zero r = nNumerator / double(nDenominator) * m_fScale; else r = _tstof(Str) * m_fScale; CTrackView::CTrackGridCtrl::CreateEditCtrl: case COL_Quant: nDataFormat |= CNumEdit::DF_FRACTION; // let user enter a fraction pEdit->SetScale(pDoc->GetTimeDivisionTicks() * 4); break; But the SetScale breaks the spin control delta. This could be fixed by adding a special integer multiplier to CNumEdit that's only used in the fraction case. 1/24/23 Showing pane menu in Live view void CMainFrame::ShowPanesMenu(CPoint point) { CMenu menu; VERIFY(menu.CreatePopupMenu()); m_dockManager.BuildPanesMenu(menu, false); m_dockManager.OnPaneContextMenu(point); } And in CLiveView::OnContextMenu: theApp.GetMainFrame()->ShowPanesMenu(point); 2/18/23 live screen recording The issue with the existing screen recorder code is that the BitBlt takes on the order of 25ms. That's too slow to keep up with a 30 FPS frame rate, because it doesn't leave enough time for other work (such as updating the UI, and saving the frame). The reason BitBlt is so slow is that we're using the desktop window's device context, which means the OS has to do compositing to account for windows other than the application's. If we use the main frame's device context instead, BitBlt only takes about 4ms, roughly an order of magnitude faster. Hopefully that's fast enough to keep up. Writing PNG files is much too slow, so it will be necessary to compare successive frames and only store the differences via run length encoding (presumably in a worker thread) and then reconstruct the frames and save them as PNGs after recording stops. Here are the necessary changes: 1. In CScreenRecorder, use the main window instead of the desktop window // m_hWnd = GetDesktopWindow(); m_hWnd = AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd; // m_hdcWnd = GetWindowDC(NULL); no good now that we're using main frame instead! m_hdcWnd = GetWindowDC(m_hWnd); 2. In CMainFrame::MakeFullScreen, comment out the InflateRect // rScreen.InflateRect(szAdjust.cx, 1, szAdjust.cx, szAdjust.cy); 3. In CMainFrame::ExportVideo, before we call MakeFullScreen, remove the caption bar and frame ModifyStyle(WS_CAPTION | WS_THICKFRAME, 0); The caption bar will be omitted, but that's the price you pay for using the main frame's DC. On the good side, the main frame will be slightly taller so you'll have more space for UI. Don't forget to restore the caption bar and frame after recording stops! 3/10/23 Graph text is too small when system text size is greater than 100% (96 dpi) This has nothing to do with Graphviz. It's caused by the web browser control (IWebBrowser) which displays the SVG file that Graphviz outputs. The core issue is that Internet Explorer defaults to being non-DPI aware. This problem and various solutions are discussed here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38754354/wpf-web-browser-control-and-dpi-scaling The easiest solution is to create this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_96DPI_PIXEL and in that key, create a REG_DWORD value named Polymeter.exe with a value of 1. If done in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, this fix works for both 64-bit and 32-bit flavors of the app. To affect all users, the fix must be done in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, but you need admin to do it, AND you need to do it in two separate places in order to affect both 64-bit and 32-bit apps: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_96DPI_PIXEL and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_96DPI_PIXEL Note that FEATURE_96DPI_PIXEL is obsolete according to MSDN, so YMMV. Also note that all of the above assumes you're using 64-bit Windows. 3/10/23 more phase videos for Yoyaku (60 FPS) Have a Good One audio starts at 0:00:00.612675 start sequencer at -1:080 convergence size 5 Awesome on Mars 0:00:00.232523 convergence size 7 Not My Problem, I'll Be Dead 0:00:00.204892, PLM starts -0:00:00.462, start at frame 16 convergence size 6 Baby Batter Bingo 0:00:00.215512, start at frame 15 convergence size 7 NOTE: these three made with UNMASTERED AUDIO so redo them later; start times will change K35 audio starts at 0:00:00.214669 seconds first note at -28:60, delay is 0:0.231 seconds, start at frame 1 convergence size 8 Saz 0:00:00.135479, change PLM start to 0:000, start at frame 20 convergence size 8 Primitive Man 0:00:00.222454, start at frame 0 convergence size 5 LCM 0:00:00.107405, start at frame 23 convergence size 8 More Than Four 0:00:00.09801, about five frames; just delay video convergence size 6 Virtue Signal 0:00:00.097684, about five frames; just delay video convergence size 6 8/18/23 tetrachord inversions via voicing modulation close [1, 0, 0] 0, 0, 0 -4, 0, 0 -3,-4, 0 -2,-3,-4 drop 2 [3, 1, 0] 2, 0, 0 1,-4, 0 0,-3, 0 -4,-2, 0 drop 3 [4, 1, 0] 3, 0, 0 2,-4, 0 1,-3,-4 0,-2,-3 9/19/23 optimizing CTrackArray::GetModulationTargets Preallocating modulation arrays speeds it up, but not as much as hoped. For documents with many tracks, iterating all of the modulations twice may cost more than repeatedly reallocating and copying the target array data. The typical speedup is from times two to times five. Even for complicated documents (e.g. Moonchego) the unoptimized version typically takes around 20 microseconds, so optimization is unwarranted. 9/25/23 compiler warnings in Visual Studio 2019 PhaseBar.cpp(904,23): warning C4456: declaration of 'fOrbitWidth' hides previous local declaration PianoBar.cpp(414,4): warning C4457: declaration of 'iChannel' hides function parameter PhaseBar.cpp(909): warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'nSelectedOrbits' used PhaseBar.cpp(913): warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'nConvergenceSize' used Track.cpp(1300,61): warning C4456: declaration of 'mod' hides previous local declaration 12/24/23 binary search that returns the exactly matching item or the nearest item above the target value W64INT BinarySearchAboveEqual(const CArrayEx_TYPE& val) const { W64INT iStart = 0; W64INT iEnd = m_nSize - 1; W64INT iResult = -1; while (iStart <= iEnd) { W64INT iMid = (iStart + iEnd) / 2; if (val == GetAt(iMid)) return iMid; else if (GetAt(iMid) < val) iStart = iMid + 1; else { iResult = iMid; iEnd = iMid - 1; } } return iResult; } 1/9/24 time signature with variable denominator (i.e. other than four) We assume values are restricted to small positive integer powers of two. The goal is to allow time signatures such as 3/8 and 5/16. The most important changes are in CSequencer::ConvertPositionToBeat and CSequencer::ConvertBeatToPosition. In both methods, replace all instances of m_nTimeDiv with m_nBeatDiv, which is m_nTimeDiv scaled as necessary. The meter denominator can be stored as a binary exponent of two, as in: 0 == whole, 1 == half, 2 == quarter, 3 == eighth, 4 == sixteenth, etc. This inherently restricts the denominator to powers of two. Note that since the denominator shift won't exceed 5 it can be stored in a BYTE. Given the above scheme, computing beat divisions is straightforward: m_nBeatDiv = m_nTimeDiv * 4 >> m_nMeterDenominator; The preceding handles all tick / MBT conversions, excepting the step and song grid rulers. The rulers are a harder problem. The following edits are required for both step and song views. Instead of this: double fBeatWidth = m_pS???View->GetBeatWidth() * m_pS???View->GetZoom(); substitute this (??? indicates specialization for Step or Song): int nBeatWidth = (m_pS???View->GetBeatWidth() * 4) >> GetDocument()->GetMeterDenominator(); double fBeatWidth = nBeatWidth * m_pS???View->GetZoom(); and in UpdateRulerNumbers, instead of: m_wndRuler.SetMidiParams(pDoc->GetTimeDivisionTicks(), pDoc->m_nMeter); substitute this: m_wndRuler.SetMidiParams(pDoc->m_Seq.GetBeatDivision(), pDoc->m_nMeter); This is the minimum for correct behavior. The remaining issue is that the ruler doesn't necessarily align major ticks with the denominator. So for example in 3/8 time, the major ticks will be: 1:1 1:3 2:2 3:1 3:3 4:2 5:1 etc. This is not wrong, but it's certainly not optimal. OTH the rulers already display unexpected major tick alignment even without variable denominator. Variable denominator just makes the preexisting issue more obvious. Also, the MIDI export must use the meter denominator in its time signature. Replace this: CMidiFile::TIME_SIGNATURE sigTime = {static_cast(m_nMeter), 2, 0, 8}; // denominator is quarter note with this: CMidiFile::TIME_SIGNATURE sigTime = {static_cast(m_nMeter), static_cast(m_nMeterDenominator), 0, 8}; 1/19/24 on launch, docked panes that split a side have incorrect sizes if app was previously maximized This bug can be replicated in a stock VS 2012 or VS 2019 MFC app, taking the defaults for all template settings. 1. Run the app. 2. Maximize the app (if it isn't already so). 3. Dock the classes pane below the files pane (if it isn't already so). 4. Change the split point between the files and class panes, via left-click and drag, so that the last item shown in the files pane is FakeApp.rc. 5. Exit and re-run the app. Notice that the split point between the files and classes panes has changed. If you repeat the above test but without maximizing the app, the split point between the panes is correctly restored. Another way to replicate the error: 1. Run the app. 2. Maximize the app (if it isn't already so). 3. Dock the classes pane below the files pane (if it isn't already so). 4. Change the split point between the files and classes panes, via left-click and drag, so that the last item shown in the files pane is FakeApp.rc. 5. Un-maximize the app (restore the app to its default size). 6. Re-maximize the app. Notice again that the split point between the files and classes panes has changed, and by the same amount as in the first example. 1/23/24 test new more efficient CModulationTargets against original GetModulationTargets CModulationArrayArray arrTarget; pDoc->m_Seq.GetTracks().GetModulationTargets(arrTarget); for (int iTarg = 0; iTarg < arrTarget.GetSize(); iTarg++) { const CModulationArray& arrMod = arrTarget[iTarg]; int nMods = arrMod.GetSize(); ASSERT(nMods == parrTarget->GetCount(iTarg)); const CModulationArray *parrTrackTarget = parrTarget->GetTargets(iTarg); for (int iMod = 0; iMod < nMods; iMod++) { ASSERT(arrMod[iMod] == parrTarget->GetAt(iTarg, iMod)); ASSERT(arrMod[iMod] == (*parrTrackTarget)[iMod]); } } 2/15/24 investigation into possibly excessive update command UI activity OnIdle calls occur in pairs, as determined by overriding CWinApp::OnIdle. Only the first call, with the lCount argument == 0, does meaningful work. According to MSDN and code review, this call "updates command user-interface objects such as menu items and toolbar buttons, and it performs internal data structure cleanup" (which means releasing temporary objects). This first call takes approximately a quarter of a millisecond in Release, so there is not much margin for optimization. The next question is why the call occurs periodically during playback, with a period of one second. This period doesn't correspond to any application timer. The only active application timer is the view timer, which is much faster. The mysterious OnIdle call is traceable to updating the position and time in the status bar, via the HINT_SONG_POS case in CMainFrame::OnTimer. Commenting out UpdateSongPositionDisplay() eliminates the mysterious OnIdle call. UpdateSongPositionDisplay only calls FastSetPaneText and much time was apparently spent optimizing that method. It boils down to a conditional buffer reallocation, a string copy, some rectangle manipulation, and InvalidateRect. Unsurprisingly, it's the InvalidateRect, but why exactly? Strangely, doing m_wndStatusBar.UpdateWindow afterwards doesn't help, nor does RedrawWindow. 2/18/24 compacting CTrack In the future it may become necessary to add members to CTrack. To avoid increasing CTrack's memory footprint, it could be advantageous to compact CTrack by making its member variables smaller where possible. The following CTrack member variables are currently int (four bytes) and could be char: Type, Channel, Note, Velocity, RangeType, RangeStart. Maximal savings would achieved by making all char members adjacent, but this would affect their order in the user interface, which is undesirable. As Type, Channel and Note are adjacent, as are RangeType, RangeStart. Making those members char instead of int saves 16 bytes, and leaves 2 bytes available for new char members. Note that converting the Range members to char saves more space than expected because they're followed by Mute which is bool; RangeType, RangeStart and Mute would occupy 4 bytes instead of 12. 3 * sizeof(int) + 3 * sizeof(int) -> sizeof(int) + sizeof(int) 24 -> 8 This gets the size of CTrack from 192 bytes down to 176 bytes. Making Velocity char wouldn't reduce CTrack's size, but would make 3 more bytes available for reuse. For the least impact on existing code, make the CSeqTrackArray attribute wrappers (e.g. SetType and GetType) use char instead of int. It's also necessary to overload CPolymeterDoc::ReadEnum for char as follows: inline void CPolymeterDoc::ReadEnum(CIniFile& fIni, LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCTSTR pszKey, char& Value, const CProperties::OPTION_INFO *pOption, int nOptions) { int nIntValue; ReadEnum(fIni, pszSection, pszKey, nIntValue, pOption, nOptions); Value = static_cast(nIntValue); } inline void CPolymeterDoc::WriteEnum(CIniFile& fIni, LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCTSTR pszKey, const char& Value, const CProperties::OPTION_INFO *pOption, int nOptions) const { int nIntValue = Value; WriteEnum(fIni, pszSection, pszKey, nIntValue, pOption, nOptions); } and also overload CParseCSV::StrToVal for char: bool CParseCSV::StrToVal(const CString& str, char& nVal) { int nIntVal; if (_stscanf_s(str, _T("%d"), &nIntVal) != 1) return false; nVal = static_cast(nIntVal); return true; } The rest of the changes are minor edits to avoid warnings. Note that this revision could potentially introduce bugs. It could also potentially impact performance, due to the need for extra machine language instructions to extend bytes to words, though this impact might be reduced or eliminated in the 64-bit executable as 32-bit words are probably being extended to 64-bit words anyway. Also the memory savings from reducing the size of CTrack may improve cache performance and thereby offset any increased code complexity. 2/24/24 docking bar context menu commands should be available in Customize dialog (issue 529, 7/22/22) It would nice if commands from some of the dockable windows could be assigned keyboard shortcuts (accelerators) or added to the main menu. The Modulation, Phase, and Graph bars are the most likely to be useful. It seemed at first that it was necessary to override CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg to also search the message maps of dockable bars, and while this does work, it's an expensive solution in terms of performance. OnCmdMsg is called at high frequency, and can potentially bog down the user interface. It's also a wasteful solution, as most of the commands in the dockable window context menus won't be used in customization, yet their entire message maps have to be searched every time OnCmdMsg runs. It's simpler and much more performant to just add command range handlers to CMainFrame's message map for the additional command ranges that should be available in customization. This will get both accelerators and main menu additions working. However for menu additions, if you want checked items to appear checked, it's also necessary to add a command update UI range handler. ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_MODULATION_INSERT_GROUP, ID_MODULATION_SORT_BY_TYPE, OnModulationCmd) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(ID_MODULATION_INSERT_GROUP, ID_MODULATION_SORT_BY_TYPE, OnUpdateModulationCmd) void CMainFrame::OnModulationCmd(UINT nID) { m_wndModulationsBar.SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, nID); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateModulationCmd(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->DoUpdate(&m_wndModulationsBar, false); } This construct must be repeated for each of the desired context menus. It's possible to generate the code automatically via the preprocessor. Other than that, it's only necessary to add the desired context menus to pDlgCust in OnViewCustomize. It might be useful to filter out edit commands, or any other commands that lie outside the ranges that were added to the message map. This too could be done via the preprocessor. Delete these items from a context menu before passing it to Customize: menu.DeleteMenu(nEditCmdID, MF_BYCOMMAND); ID_EDIT_CUT, ID_EDIT_COPY, ID_EDIT_PASTE, ID_EDIT_INSERT, ID_EDIT_DELETE, ID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL, ID_EDIT_RENAME, 2/25/24 More on the update command UI maze By overriding CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg it's possible to see which commands are being left to the application due to the absence of handlers in the document, child frame or main frame. Every such message is expensive in terms of performance because CWinAppEx::OnCmdMsg will search all the message maps again. BOOL CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) { BOOL bRet = CMDIFrameWndEx::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo); if (!bRet) printf("%d %d (%x)\n", nCode, nID, nID); return bRet; } The results are as follows: 0 57607 (e107) // ID_FILE_PRINT -1 57664 (e140) // ID_APP_ABOUT -1 101 (65) -1 101 (65) -1 57600 (e100) // ID_FILE_NEW -1 57601 (e101) // ID_FILE_OPEN -1 57603 (e103) // ID_FILE_SAVE -1 57607 (e107) // ID_FILE_PRINT The file commands are due to their presence on the toolbar, proved by removing them from the toolbar using View/Customize. Based on this evidence, it would make sense to remove the non-functional Print icon from the toolbar, as it's needlessly adding overhead. Overriding the CPolymeterApp::OnCmdMsg reveals that the three status bar indicators are being routed there. -1 32789 (8015) // ID_INDICATOR_SONG_POS -1 32790 (8016) // ID_INDICATOR_SONG_TIME -1 32791 (8017) // ID_INDICATOR_TEMPO -1 57664 (e140) // ID_APP_ABOUT -1 101 (65) -1 101 (65) This occurs because CMDIFrameWnd::OnCmdMsg tries both the child and main frames (in that order) and in both cases the work is done by the bass class CFrameWnd::OnCmdMsg, which first tries the frame's active view if any, then the frame itself, and finally the app. In the first CFrameWnd::OnCmdMsg (for the child frame) the indicator messages are not handled by the child frame, so the app is then tried, uselessly. Standard Command Route: MDI frame window (CMDIFrameWnd) 1. Active CMDIChildWnd <-- see CMDIChildWnd routing below 2. This frame window 3. Application (CWinApp object) Document frame window (CFrameWnd, CMDIChildWnd) 1. Active view 2. This frame window 3. Application (CWinApp object) <-- this is how the indicators are getting passed to CPolymeterApp::OnCmdMsg before CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg The easiest solution is to handle the indicators in the child frame. Because the main frame explicitly updates the song position, time, and tempo, they don't need update command UI support for their text. They do need to be enabled while a document exists, but that can be accomplished by having CChildFrame::OnCmdMsg simply return TRUE for the indicator IDs. The main frame doesn't even need to have message map entries for the indicators, provided OnUpdate blanks the tempo pane when playback stops. case CPolymeterDoc::HINT_PLAY: m_dwCachedTempo = 0; // force status bar tempo pane to update when playback starts if (theApp.m_pPlayingDoc == NULL) m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(SBP_TEMPO, _T("")); break; The messages with ID 101 come from the tab controls that the framework creates when multiple dockable panes are docked together in the same mini-frame. There's no obvious solution to that. The keyboard indicators are presumably handled by the app. Eliminating them would boost performance, but they're arguably useful. 59137 (E701) // ID_INDICATOR_CAPS 59138 (E702) // ID_INDICATOR_NUM 59139 (E703) // ID_INDICATOR_SCRL Summary of proposal: 1. Remove the non-functional Print icon from both toolbars. 2. Return TRUE for the indicators in CChildFrame::OnCmdMsg, and remove the indicator handlers in CMainFrame, along with the tempo status pane fix shown above. 2/25/24 Phase bar selected tracks only mode if selected only mode: in Update, only add selected tracks, and set m_bSelected false disable OnLButtonDown (exit from top) disable OnTrackSelectionChange (call Update and exit from top) in FindNextConvergence, copy all orbit periods to arrMod On the good side, this mode gives the user a way of directly specifying which periods are included in the phase diagram. This is particularly advantageous for documents that contain many different periods which would otherwise cause the diagram to be excessively complex and hard to read. There are several disadvantages however: 1. The phase window is empty unless tracks are selected, which is potentially confusing and looks like a bug. 2. The mode causes the Transport Next / Previous Convergence commands to behave differently (only the selected tracks are included in the convergence calculation), which similarly could be confusing and look like a bug. 3. Because the track selection is ephemeral and often changes, for example due to editing or merely switching between documents, the user might have to re-specify the periods frequently, which could get aggravating. 4. The mode doesn't work in Live view, because entering Live view clears the track selection 3/6/24 Smooth offset modulation PLM file: offset modulation frequency test 2 Tempo = 120 BPM, Timebase = 120 PPQ tick length = 0.0041666666666667 144 = 0.6 Hz 120 = 2 Hz 96 = 2.5 Hz Using a sine wave as the offset modulation function sounds reasonably smooth, but is it the proper function for frequency change? 2.5 is approximately four times 0.6, or two doublings. But 0.6 times two is 1.2, not 2. So it's not smooth in log space. The right function is probably 2 to the power of a normalized triangle wave, as with tempo. 4/18/24 saving space in CTrack by converting eligible data members from int to char The base version was Polymeter Track members Type, Channel, Note, RangeType and RangeStart were converted from int to char. Only one critical function, OutputMidiBuffer, was measured, and only in x64 Release. Its size increased from 5824 bytes to 5968 bytes, an increase of 2.5% or 144 bytes. This code size increase could plausibly affect performance. The increase may be due in part to the need to zero-extend or sign-extend bytes loaded into registers. According to the MSDN page Learn / Windows / Windows / Drivers / x64 Architecture: "Operations that output to a 32-bit subregister are automatically zero-extended to the entire 64-bit register. Operations that output to 8-bit or 16-bit subregisters aren't zero-extended (this is compatible x86 behavior)." Another possible cause of the increase is that byte-accessing MOV instructions are longer. The size of CTrack can be reduced by 8 bytes (from 192 to 184) by moving m_clrCustom from its current position (it's the last member var) to just before m_arrStep. That still leaves 3 unused bytes after m_bMute. Alternatively, two 32-bit members could be added to CTrack (one before m_arrStep and one after m_clrCustom) without increasing its size. 5/2/24 minor sequencer optimizations In AddTrackEvents, the bIsOdd boolean was replaced with flipping the sign of nSwing, thereby eliminating a conditional branch in the critical path. To test whether the current step is odd, compare nSwing to trk.m_nSwing; if they're unequal, it's odd. In AddTrackEvents and RecurseModulations, the track index parameter was replaced with a track reference. The functions made no use of the track index, except to convert it to a reference that was already available in the calling code. This slightly reduces code size and presumably increases performance by avoiding a redundant indexing operation. 5/2/24 first stab at length modulation It gets pretty hairy. The main change is in AddTrackEvents: case MT_Length: { arrMod[MT_Length] += nStepVal - MIDI_NOTES / 2; // accumulate length modulation int nModLength = trk.GetLength() + arrMod[MT_Length]; // compute modulated length nModLength = CLAMP(nModLength, 1, trk.GetLength()); // enforce length range if (nModLength != nLength) { // if length changed nLength = nModLength; // update length int nStraightEvtTime = nEvtTime; if (nSwing != trk.m_nSwing) // if odd event nStraightEvtTime -= nSwing; // remove swing int iQuant = (nStraightEvtTime + nTrkStart) / nQuant; iStep = iQuant % nLength; // update step index for new length } } break; But this only gets you direct length modulation. For recursive length modulation, more work is needed. It might be more efficient and maintainable to make the recursion parameters a struct. struct RECURSE_PARAMS { // parameters passed to RecurseModulations, which it may modify int nAbsEvtTime; // absolute event time in ticks; modified by offset modulation int nPosMod; // position offset in steps; modified by position modulation int nLength; // dynamic track length in steps; modified by length modulation }; if (trkModSource.IsModulated() && trkModSource.IsModulator()) { // if modulator could be modulated RECURSE_PARAMS rp = {nAbsEvtTime, 0, trkModSource.GetLength()}; m_nRecursions = 0; if (RecurseModulations(trkModSource, rp)) // recurse into modulator's modulations continue; // recursion returned mute, so skip this modulator iModStep = trkModSource.GetStepIndex(rp.nAbsEvtTime, rp.nLength); // use potentially modified event time and length if (rp.nPosMod) // if recursion returned a non-zero position modulation iModStep = ModWrap(iModStep - rp.nPosMod, rp.nLength); // modulate position } else { // modulator isn't modulated iModStep = trkModSource.GetStepIndex(nAbsEvtTime); } And in RecurseModulations: RECURSE_PARAMS rp2 = {rp.nAbsEvtTime, 0, trkModSource.GetLength()}; if (trkModSource.IsModulated() && trkModSource.IsModulator()) { // if modulator could be modulated if (m_nRecursions >= MOD_MAX_RECURSIONS) { // if maximum recursion depth reached OnMidiError(SEQERR_TOO_MANY_RECURSIONS); return true; // abort recursion } m_nRecursions++; // increment recursion depth bool bMute = RecurseModulations(trkModSource, rp2); // traverse sub-modulations m_nRecursions--; // decrement recursion depth if (bMute) // if recursion returned mute continue; // skip this modulator } int iModStep = trkModSource.GetStepIndex(rp2.nAbsEvtTime, rp2.nLength); // use potentially modified event time and length if (rp2.nPosMod) // if recursion returned a non-zero position modulation iModStep = ModWrap(iModStep - rp2.nPosMod, rp2.nLength); // modulate position int nStepVal = trkModSource.m_arrStep[iModStep] & SB_VELOCITY; case MT_Length: // length modulation nLengthModSum += nStepVal; // add step value to accumulated length modulation rp.nLength = trk.GetLength() + nLengthModSum; // update caller's length rp.nLength = CLAMP(rp.nLength, 1, trk.GetLength()); // enforce length range break; And in SumModulations: RECURSE_PARAMS rp = {nAbsEvtTime, 0, trkModSource.GetLength()}; if (trkModSource.IsModulated() && trkModSource.IsModulator()) { // if modulator could be modulated m_nRecursions = 0; if (RecurseModulations(trkModSource, rp)) // recurse into modulator's modulations continue; // recursion returned mute, so skip this modulator } The main objection is that length modulation just isn't useful enough to justify the increased complexity. Another objection is that the target track shifts phase whenever its length changes. There is no way to avoid the phase shifts without introducing per-track state and indeterminacy. 5/29/24 using tempo modulation to add a precise delay This example assumes we want to add a one-beat rest, by making a sixteenth note step into five sixteenth notes. tempo = 120 BPM 1/4 = 0.5 s 1/16 = 0.125 s desired outcome is 1/16 -> 5/16 5/16 = 5 x 0.125 = 0.625 s at what tempo does 1/16 = 0.625 s ? 4 x 0.625 = 2.5 1/4 = 2.5 s 60 / 2.5 = 24 BPM 24 = 120 / 5 (we're back where we started: 5) 5 = 2 to the x ? x = log(5) / log(2) x = 2.321928 x = 232% The tempo track should have its active step set to -64 and its Duration set to 232. This is confirmed to work. 1/16 -> n/16 duration = log(n) / log(2) * 100 for example, for a rest of 9/16, duration = log(9) / log(2) * 100 = 317 7/1/24 per-channel duplicate note avoidance proposal This feature only applies to tracks with scale, or scale and chord modulators. A previous note is maintained for each channel. After the scale/chord array lookup is done, if the resulting note is the same as the previous note, the index modulator value is incremented by one and the scale/chord array lookup is repeated. This prevents a duplicate note, provided the track's scale (or chord) contains at least two tones and all of the tones are unique. There's no risk of a loop because only one retry is done. The only significant cost is updating the previous note. The previous notes must be initialized to -1 at the start of playback. The feature would be controllable per-channel via a 16-bit mask word, and selectable in the UI via the Channels bar grid. The feature could also be a mapping target. Controlling it via an internal controller in theory risks variable behavior depending on track order and callback length, but testing did not confirm that problem. Released in 8/28/24 show phase bar text at top of ellipses The minimum is this: fmtText.Get()->SetParagraphAlignment(DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT_FAR); // align text to bottom double oy = ptOrigin.y - fOrbitWidth / 2; float y = float(oy - iOrbit * fOrbitWidth); And if crosshairs are showing, it may look better if upper text is drawn left of vertical crosshair and right-aligned, especially text is shown at both top and bottom of ellipses. if (m_nDrawStyle & DSB_CROSSHAIRS) { // if showing crosshairs fmtText.Get()->SetTextAlignment(DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TRAILING); x1 = ptOrigin.x - nTextOffset - nTextMaxWidth; // right-align text to right of vertical axis x2 = ptOrigin.x - nTextOffset; } 10/3/24 jump proposal Proposal: Allow the song position to "jump" to a different position when a specified position is reached, without changing the song position displayed in the status bar or elsewhere, and without affecting smooth progression through the dubs in song view. This would allow transitions to "reset the clock", which is useful when a composition has sections that use unrelated time signatures. Currently such compositions can only be produced by either 1) changing section only at a convergence between all the relevant lengths, or 2) creating a separate Polymeter project for each section, exporting a separate MIDI file for each section, and then assembling the sections in an external editor. Both workarounds limit creativity in different ways. The timing granularity will be callbacks rather than ticks, because the song position can't be modified within the callback function's track-processing loop (AddTrackEvents), due to architectural constraints. This is the same reason the looping feature can only loop on callback boundaries. This won't be problematic in practice, because each callback only is only a few ticks long at typical settings. For example, at 120 BPM, 120 PPQ, and the default callback length of 10 ms, each callback takes 3 ticks. ticks_per_callback = callback_seconds / (60 / BPM / PPQ) (rounded up to nearest integer) The implementation would need to add an offset to the song position that's passed to AddTrackEvents (nCBStart). This offset must be a member variable, separate from m_nCBTime, because it persists between callbacks. Limiting jump processing to callback boundaries introduces a timing error, and the destination position must be compensated for that error, using a similar method to the compensation of looping (introduced in version The UI would presumably be a grid control, having the following columns: sequence # (for selecting rows), From Time, To Time. Insert and delete would need support, but not reordering, as the list should automatically keep itself in ascending order by From Time. Both times are in ordinary song position coordinates. The jump does NOT change the song position; it's as if you've added an offset to all the tracks. This offset won't be visible in song view, but it could optionally be shown elsewhere, for example in Track view or Phase view. For example, if the first row contains 17:00, 26:00, the result is that when playback reaches 17:00, an offset is then applied to all tracks, so that they're repositioned AS IF song position had jumped to 26:00, while the song position continues on from 17:00 as usual. This allows each section of a composition to have any desired synchronization, without resorting to an external editor. The jump list must be inside the sequencer engine. An index member variable is also required, and the jump list needs to be chased at start of playback and in SetSongPosition, in the same way that dubs and recorded events are chased. The jump processing must be done in both OutputMidiBuffer and the export, presumably in a subroutine. 10/07/24 switching to song view should set all mutes to match song's current dub state (chase) This issue dates back to 07/17/20. It's categorized as hold but it should arguably be escalated to a bug. It certainly acts like a bug. The question is only whether fixing it would have undesirable side effects. This should be explored, especially in the case where multiple different views of a document exist simultaneously. The issue stresses that the chase must be synchronous. Is this merely a warning to prevent race conditions, or something more sinister? 11/03/24 buggy MIDI event comparison operators CMidiEvent::operator> is incorrect. The fifth group of tests asserts. // test operator== ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) == CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) == CMidiEvent(0, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) == CMidiEvent(1, 0))); // test operator!= ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) != CMidiEvent(0, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) != CMidiEvent(1, 0)); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) != CMidiEvent(1, 1))); // test operator< ASSERT(CMidiEvent(0, 0) < CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(0, 1) < CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 0) < CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) < CMidiEvent(1, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) < CMidiEvent(1, 0))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) < CMidiEvent(0, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) < CMidiEvent(0, 0))); // test operator<= ASSERT(CMidiEvent(0, 0) <= CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(0, 1) <= CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 0) <= CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) <= CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) <= CMidiEvent(1, 0))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) <= CMidiEvent(0, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) <= CMidiEvent(0, 0))); // test operator> ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) > CMidiEvent(0, 0)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) > CMidiEvent(0, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) > CMidiEvent(1, 0)); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 1) > CMidiEvent(1, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 0) > CMidiEvent(1, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(0, 1) > CMidiEvent(1, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(0, 0) > CMidiEvent(1, 1))); // test operator>= ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) >= CMidiEvent(0, 0)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) >= CMidiEvent(0, 1)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) >= CMidiEvent(1, 0)); ASSERT(CMidiEvent(1, 1) >= CMidiEvent(1, 1)); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(1, 0) >= CMidiEvent(1, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(0, 1) >= CMidiEvent(1, 1))); ASSERT(!(CMidiEvent(0, 0) >= CMidiEvent(1, 1))); The essential point is that in relational operators for a pair like this, the secondary members should only control the result when the primary members are equal. The correct definitions are: inline bool CTrackBase::CMidiEvent::operator==(const CMidiEvent &evt) const { return m_nTime == evt.m_nTime && m_dwEvent == evt.m_dwEvent; } inline bool CTrackBase::CMidiEvent::operator!=(const CMidiEvent &evt) const { return m_nTime != evt.m_nTime || m_dwEvent != evt.m_dwEvent; } inline bool CTrackBase::CMidiEvent::operator<(const CMidiEvent &evt) const { return m_nTime < evt.m_nTime || (m_nTime == evt.m_nTime && m_dwEvent < evt.m_dwEvent); } inline bool CTrackBase::CMidiEvent::operator>(const CMidiEvent &evt) const { return m_nTime > evt.m_nTime || (m_nTime == evt.m_nTime && m_dwEvent > evt.m_dwEvent); } inline bool CTrackBase::CMidiEvent::operator<=(const CMidiEvent &evt) const { return m_nTime < evt.m_nTime || (m_nTime == evt.m_nTime && m_dwEvent <= evt.m_dwEvent); } inline bool CTrackBase::CMidiEvent::operator>=(const CMidiEvent &evt) const { return m_nTime > evt.m_nTime || (m_nTime == evt.m_nTime && m_dwEvent >= evt.m_dwEvent); } Fortunately CMidiEvent::operator> is not used. Correcting the error passes the regression test. 1/15/25 PianoRoll view It works, but is the increased code justified? 1/28/25 Queue modulation It works, but it's hard to control and seems less useful than hoped. Chasing to the start position would be an additional challenge. TrackDef.h: MODTYPEDEF(Queue) add string resource: IDS_TRK_Queue "Queue" GraphBar.h: #define MOD_TYPE_COLOR_Queue "peru" Track.h: STEP GetNextStep(); inline CTrackBase::STEP CTrack::GetNextStep() { if (m_iNextStep >= GetLength()) // enforce range before access m_iNextStep = 0; return m_arrStep[m_iNextStep++]; } Sequencer.cpp: case MT_Queue: arrMod[MT_Queue] = iModSource + 1; break; int iIdx = arrMod[MT_Index]; if (arrMod[MT_Queue] > 0) { iIdx += (GetAt(arrMod[MT_Queue] - 1).GetNextStep() & SB_VELOCITY) - MIDI_NOTES / 2; } int iTone = ModWrap(iIdx, nScaleTones);