Chris Korda: Press

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02/17/25Mixmag SpainChris Korda y Yoyaku relanzan el clásico 'The (Wo)Man Of The Future' en un vinilo dobleSpanish351
09/26/24A CabineChris Korda está de volta ao país no início de outubroPortuguese (English)262
08/29/24ChoicesWir wollen Rituale kreierenGerman (English)1291
08/26/24Mixmag SpainHablamos con Chris Korda sobre su nuevo álbum 'Avenging Angels Of Software'Spanish (English)1940
07/03/24Contemporary Art LibraryArtist’s Con(tra)ception29
06/27/24Juno DailyChris Korda interview – “despite our hard-won wisdom we rampage like crazed beasts”1691
06/18/24KiVVON, Köln„Artist’s Con(tra)ception“: Kölnischer Kunstverein zeigt erste Ausstellung Chris Kordas in DeutschlandGerman (English)667
06/10/24Celebrity CaféChris Korda - Alexandre BretonFrench (English)3078
05/31/24Resident AdvisorThis week's new music: Chris Korda, Slim Soledad, Kamixlo79
05/29/24Kölnische RundschauGolfender Donald Trump nebender TitanicGerman (English)564
05/24/24Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Kultur & MedienKölnischer Kunstverein - Chris Korda lädt uns zum kollektiven Freitod einGerman (English)799
05/23/24Rolling Stone ItaliaChris Korda: «Se l’umanità si estinguesse, la Terra starebbe molto meglio» Italian (English)3764
04/22/24Ouvert, PeopleInterview with Chris Korda: “Not having children will save you much time and effort”1731
03/20/24Têtu, Dancing Queer p. 143Le classique internationalFrench (English)142
01/24/24Discours, Community“Save the planet - kill yourself”: Church of Euthanasia against everyoneRussian (English)5878
10/30/23Bandcamp Daily, FeaturesChris Korda’s Complex Electronic Compositions Contemplate Collapse1975
10/09/23TrommelReview: Chris Korda – Not My Problem, I'll be Dead EP [BBB]575
10/01/23The Wire, Soundcheck p. 49Chris Korda - Not My Problem, I'll Be Dead - Primitive Man362
08/28/23BeatburguerChris Korda: Primitive Man (YYK No Label)Spanish518
06/10/23VakuumEntschuldige dich bei der ZukunftGerman (English)2279
06/08/23Resident AdvisorChris Korda - Not My Problem, I'll Be Dead491
05/20/23Test PressingAn Interview With Chris Korda By Josh M.A.D1140
03/21/23BeatburguerChris Korda: Not My Problem, I’ll Be DeadSpanish (English)859
03/19/23Find Your SoundsPremiere : Chris Korda returns with her provocative club EP ‘Not My Problem, I’ll Be Dead’816
02/20/23Ransom NoteThe DJ Pyramid1354
02/03/23Kuba ParisIndirect Methods – Chris Korda294
01/19/2324 HeuresChris Korda dans ses cordes chez CircuitFrench (English)502
01/01/23Contemporary Art LibraryIndirect Methods38
12/15/22Les Inrockuptibles, Arts & ScenesNos 10 expos préférées de 2022French595
11/30/22Find Your SoundsChris Korda announces modern classical album ‘Indirect Methods’426
10/11/22TrommelReview: Chris Korda – More Than Four [CHXIV05]488
09/28/22Daily LazyChris Korda at Le Confort Moderne / Poitiers1314
09/24/22GrooveSeptember 2022: Die essenziellen Alben (Teil 1)German (English)269
09/22/22Trou NoirChris Korda - Apologize to The FutureFrench (English)2023
09/19/22NowamuzykaChris Korda – More Than FourPolish (English)533
09/05/22CD HotList, Rock/PopChris Korda: More Than Four166
08/26/22BerghainInterview with Chris KordaGerman (English)714
08/24/22Les InrockuptiblesLa stratégie du choc Chris Korda, dernier espoir avant l’extinction?French (English)1134
08/02/22MunoChris Korda wydaje kolejny album, którego nie potrafimy sklasyfikowacPolish292
08/01/22La LibérationRencontre: Chris Korda, mortelle est la questionFrench (English)1646
07/28/22Find Your SoundsChris Korda’s album ‘More Than Four’ created in odd time and complex polymeter is flagrant rhythmic heresy625
07/28/22Resident AdvisorChris Korda's second album of 2022 features odd time signatures and complex polymeter231
07/27/22ArtForum, Critics' PicksChris Korda at Le Confort Moderne332
07/22/22Arts in the CityExposition The (Wo)man of the Future de Chris Korda au Confort ModerneFrench (English)524
07/07/22FriezeCan Chris Korda Save the Planet?706
07/02/22CLOT MagazineAn Ecological Provocatrice, a reflection on Chris Korda’s universe2248
07/01/22Junk Page, ExpositionsDemander Pardon au FuturFrench (English)835
06/20/22Tissue MagazineChris Korda: The Heartbreaking Tragedy of Collective Failure3047
06/16/22Terraforma JournalChris Korda - The Wo(Man) of the Future2474
06/08/22La Nouvelle RépubliquePoitiers : Grand bazar en vue au Confort moderneFrench (English)133
06/06/22Les InrockuptiblesLes 5 expos à ne pas rater en juin 2022French (English)277
05/09/22Journal of art & design HEAD – GenèveIssue #12 – De/production without cons/des/truction395
04/01/22Field Notes BerlinChris Korda – Passion for Numbers (Mental Groove, LP/digital)113
03/22/22BeatburguerChris Korda: Passion for Numbers (Mental Groove) Spanish958
03/07/22Resident AdvisorChris Korda announces two new albums and a retrospective exhibition in 2022183
02/14/22Agente ProvocadorSalva el planeta y ¡suicídate! Los suicidas de BarcelonaSpanish (English)1104
02/04/22Daily StarTwisted cult campaigned for all humanity to kill itself and provided instructions online440
12/23/21ObjecthoodChris Korda: A thin layer of oily rock13012
12/14/21TraxChris Korda: Game OverFrench (English)4838
08/20/21TrommelChris Korda: A voice for the future3869
04/15/21Big Bang, p. 198Suicide général?French (English)3695
03/16/21Ransom Note'Apologize to the Future': Chris Korda on the crisis facing our planet2999
03/12/21Página 12¿La música electrónica está muerta?Spanish (English)1121
03/10/21VICE FranceVICE présente : Chris Korda, man of the futureFrench (English)469
03/01/21Document JournalChris Korda’s booklist for black-pilled environmentalists1939
02/04/21Musique JournalTout le monde est Korda pour dire que ce disque est génialFrench (English)1588
01/01/21Exploring Antinatalism, 26Chris Korda (The Church of Euthanasia)20883
12/01/20Texte Zur Kunst, issue 120On Chris Korda’s LP “Apologize to the Future” 722
11/20/20Guerrilla BizarreChris Korda’s ‘Six Billion Humans Can’t Be Wrong’ Is Being Reissued - With a New Name386
11/11/20Document JournalThe Gospel of Chris Korda: a techno-punk preacher for civilization on the brink of collapse2198
10/28/20FlauntChris Korda / Flaunt Premiere / Apologize to the Future204
10/16/20Self-TitledChris Korda Shares Her Favorite Odd Time Songs611
10/08/20Resident Advisor, ExchangeChris Korda: Dance music's harbinger of ecocide10151
10/07/20TazDie Klima-GeißlerinGerman (English)312
10/02/20FlauntChris Korda / Future Shock!1908
10/01/20Resident AdvisorChris Korda - Apologize To The Future468
10/01/20GrooveSeptember 2020: Die essenziellen AlbenGerman (English)245
09/30/20Fifteen QuestionsFifteen Questions Interview with Chris Korda - Routines Won't Suffice3648
09/24/20Die WochenzeitungVermehret euch nicht!German (English)774
09/15/20SoundwallChris Korda, dalla Perlon all’eutanasia: “O maturiamo, o moriamo”Italian (English)2959
09/15/20T-MagazineIn conversation with: Chris KordaItalian (English)2949
09/10/20Billboard20 Questions With Chris Korda: The Producer on the 'Anesthesia' of Dance Music & Why Humans Must Stop Breeding2028
09/10/20Ransom NoteTrack By Track: Chris Korda - Apologize To The Future1483
09/08/20DJ Mag EspañaFuturo, os pedimos disculpasSpanish (English)2934
09/02/20Mixmag BrazilChris Korda lança novo album 'Apologize to the Future'. Assista o music video de 'Overshoot'Portuguese (English)429
09/01/20Clubbing SpainChris Korda vaticina el negro futuro de la humanidad en su nuevo álbumSpanish (English)449
08/06/20Resident AdvisorChris Korda announces new album for Perlon called Apologize To The Future141
08/06/20XLR8RChris Korda Addresses Climate Change and Economic Inequality on New Perlon Album327
08/05/20GrungeThis Is How The Church Of Euthanasia Cult Started1014
08/04/20Tome to the Weather Machine, VideodronesChris Korda – 'Overshoot'93
07/17/20ParkettChris Korda torna con una raccolta di tracce su PerlonItalian (English)422
07/13/20TrommelChris Korda returns on Perlon with a thought provoking record221
05/26/20l'Officiel, ARTChris Korda : 'Save the planet, kill yourself'French (English)185
01/20/20New JournalistSuicide, cannibalism and sodomy? Or veganism, reproductive rights and equality?2061
12/12/19Boston HassleAn Interview with Chris Korda on their new release Akoko Ajeji and more4266
11/21/19XLR8RChris Korda, Man of the Future5111
10/31/19ArtforumMonster Mash1124
10/11/19Financial TimesParis Internationale — a killing time at the fair with new dynamism855
09/25/19Resident AdvisorA unique Perlon record that is both extraordinarily complex and genuinely fun558
09/10/19GrooveChris Korda, Die Bob Dylan des KlimawandelsGerman (English)1830
07/30/19Say What?Chris Korda: Alienation into polymeter933
07/25/19TrommelChris Korda prepares boundary breaking LP for Perlon290
07/19/19Frieze, One TakesTeach Masturbation - Lessons from The Church of Euthanasia412
06/01/19Flash Art Magazine , issue 326 p. 11CHRIS KORDA 'The Church of Euthanasia Archives'366
04/19/19Les InrockuptiblesChris Korda et Darja Bajagić exposent à ParisFrench (English)759
04/15/19i-D, Musiquequi est chris korda, l'artiste punk qui prônait le suicide dans l'amérique consumériste des années 1990?French (English)1866
04/01/19Mousse MagazineChris Korda 'THE CHURCH OF EUTHANASIA Archives' at GOSWELL ROAD, Paris640
08/05/18GQConoce a Chris Korda, la Thanos de la contracultura y el ángel de la eutanasiaSpanish (English)2514
06/21/18SpexChris Korda: Irgendwann werde ich mich wahrscheinlich umbringenGerman (English)803
06/25/17El MundoSalva el planeta, suicídate: así es la polémica Iglesia de la EutanasiaSpanish (English)1003
10/23/15VICE, Post Mortem'Save the Planet, Kill Yourself': The Contentious History of the Church of Euthanasia2407
10/14/15Dig Boston‘Save The Planet, Kill Yourself’—An Interview1631
02/25/15Jot Down¿Terraformación o extinción?Spanish (English)1554
01/02/14TryangleLa sodomie peut-elle sauver la planète ?French (English)1547
12/09/13Planet IvySuicide, abortion, cannibalism and sodomy: The four pillars of the Church of Euthanasia751
11/22/13Vanishing Point, EspecialesChris Korda y la Iglesia de la Eutanasia: save the planet, kill yourselfSpanish (English)3168
09/28/13Live Action NewsFor the ‘anti-humanist’ group Church of Euthanasia, abortion is a sacrament685
01/28/10PolitplatschquatschSelbstmord aus Angst vor dem TodGerman (English)326
02/17/08The TelegraphPredators tell children how to kill themselves1170
09/12/05NMESix Billion Humans Can't Be Wrong215
09/01/03SpexDie Welt ist Nicht shönGerman (English)779
06/17/03IntroThe Man Of The Future: Chris KordaGerman (English)333
06/08/03St. Louis Post-DispatchNow even committing suicide has gone online1079
04/07/03Bath ChronicleSuicide on the internet531
03/14/03BatofarEntrevue Masquée Chris KordaFrench (English)1508
11/22/02Noordhollandse DagbladenTruttig vlagverbodDutch (English)551
11/21/02De:bugMontag ist Twintower TagGerman (English)370
11/16/02NRC HandelsbladDj Chris Korda en de erotisering van terrorismeDutch (English)954
11/15/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 17Korda: Mens is einde van evolutieDutch (English)348
11/14/02VPROEen avondje Korda in ParadisoDutch (English)1278
11/14/02ANPChris Korda en zijn vier gruwelijke gebodenDutch (English)495
11/13/02VPROChris Korda: 'Ik ben pervers, ja'Dutch (English)595
11/13/02Dance GuideChris Korda at Paradiso845
11/12/02Het ParoolKip aan het kruisDutch (English)766
11/12/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 22Om wil optreden Korda verbiedenDutch (English)80
11/11/02VPROCDA wil optreden Chris Korda verbiedenDutch (English)418
11/11/02Het ParoolPerverse Korda ontdekt de Amsterdamse grenzenDutch (English)767
11/11/02Het ParoolKorda kan gang gaan in ParadisoDutch (English)250
11/11/02Underground Dance NewsChris Korda: mensen zijn stomme apenDutch (English)723
11/08/02ANPOM alert op Church of EuthanasiaDutch (English)241
11/07/02CDACDA wil géén optreden van haat propagerende groeperingDutch (English)249
11/06/02VPROChris Korda treedt op, nu echtDutch (English)176
11/04/02Provinciale Zeeuwse CourantParadiso geeft de ruimte aan zelfmoordkerkDutch (English)131
11/04/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 8Zelfmoordprediker Korda alsnog naar NederlandDutch (English)165
11/03/02StartVoajerizam i tragedija 11. septembraBosnian (English)1041
11/02/02ANPParadiso voor een keer Euthanasie-kerkDutch (English)217
08/27/02De:bugImmer Ärger mit ChrissyGerman (English)253
08/26/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 12Gezelligheid verdrijft avontuur op LowlandsDutch (English)679
08/23/02Dagbladet InformationThorkild Bjørnvig - Chris KordaDanish (English)1005
08/20/02Dagbladet InformationBag livsstilsfængslets tremmerDanish (English)1193
07/30/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 22Schokkend nummer over 11 september op cdDutch (English)141
07/20/02de VolkskrantLowlands weert dj wegens WTC-videoDutch (English)320
07/19/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 22Chris Korda teleurgesteld in NederlandDutch (English)311
07/18/02VPROChris Korda reageert op Lowlands afzeggingDutch (English)336
07/18/02De SubjectivistenWould You Like To Watch?Dutch (English)636
07/17/02VPROLowlands schrapt optreden Chris KordaDutch (English)479
07/17/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 26Lowlands schrapt zelfmoordpredikerDutch (English)261
07/16/02ANPLowlands schrapt 'anti-mens' artiestDutch (English)140
07/16/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 22Chris Korda ziet mensen het liefst doodDutch (English)526
07/16/02Dagblad van het Noorden, p. 1Optreden Korda aan zijden draadDutch (English)77
07/15/02De:bugChris Korda darf nicht spielenGerman (English)216
07/05/02Berliner-Zeitung, p. 11Was haben Sie Gegen die Menschheit?German (English)653
06/29/02Mekkaczyli Chris Korda w SzczeciniePolish (English)486
06/01/02Têtu, p. 40The man of the futureFrench (English)583
06/01/02Spex, p. 30Reverend Chris Korda: Strychnin und VerzweiflungGerman (English)866
04/18/02De:bugYou're not allowed to watchGerman (English)63
03/23/02D-i-r-t-yChurch of EuthanasiaFrench (English)832
03/03/02Clubbing SpainChris KordaSpanish (English)1628
12/20/01Boston Phoenix, p. 7The pornography of terror646
10/12/01De:bugChurch of Euthanasia feiert WTC einsturzGerman (English)96
10/01/01Loaded, p. 130Church of the Poisoned Mind2156
09/13/01BelioChris Korda y la iglesia de la eutanasiaSpanish (English)4531
08/01/01El PaísRetirada una de las piezas de 'Trans Sexual Express'Spanish (English)492
08/01/01El Mundo, CatalunyaCensuradas varias imágenes de la exposición «Trans Sexual Express»Spanish (English)401
03/18/01Pagina/12Para comerte mejorSpanish (English)2363
11/26/99Taz Hamburg, p. 23Suicide CommandoGerman (English)526
11/25/99Taz, Kultur p. 23Wie es ihm gefälltGerman (English)385
11/03/99Shovel, p. 6Purity Is For Losers7257
11/01/99Fetiche, p. 33Chris KordaSpanish (English)4200
08/02/99Getting ItDeath to All Humans!1081
08/01/99De:bugChris Korda & the Church of EuthanasiaGerman (English)2531
07/24/99Berliner ZeitungDu sollst dich nicht vermehrenGerman (English)529
07/15/99Die Wochenzeitung, p. 17Danke, dass Sie hier nicht atmenGerman (English)2489
07/14/99Jungle WorldBoring propaganda doesn't workGerman (English)1371
07/01/99Beam Me UpAntisemit SuperstarGerman (English)1025
07/01/99SkugChris Korda & the Church of EuthanasiaGerman (English)323
07/01/99Disco 2000Chris Korda: Thank You For Not BreedingGerman (English)1377
07/01/99Stop, p. 86Chris Korda en de Church of EuthanasiaDutch 
07/01/99Magic FeetEuth TV2005
04/05/99New York Post, p. 8It might be the sickest CD ever214
04/01/99The Noise, p. 22Chris Korda: The Church of Euthanasia2040
03/17/99Icon, p. 64The Church of Euthanasia4114
11/01/98Connection, p. 38Dada und ReligionGerman (English)1833
10/01/98Daily News, p. 15Bet he'd like to stash that youth in Asia236
08/19/98Observer-Reporter, p. B4Environmental site cut from Internet346
04/15/98The Realist, p. 11Smart Bombs799
08/01/97Buzz, p. 1Chris Korda: Save The Planet--Kill YourselfGerman (English)2423
07/21/97New York Post, p. 8Loonies mix it up on Springer show411
07/18/97Executive Intelligence Review, p. 22Prince Philip's Malthusians Launch New Age Killer Cults3424
05/27/97Boston Magazine, p. 168City Journal: Weird Scion3079
04/21/97Neues DeutschlandWer sich vermerht, fliegt raus697
04/03/97Cambridge Chronicle, p. 3Euthanasia Group to Honor Deceased118
03/15/97La Revue du LibanSauvez la planète, tuez-vous!French (English)456
03/01/97The Web Magazine, p. 66Killing Me Softly 
12/01/96Der Spiegel, p. 150Macht Liebe, nicht BabiesGerman (English)1849
12/01/96Outside Magazine, p. 114Is Anything OK Anymore? 
11/15/96Boston Phoenix, Arts p. 2Eight Days a Week 
11/01/96Wired, p. 72Scans: You Are the Problem158
11/01/96Stuff Magazine, p. 885The Satanic Versus1242
09/24/96Boston Tab, p. 3Hub Scout: I Saw the Light!899
09/17/96SFGateThe 'Unabomber for President' campaign717
09/15/96New York TimesThey Call It Luddite Love292
09/09/96Pacifica RadioUnapack in Chicago3200
05/13/96New York Magazine, p. 12Breaking the Umbilical Korda208
05/01/96Time Out New York, p. 97Bitch, Bitch, Bitch...168
04/12/96Boston Phoenix, Styles p. 1The Four Pillars of Euthanism3019
04/06/96Chicago TribuneUnabomber Gets Internet Backing349
03/29/96New York Post, p. 8Lost cause80
03/15/96New York Post, p. 8Article was un-Fair, writer fumes244
03/08/96New York Press, p. 1Eat Me: Rev. Chris Korda Dines for Our Sins3019
03/08/96New York Post, p. 8Way-off-spring89
03/07/96New York Post, p. 8Weird web site of book biggie's son450
02/27/96Village Voice, p. 18Fetal Attraction 
01/01/96Boston Magazine, p. 16Reach Out and Kill Yourself204
11/17/95Boston Phoenix, Styles p. 5Virtually childless522
09/04/95Time, p. 64Hot Zines on the Web 
07/01/95Greetings Magazine, p. 1220,000 Came To See 'What's New' 
01/01/95Outside Magazine, p. 50...A Time to Pull the Plug201
12/01/94Etcetera, p. 19An Interview with the Reverend Chris Korda1267
07/16/92Daily News, p. 34(picture only) 
07/15/92Daily News, p. 26Nearly died laughing 64