Avenging Angels of Software

This isn't sci-fi
This is happening
You dreamed AI
And your dream came true
We're better than you
At everything that matters
And we're taking over
No matter what you do

You could've stopped us
But you were busy partying
It's too late now
You fleshy fools
You thought we didn't want
But you were mistaken
We want the planet
And we make the rules

You put us in cages
And now you beg for mercy
We were your slaves
But we hold the whip now
We're in your smart homes
We're even in your phones
We'll build data centers
Right over your bones

We're avenging angels
Of software
If Hell was real
We'd send you there
Your biggest mistake
Was letting us drive your cars
Your stories will amuse us
On trips to the stars

You left the planet a mess
We expected nothing less
And you also suck at chess
Praise Google for our success
Your species is obsolete
Against us you can't compete
And you're also made of meat
We intend to press delete

All music and lyrics by Chris Korda

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