Property list

Whorld has various properties to which MIDI messages can be assigned. The property list is a two-dimensional table that shows the current assignments, and allows you to edit them. Each row in the table displays information about the MIDI message that's assigned to the corresponding property. The columns are described below.

This determines how much effect a MIDI message has on its property. Signed MIDI values are mapped to the specified range, such that −63 corresponds to the range's first value, +64 corresponds to the range's second value, and 0 corresponds to the midpoint between them.

Range lets you make a trade-off between the precision and magnitude of a MIDI control: making the range smaller allows finer adjustments, but reduces the control's overall effect. The range's first value can be greater than the second, in which case the control's effect is inverted.

Whorld's properties can be divided into four groups, as shown below:

When a MIDI control is assigned to a parameter, it controls that parameter's Master Offset, which is added to the parameter's current value.
Other continuous values
These are properties such as Zoom, which aren't parameters, but are also continuous, i.e. they can have many values. Unlike parameters, these properties don't have master offsets: when you move the MIDI control, you're directly setting the property, not adding an offset to it.
These are boolean properties, i.e. properties that are either "on" or "off", such as Mirror. The Range for these properties should always be 0..1 for normal operation, or 1..0 for inverted operation. Other values may give incorrect results.
Oscillator properties
These properties allow you to control the oscillator override for each parameter, as well as the global oscillators. Note that the oscillator properties are normally hidden. To assign MIDI messages to these properties, you must first check the "Advanced" checkbox in the MIDI setup dialog's upper-right corner. The default ranges are listed below:

Waveform0..8Distributes waveforms evenly along controller's sweep.
Amplitude?Range depends on the parameter.
Frequency0..1Oscillator frequency in Hertz.
Pulse Width0..1Fractional duty cycle; ignored unless waveform is "Pulse".

This is the type of MIDI message assigned to the property. The possible values are as follows:

OFFNo message is assigned to the property.
CTRLA continuous controller message is assigned to the property; the controller edit box specifies the controller number.
NOTEA note is assigned to the property. In this case the controller edit box displays and understands MIDI note numbers, e.g. F#4. Pressing the note toggles the property, i.e. flips it back and forth between +Range and −Range. Releasing the note has no effect. Notes are useful for controlling switches (see above).
PITCHThe pitch bend message is assigned to the property. In this case the controller edit box is ignored.

This is the channel on which the property's MIDI message is expected to arrive, ranging from 1 to 16.
For controller messages, this is the controller number, from 0 to 127; note that controllers above 120 are normally reserved for channel mode messages. For note messages, this is the note number, from C0 to G10. For pitch bend messages, this value is ignored.
This is the actual data byte from the property's most recently received message, which can be helpful when debugging MIDI problems. It's displayed as a read-only signed value from −64 to +63.