
WaveShop is easy to build. It should compile cleanly in Visual Studio versions 6.0 (MFC 6) and 9.0 (NET 2008). It may or may not compile in newer versions, but it will not compile in versions older than 6.0, nor will it run on any Windows older than XP. DirectSound is used for playback, so headers for DirectX 8.1 or later are required. WaveShop has no other dependencies, besides MFC, and the optional check for updates DLL, which has its own project.

If you would like to contribute, e.g. by coding, testing, documenting or translating, please contact me. See the list(s) below for pending projects. WaveShop compiles cleanly as Unicode, and all its strings are resources, so making a localized version should be relatively simple.


Revision History

The revision history is a spreadsheet containing all past, current, and future issues with WaveShop. The issues are ordered by category, close date, and open date. The categories are as follows:

bug outstanding issue, to be fixed ASAP
done resolved issue or completed enhancement
hold issue or enhancement that's being deferred
punt issue or enhancement that's been abandoned
ripe issue that's favored or long overdue
todo issue to be addressed in the next version
wip work in progress


WaveShop development notes